How suicidal France is?
How suicidal France is?
Isn't what he's doing hate speech?
Disgusting, good job France.
Poland and Hungary need to be punished...
>Betray The EU.
>Betray Your Own Country.
Chose one.
Most depressed country award winner here,
Highest joy-pills consumption in the world,
Clearly we full on suicidal thought.
Note how the only thing in actual quotation marks is "betraying".
What were Macron's FULL remarks?
Fake news as fuck boys.
Your own country IS in the EU.... so...?
Fuck this granny-fucker.
He's gonna get a year of safe space, and then he's gonna go down like Hollande.
Granting asylum to real refugees, if not abused, is morally just and not 'mass immigration'.
Very disingenuous headline.
Jesus fucking Hitler France is gone. The jews have totally fucked France over. Thanks for showing what happens when you take in 3th world shitheads.
I can't wait for the news about the white babies being eaten to make magic to stop AIDS
magic niggers incoming
>What were Macron's FULL remarks?
Probably something in French.
So why haven't Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia all just declare war on Germany and France?
It's not like they could put up much of a fight anyways, with their wussed out, beta male population and dwindling military capabilities.
He's an economist.
Might as well be a Jew.
What is wrong with you frogeaters?
>sacre bleu! Our country get flooded by terrorattacks
>paris looks like africa
>another terror attack!
>the socialist around Hollande screwed our country!
>another terror attack!
>most young muslims are pro-terrorist attacks!
>ananananananananother terror attack!
>hey, you heard of the guy, who once was part of hollandes government and doesnt want to change anything, but to get even MORE pro EU and pro globalist? Yeah, he went to the most expensive school in france when he was younger and married his pedophile teacher! awww man, he is /OURGUY/
>Make alliance with centrist party.
>have some ministers from their side.
>Elections over.
>Suddenly scandals hit centrist party.
>Out of the government.
Certainly, it must be muh russia.
he's right you know
it proofs that the whole purpose of the EU is to replace the natives, slowly but steadily, planed for decades
now everybody/every country which doesn't play along is indeed preventing this stalling this very "progress"
now why people intentionally vote for their own extinction is still beyond me
like mass Alzheimer setting in a couple of weeks before every important election
>magic niggers
kek my sides, I imagined a homeless monkey screaming with shit everywhere
>Macron told france to raise a white flag, once again
France... :(
>Let's make Africa 2.0
>Expect it to be any better than Africa.
They'll probably loose the nuclear codes on the way there.
>Czech person in France for holiday currently
France is depressing. Niggers everywhere, I literally saw them vandalising the street and couldn't do anything because it was me against 7 of them, with them probably having weapons and me not having my gun with me because I'm in France. France is going to shit faster than I imagined, even in the French Riviera where I am now which is supposed to be luxurious there are hundreds of niggers. I flew in to Nice airport, and Nice was absolutely horrendous, about 4 blacks for every 1 white.
>Because the last time we wanted to fight against the Germans our "allies" sold us out by handing over our border to Hitler, would probably happen again but using sanctions now instead of brute force.
Our only true allies in this time are Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and most of the Slavic countries. Everyone in the "Advanced Western society" is mentally retarded, if they aren't then they moved away already. Thank god I am moving to Russia soon, even safer than my home country of Czech Republic, which is quite surprising considering the general stance towards anyone not Czech.