What do women use to talk about politics? Or are they not interested, or just post stuff on Facebook to get their (((Yous))) in form of degenerate likes?
Sup Forums Sup Forums is an exclusively male domain
I come to pol to post pictures of my feet.
>talk about politics
The latter. Fairly obvious answer famalam
Literally 1/3 of this board is female. They just don't say it because it's against the unwritten rules.
If anyone openly states they are female, they are obligated to show their tits before anyone responds to what they say.
This has been the longstanding rule since the early days of Sup Forums
Women don't like to talk about politics or think about politics. They like to get their views from their social circle and then see those views parroted to them by their favorite News Anchor(most likely Rachel Maddow).
Women don't usually explore different political ideologies. It's all about fitting in with what you perceive is popular.
Sauce on that stat? I wouldn't find it hard to believe 1/3 of the chans in general are female, but I find it very hard to believe 1/3 of Sup Forumsacks are.
You need a better camera and better feet.
I know that there are many wonen on here. Your sexism is what makes most women left wing.
Anonymous board that yells tits or gtfo when someone reveals as female... there are way more females here than you realize who keep concealed.
pick one
The reason you spergs complain about being single all the time is that the moment some girl decides to date you you begin ranting about jews and politics. Women don't really care about most of this shit. All they really want is for you to have a job, be confident, have a dick and to make her laugh. That's pretty much it.
>most women left wing
You forgot to include the qualifier, 'colored.'
women talk about politicians, not politics
if by female you mean the ones with a dick maybe
Most single unmarried women are left wing, as well as most divorced women.
But most married women with children are very right wing (although not as right wing as married men). It's because when women get married, they start thinking past themselves and their vaginas, and start actually thinking about the wellbeing of their children and husband
women use pol, we just usually don't mention our gender, except for a few attention whores who go like "femanon here haha yes i have a pussy and im into politics now shower me in attention :)))) "
women talk politics on normiebook, at university and at social events.
and by talk i mean regurgitate left wing cliche's they picked up from john oliver or some shit tier meme page. no joke i know a girl that word for word quoted a facebook meme about jeremy corbyn.
I come here to discuss politics, never normiebook.
Women in general do not discuss politics, and if they do, not rationally. I've tried to have political discussions with other women and have had the following responses:
>"I didn't know that!"
>"That's so interesting!"
>"You're so much smarter than some girl I hate and am now going to talk shit about"
I don't try anymore.
Any Facebook post you've seen by a girl trying to be political is either virtue signalling or she's one of the 8 in 120 women who can actually understand and discuss politics. It will be easy to tell which category they fall into.
>(Number is based on anecdotal evidence, 8 history students, only other girls I've met who can into politics in a 120 person class year at an all girl school.)
If you're trying to reach women and shape their opinions to make them useful drones kikebook is the way to go. That's where they get their opinions from.
i wouldn't be surprised if the "1/3 of pol browsers are female" thing is true. if other women are anything like me they:
>have no reason to clarify that they are female
>don't want to clarify they are female for fear of
i know post tits or gtfo was started to get rid of attention whores, but ironically enough all it does now is discourage women who want to contribute to the discussion (which i'm sure at least a few of you don't mind at all)
>most women get their political opinions from kikebook
this is a sad truth
>what can we do to stop western women from being degenerate pol?
>lets ask every women on the board to show their tits to strangers on the internet.
Based cuckoo clock nigger
Women don't really do anything for any meaningful reason. The only place women will discuss politics will be either on Facebook to either get endless positive feedback for professing their goodthink, or to shame someone for not having the right beliefs and make themselves look better in the process.
Politics for politics' sake is beyond women.
Do you even know what we're dealing with here?
Don't even try female. Your brainlet is here to raise kids; nothing more.
I will tell you that the lack of physical strenght among males is deplorable yes; for the rest don't even try.
nice ad hominem for pointing out the doublestandart
you sound insecure as hell.
>anime fagposting
Almost certainly has a penis. Boobs or leave. Now
Yeah it's pretty much that. There's also the fact that 99% of the time me being female is not relevant to the conversation and doesn't need to be brought up. I think it's a good deterrent honestly. Keeps people from relying too much on gender as a qualifier for your opinions as opposed to actually useful information.
Women don't discuss politics. They observe the pros and cons of supporting something and pick the one that gives them more attention or social points
Their entire self worth is based on what others think of them, so they only use platforms like kikebook and plebbit that give out upvotes.
Another longstanding rule was keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums
Post tits or GTFO
always fun to see how guys on this board act like literal horndog primates when women are around, wanting them to act like degenerates, yet always blame women for being degenerate.
priceless doublestandart.
also tits or gtfo is a Sup Forums rule
Women don't care about politics unless it's to impress a man. It's the same with hobbies.
silly boys, of course we use Sup Forums, women can understand politics too. ^.)
nice ant feet
1/10 maybe.
Maybe in 20 years it will be 50/50. Women are usually late.
Wow like real life is any different, and to the more critically minded, Sup Forums allows for a discourse of reflection in gender issues such as you mentioned - female posters relying on their own gender and sexuality to be attention whores. In some ways perhaps its a refutation and subconscious social shaming of the "attention whore", sometimes by "outrageous behavior" i.e. shitposting tits or gtfo
women and caring about politics, hahahah
It's fucking annoying when people mention they're a female. For some reason it puts a picture in my mind of some awkward girl trying to hard to fit in with her male friends (along the "I can be a gamer too guise, lol I'm so different and kewl" line).
I know girls post but seeing the mention of it for some reason makes me cringe
Don't be upset my angel.
Here; have a Lys flower.
To be honest it's depressing for me. Knowing that most women can't formulate an argument that doesn't involve themselves personally says something really awful about women in general.
>Sup Forums
any form of (you) that isnt coming from real interpersonal relationships is a fake (you) like beating off to porn, and is thereby inherently degenerate.
posting on facebook might be pretty blue-pilled, but it's less emotionally draining than listening to shills and burgers whove never travelled telling you that anna kournikova is not white
they just start critically thinking they usually don't have to do that
not THIS again. The smartest thing ever to come out of a woman's mouth was Einstein's cock. They want respect....? They need to sort their shit the fuck out and join the grownups at the adult table. You can't stay a child your entire life and expect to be taken seriously.
Post more Anna.
based others, aren't based others our guys pedes?