why is japan impervious to jewish tricks?
Why is japan impervious to jewish tricks?
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Their numbers + no holohoax
No soul
Because they're yellow, so Jewish Shapeshifting doesn't work.
They are nuclear mutants
They still own their companies, most in the west has been sold to Jews.
Because they aren't self hating faggots
Jews fear the samurai
Language barrier
They do it to themselves. See anime and hentai.
They were allied with Hitler
it's actually that simple. sadly cuckerberg the magical jew already made an elliot roger sleeper agent to subvert the chinks, somebody should kill the second coming of mao demon spawn
Because they're controlled by the equivalent of the Clintons in Japan with links to all sorts of media and massive corporations that has helped keep the same one party in control for 70 years, despite the fact that their economy, culture and society has been crashing down for the last 20 years with poverty, crime, and immigration just increasing. They are anti-white, too.
Their police is like the German and Swedish police where they hide any crime, instead of just migrant crime, they have literal British tier thought police where they can now preemptively act against crimes *cough cough* challenging the corrupt billionaire establishment *cough cough*
I don't know why Sup Forums is still riding the Japan love train, it derailed fucking at the end of the 1980s. They're a shell of themselves and you're falling for the brainwashing -- like North Koreans believing North Korea is great and the last bastion of the civilised world, Sup Forums has fallen for the Japan is the best country in the world meme.
This. Japs cuck themselves. No Jews required.
They're not, as you can see in their society already.
They're next on the menu after Europe.
better live in a homogenes shithole than a "liberal paradies"
They finally pulled off an infiltration by sabotaging the Fukushima reactors. Remember, these are the same people who pulled off Stuxnet. Morally reprehensible but admittedly diabolically impressive
Japan is a miserable hellhole. Beneath the anime and clean streets is a society that is about as soulless and sociopathic as Gilliam's Brazil.
On top of Fukushima, faggot Keynesian economics ruined even this industrious nation. Similar to how communism has destroyed Venezuela despite them having one of the largest oil fields on the planet
>soulless and sociopathic
this is just how asians are mate
they're jews
Aren't Jews behind Japan's Lost Decade?
God it's sad, but this is actually the answer. I came here to post this. Imagine if all the wealthy people and politicians living in japan were actually white jews. They would be exposed, unlike in white countries.
If you don't accept this, then you're just like every demoralized commie