>Sup Forums will defend this
Sup Forums will defend this
But I don't. I would unironically ban them as a public health concern. Its farming practices like this that will breed an avian flu completely resistant to antibiotics. Also the meat and egg nutrition/taste is sub par at best.
This isn't a communism, no one is forcing you to eat that.
>>Sup Forums will defend this
bet OP just had mcchicken in ast 24rs
>not hunting your own food
Avian flu and swine flu came from asia, if you want to pay $6/lb for chicken be my guest but as long as we cant geow meat in a lab this is necessary
do you know how much free range tendies cost?
i'll defend farming? yes, why wouldn't I?
We just passed a law against it in Massachusetts. The only difference is the chicken is now smaller since they've stopped feeding it hormones in order to save room, but that's a good thing. You'd have to cook that sucker for 40 minutes before.
Chicken is really inexpensive here in California. I just paid 1.98 a pound for fresh boneless skinless. Boneless skinless thighs were 2.29 and whole chickens were 1.19 a pound.
Modern farming techniques allow these prices.
blame the fat asses for this you fucking moron.
By contrast organic free range chicken was 9 dollars a pound.
It's a pretty easy decision tbqh
Cage free is a lie
If the chicken isn't free range it tastes like oppression
are you against chicken nuggets cuz i aint
Must taste delicious then.
Why not?
They are white NEET chickens
That angers me. I recognize these complaints for the left when it comes to animal care and environment.
There ain't nothing to defend.
They are animals, on a farm.
In southern ontario, a sale price is 3.99 a lb
They're fucking delicious, mate
t. Burger
Why even bother blurring? There's no way you can see genitalia through the folds.
Gitcha beat by a dollar out here in Southwest Idaho.
>Implying I'm not vegan
but the skin is the best part?
Implying the life of a chicken should be respected at all. They are tiny dinosaurs with emotionless lizard brains and lifeless eyes. They would eat you without a thought if the roles were reversed.
Fuck chickens.
It's not a good system, not for the farmers, not for the chickens, not even for the customers. Sure you get cheap chicken - but you get what you pay for too...
It's probably been awhile since you've had food, judging by your flag
My neighbor has a dozen chickens so I get them there.
Free range tick and worm fed instead of corn
no it isnt dumbass. i raise and butcher 300 a year for my family. its not even hard.
What's wrong?
On the animal side they are alive, fed, in good company and clean.
On the human side we get to eat lots of chickens without having to sacrifice our golf space.
The only thing that could realistically be improved would be to layer them so we could have like 5x as many chickens in there.
This is why i never eat store chicken. That chicken got no muscles at all, it's too soft and all flavor is in the spices, not the meat.
>efficient and effective food production
>needs to be defend
I don't understand.
How many do you realistically have to raise at any one time to achieve a 300/year kill rate?
nothing to defend, those are just shitty useless animals, the chicken's brain is stupider than a turkey.
dumbass, cafo's vaporize shit in the air and the butchering practices of these birds is much worse than home butchering or sending them to a meat locker to be butchered
Cows are alright though. Too bad they taste so delicious.
i buy them in 100 a pack and i lose less than 5 every time. some of them have poor genetics, wont eat or drink, dont move, and just die after a day or three. if you just raise them on grass with supplemented feed, then they raise themselves.
>a communism
They are just chickens mate. If you want it to be easy then naturally you have to be crueller. Not every chicken needs to be super high quality.
yep, i have 4 cows too. i spray them for flies and give them water and they are the sweetest things on the farm. too bad we are gonna eat them.
Lol, no
>I have the land and resources to do this
>everyone has the land and resources to do this
Not all of us are addicted to fast food, you fat fuck.
Myself, I've not had McDonald's since September, and I do actually like it, a lot, I have this thing called willpower though.
This is how delicious boneless skinless chicken breast is made
The universe literally gifted us with a delicious, meaty, retarded bird that can sustain itself by eating shit out of the dirt and this is how liberals react.
Vegans are fucking retarded. Vegetarian is a good lifestyle, but cutting out things like milk and eggs is just so fucking dumb. Why not just kill yourself instead?
i often look at them and am reminded of dinos, kinda weird evolutionary path.
2 acres? if you live in a city, you are going to have to deal with shit food, sorry, you chose that.
it cost me 40 dollars to make my first chicken pen and after selling them for 4$ a pound i made a bigger one for 100 dollars. if you cant afford a couple 2x4's you are a shitstain.
Most farms aren't like that. This shit propaganda has gotten to the point I don't even believe these are genuine pictures and videos.
I grew up on a farm, and the animals were treated well. As a kid I would play with the animals and treat them as pets.
I've been to a lot of farms and I've seen what happens there, none of them look like this. Also by pure (((coincidence))) none of those farms have people going into them and taking pictures and filming them.
Really makes you think how these farms with inhumane conditions just happen to have people going into them with cameras.
What sense does it even make?
If I was treating animals like shit, why would I allow people to film it? And if someone did film it, why wouldn't I sue them?
This vegan propaganda is beyond dodgy.
The only issue i have with that growing strategy is that with a huge supply of chicken the price falls heavily. And places like McDonalds can make the lowest quality chicken " nuggets" and sell it cheaply to the poorer american public. enabling a lifestyle of poor food choices to their economic status. Then that poor lifestyle would then result in more health issues which causes them to spend more money. Thus perpetuating the decline of wealth and health
But that is usually due to the parents poor financial decisions
All nationalists should be completely against disgusting factory farming practices. Cleaner healthier food means cleaner healthier people. Taking good care of your land and animals is a point of pride for anyone who isn't a subhuman. Animal cruelty is 3rd world tier.
>tick and worm fed
Enjoy your Powassan.
This has nothing to do with vegetarianism or veganism.
All evidence and logic points to these ''disgusting farming practices'' being vegan jew staged hoaxes.
Farms don't treat animals poorly for no reason, and if they did they wouldn't allow people to come in and film them beating the animals.
Thanks for correcting the record, Monsanto.
Fucking lol. Although he's most likely a western teenager
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
I used to work in a shelter and the only people who would ever hurt the animals (and end up getting fired over it) were blacks. The only whites who do that kind of shit are pure hillbilly trash or psychopaths.
More retarded jew nonsense.
Monsanto just uses copyright laws to protect their genetically engineered seeds. Monstanto controls a very small portion of the GMO business, yet retarded liberal faggots focus on them. They own something like 2% of the GMO food production, yet when SJW piece of shits need a strawman to attack they attack Monstanso, the guy who use genetic engineering to produce cheap food that feeds millions.
You retards are fucking retarded.
Not an argument.
It's ungrateful. Chickens provide us with food. Least we can do in return is give them a healthy life to live out their natural life before harvesting them. Similarly since niggers provide us with crime it's our duty to not treat them with dignity.
Yet all the vegan pushed videos of animal abuse in factories feature white men, literally every single video they show has white men beating up animals for no reason, and there is someone standing there with a camera filming them.
Really makes you think.
Guess I am retarded for noticing something like this.
>You retards are fucking retarded
You proved my point, flagfaggot.
I will definitely defend the right of freedom of assembly for chickens
>Farms don't treat animals poorly for no reason
Yeah, of course not, they do it because they make more money that way. Thanks for the earth-shattering revelation, Purdue.
What an argument.
No one in their right mind can defend the meat industry. It needs a complete overhaul.
Guess you are retarded, hidden cameras exist, and like I said dumb hillbilly trash and people with mental problems hurt animals too. Are you included in that list? Since you think its just fine. You're probably a mexican hiding behind that nazi flag. Do you think Hitler would have approved of that sort of thing? He was a vegan himself. Or do you think that fact about him is jew propaganda?
Animals are meant for humans to use however they see fit. If the animals don't like it then they should tell us... oh wait they can't because they're fucking animals and they can't show actual intelligence.
>Since September
wow not even a year? no wonder you are slowly dying
The barn is only full because the chickens are fully grown.
grow your own chicken then you cuck
Stop being fucking retarded.
Farms don't benefit from treating animals worse for no fucking reason. If you've ever been on the farm, and if you have ever seen the vegan propaganda videos talking about animal abuse, you are going to see a huge disconnect between the two.
The videos show people literally beating the animals for no reason, punching them in the face, burning them.
The propaganda blows the entire thing so out of proportion that it's impossible to even talk about the reality of farming.
Now that's what I call human progress at it's finest
>1 post by this ID
You want cheap chicken? Buy the cheap one.
There's no way to have cheap chicken and not have what's in that pic.
If you want more expensive, free range chicken buy it.
It will cost double or more of the chicken in the pic.
Do you really not want people affording groceries and starving to death?
>muh think of the chickens feelings
Survival of the fittest nigger, shoulda evolved not to be so fucking delicious.
Try watching the videos, you fucking retarded faggot.
They have people with cameras in their hands walking around filming others beat up animals and by (((pure coincidence))) the people beating animals always have their faces blurred out.
You retarded faggots don't even have the braincells to ask simple questions, like how does someone sneak a ''hidden camera'' on someone else's property.
If you tried to ''sneak a hidden camera'' on parent's farm you would get shot.
the only difference is the chickens are smaller, you're losing money but also not having to eat some fat ass oversized chicken breast
>Most farms aren't like that.
>shit propaganda
Yes chicken houses are like that. They have been for a long time, and it's fine because chickens don't really give a fuck. They're fucking birds. All they do is eat and shit and run away from loud sounds and bright colors. What's new is that people are framing it as so cruel when it really isn't. Chickens are food.
t. guy who worked chicken houses in the summers as a teenager
That's fucking disgusting.
There needs to be more regulation to stop stuff like this
And kosher should be illegal.
>t. vegan who has never been on a farm spreading vegan propaganda
not an argument
kids like you should just stay in Sup Forums
>That's fucking disgusting.
How is that disgusting? Do you get disgusted when you see a subway too?
Chickens are for hugs, stop this slaughter!
The difference is this way is less labor intensive and requires less land, aka lower costs.
Stop lying you cuck
Last videos I saw were brown islander immigrant farm workers abusing calves in NZ
Those videos horrified the nation
You probably had too much, judging by yours.
I'm not some kike concerned with lower costs. Stop pumping them with hormones and charge a similar amount, I'm fine with that.
The living example of millennians being natural cucks.
>ew! that's gross!
Jesus Christ, you are the number 1 country in the world. Start acting like it.
nope, plenty of us reject industrial farming
it is cruel and unhealthy. if you eat this shit you're a fucking idiot
Bitch I worked on a farm for 3 years that was totally ok myself, just because some farms are ok doesn't mean huge factory farms staffed by the dregs of society aren't breeding grounds for disgusting cruelty. You're a fucking idiot.
You can't charge a similar amount for a product that's more expensive to make.
Take some economics course.
If you want free range, non hormone chicken it's available in most supermarkets. Go buy it, but you'll spend double the cost.
We're not talking about NZ, you fucking faggot.
We're talking about America and Europe. No one cares of Kiwis fuck animals.
You can't use footage from different countries to push an agenda in your country, like showing Asians eating dogs to push a PETA agenda in America. It doesn't work that way.
>nonsentient meat deserves to be treated well
This is how to spot a cuck children
Not an argument.
I really don't give a shit bud, America is too fat as it is. Chickens being treated like shit is a minor concern.