what are realistically the odds of Alex jones ever being elected president
What are realistically the odds of Alex jones ever being elected president
if you asked me that more than a year or two ago, i would have said more likely than Donald trump,
now I dont know what to think,
i love this timeline
That would be a nightmare. This man is a slimy con artist who denies the sandy hook massacre. Fuck him.
Negative 9001
Before Trump, I would have said -10000% ... but honestly who knows now
i like those 9s
I personally spit on the grave of Sandy Hook victims and shit there all the time.
I'd support President Jones just for the fun factor
I know right! My cousin was at Sandy Hook.
>Trump becomes Hitler 2.0
>Alex Jones becomes Goebbels 2.0
>Trump quits after MAGA and 2 terms
>Alex Jones ascends Führerhood
I'd give it a 25% desu
yep next time tune into Alex Jones (r) vs. Duane "the rock " Johnson (d)
>we're so fucked after Trump
not very high chances there because I don't quite know any case of a reporter/journalist becoming a politician all of a sudden.
1-2 percent. Too based/crazy to win unless we perform even better in the meme war. His only chance is to be memed into office.
>another jewish golem falseflagging against globalism
You guys already have a Trump
>using meme as a verb
You know, 2 years ago that post would've gotten more than 10 replies.
9001? Go back to Plebbit where that meme hasn't died yet. Smh
It would mean the cuckening is complete.
>Abides by 2 term rule
>Hitler 2.0
>le reddit meme
Just lurk more kid...
I would vote for him