Libretards BTFO
Libretards BTFO
>revoking consent
>Libretards BTFO
>From India
BTFO you fucking shitskin
This will probably discourage female promiscuity
>revoking consent
This only happens when an American slut realizes she is not getting payed
don't fuck unless youre trying to catch a nut bitch
there is no such thing as revoking consent
no matter how long it takes to finish
Witnessed the goodness
>revoking consent
>Libretards BTFO
Are you implying rape is right-wing behavior? Sounds about right.
And this is obviously fake news.
>Revoke consent mid sex
Bitch how bout we revoke consent period and just call rape assault?
screencap here i cum
There's videos of women claiming they have the right to revoke consent during or even, get this, AFTER. How do you think most rape charges happen? They change their mind and want to save face, ruin someone's live and maybe get some money.
>going for two hours
>she gets dry and you still havent nutted because you spend your life jerking to anime
>wants to stop because it hurts
>you keep going
>10m later you give up and cant do it
>pussy torn up
>no sex for a month
great idea
>revoke consent
What? Who consents then revokes it?
>Screencapping quads
fuck off back to r*ddit, nigger.
>Have sex
>Can't cum
>"I can only cum after I shit in your mouth"
>She can't back out now.
>t. Proxyshill trying to type cast Indians as rapey
India has been characterised as one of the "countries with the lowest per capita rates of rape".[5] A 2014 piece in The Lancet states that the "8.5% prevalence of sexual violence in the country is among the lowest in the world."[6]
Indians respect women and our religion celebrates women.
This is true. If a woman does this she should get prosecuted and slapped with the same sentence the rapist would have gotten. Or double the sentence of the man in question was married/in a relationship because it affects more than one life.
This does require a functioning legal system though so that excludes all states under the ECtHR.
>USA flag
make up your mind, traitor
You're full of shit. I've been there multiple times and have many Indian friends. Rape is a huge problem there. It's just not reported.
Male sex is a biological function that can cause us physical pain if not finished. If a girl ever seriously tried to revoke consent at the last second, I would try to explain this. Masturbate if she still says no and then never speak to her again. Any relationship we have is over. It's not ok but it's also not really a big deal. I take care of myself most of the time anyway, so who gives a shit. If a girl really pulls this kind of crap then cut them off.
Based NC