>Sultan Erdogan
Turks are ready to war!
Hazır olun ibineler.
Sultan Erdogan
well said brother
We gonna fuck ur wifes and daughters. And also ur white-ass boys. Even they r musculer nordic shits. You think we r barbarians, so it is ok for us. We gonna do some barbaric shits.
Bait harder fag
who you're going to war with roach
if you make pic related happen you honorary whites
look at the map. that is just begining asshole
please, this year has been so boring, we need a war, i want to watch your asses get wrecked.
And it's where you're going to stay, forever. You're lucky we've continued to let you keep Constantinople for so long.
if white peoples want to fuck you, we r ok with that. you fuckin tortillahead
why u want istanbul? to sell ur womans?
Roach is not a good bait.
hey man, don't mess with the tortilla, it's sacred
Roach is not good bait.
lol shut up shitskin k*rd and suck türkish dick
its too far, i rather fuck white bitches, they like brown dick
>Al-Andalus flag
seems about right
well said francos child.
what is your problem about "endülüs"
shut up woman, mans r talking
sure, recreate the ottoman empire
I've been looking for a coagulated gov't under which conservative islam can find a home only to be purged by the west in another fireball of nuclear flame.
We'll do to you what we did to japan, and cuck your religion while we occupy you.
I can't wait.
that is the point actually uncle toms whore... we want to fight you and fuck ur false religion and dominate our culture entire west lands. thats the direction of our ideology.
also all americans afraid Turks army. our people is fighter.
>actually uncle toms whore
you dont know what an uncle tom is then
>fight the west
lol ok, sure. You do realize the femtosecond turkey becomes more of a bother than a resource you are going to be dropped by the West.
The reason you weren't let into the EU was because you were never supposed to have power, you are just a necessary thorn in the side for elites.
The second you try to mess with the west, they will have been so sick and tired of you browns nationalism will just need the push you are going to give
them to start an all out crusade against you.
>dominate west lands
keep dreaming roach.
>our people is fighter.
yes, you are autistic, arent you.
I cant wait to eat gyros in Constantinople
Turks are ready to suck my dick
we dont want to join eu. we r already fuck you when we was ottoman.
who r u stupid woman. come Turkey to holiday, and bring here ur husband too.
You'll probably suck his cock.
>Turks are ready to war!
are you gonna use the roach battle formation?
hahaah funny. you go first. then i like to fuck white male.
no we gonna use the turanic formation. We r strong enough. accept it.
someone photoshop a sultin hat onto this guy
my theory that everyone here using an ancap flag is a kike just confirmed
look the image
>stronk as a turk
don't forget your olive oil
I'd rather be greedy than greasy, but to each his own, I guess
look at this one
Good. We can finally get rid of you scum.
so do you think they cant kill you and fuck ur wife instead ur eyes?
Fuckin stupid fatass
i hope bulgaria calls for a crusade .
I'm pretty sure they won't fuck my wife, indeed
as to what they'd be willing to do to me, I admit it could be scary, if they weren't roaches
pic very related
who cares ur planes. ur soldiers, ur people is stupid, fat and coward
ahahaha there is no bulgaria when the date is 2023
Just stop. Whoever it is that's shitposting ITT, just stop.
Aren't you tired of humiliating Turkroaches? What's the point? They're irrelevant and a non-threat, why do you insist on bullying Turkey and Turkroaches?
GOOD. I have stocked up on RAID.
ok. ok. just talkin west people. just talkin
but we begin to make real our ideals. Erdogan is start the new age.
I welcome rebirth of empires.
>implying you can do more than that, apart from sloshing in your own shit
well thank you.
You're going to get embarrassed if you start anything against anyone. You're in NATO.
The second you flex, you're getting kicked. Europe, Russia and the US will rain down on you. Russia especially considering how itchy they are to fuck you up with no restriction.
If you're willing to give CONSTANTINOPLE back to the West and become a nuclear wasteland in the process, fine by me.
>be muzzie
>blown up by US artillary
>we was ottoman
The joke writes itself.
>why 2023 though?
The kikes are getting nervous now that everyones onto them. Cant wait until he joint Turkish, Iranian, Russian invasion gets started. Palastine will be in good hands within the neo-Ottoman empire
Saw this earlier . The guy seemed to be getting at something
we will use your weakness. we will conquere ur land. like we did it once.
100 year anniversary of Turkey's birth. Ironically, Turks respond by ensuring the country abandons everything Ataturk valued.
we are friends right roachbro? you wont attack us right?
friends? You're colonized roach land
not in this century
You conquered nothing, dummy. I'm not Spanish but even if I was the Turks would be the last thing I'd fear.
It was the Berbers who conquered Spain and they responded to the Abbasid Caliphate in Baghdad. Afterwards they cut ties with the Abbasid losers and had their own things going.
But I wouldn't expect a Turkroach to know anything about history anyways.
we knows history. if roman pagans would not happen in europa, your people could be still living in caves
Yeah, because people were living in caves before that, right? You're kinda wanting to forget that Greeks were a thing.
Stay in your lane, Turkroach. You're pathetic and so is your history.
>we knows history
The roach can not even spell properly.
ur people yes. but we destroy greek symbols
Ottoman didn't touch us brainless faggot, we was in the coalittion that won the Great Northern War so stfu you lost. EU can fuck off. Erdogan is a EU boot licker.
well yes i dont know english u bastard. cuz u cant colonized us. ahahahaha. we won!
My people weren't.
You destroyed Greek symbols in Asia Minor, not in Europe. Jesus, how fucking stupid are you? I mean the bar's set pretty low in what concerns you Turkroaches, but still.
I figure this whole thread is b8.
so what about rusians?
I fuck turkish bitches in Izmir yearly faggot.
probably they r greek lol
>cuz u cant colonized us. ahahahaha. we won!
Kek. Look at India they were colonised and they turned out better than you roach. I'll send you a postcard when you get kicked out of NATO and then Russia will proceed to rape your country.
when the time came, we will quit the fucking coward nato.
Do some happenings. Leave NATO, attacks isreal, saudi arabia or something. Whats Erdogans foreign policy plan btw?
Sorry to disappoint you, but they are turkish.
in a short term, we attack kurds and arabs. could be egypt-saudi-kurds vs iran-Turks-qatar
Erdoğan is only interested in securing power. The rest is just annoyance to him.
then good for you. every nations have some whores bro. we r just enemy but we r still man.
Fuking with kurds is so boring. I like the other options tho
And what get raped by Russia?
if west try to save kurds, things gonna get interesting.
we will see. they cant even fight chechens
fuckin arabs bastards. we hate them.
There really isn't a difference between Turks and Arabs.
I fucked a turkish erasmus girl. I was suprised how dellusional liberal she was. She even addresed the idiot veil debate. She was from istanbul and learning in Izmir. She wanted to know what do I think of you roaches. But one thing was so interesting to me. She said she knows NOTHING about the turks who live in east like Kayseri.
there is so many differences, just google it stupid.
Turks are greek rape-babies basically. They're humans sometimes.
she was greek asshole. but she dont know it.
Why did turks outlaw teaching evolution ?
pls no hurt me
Not really. You're all the same.
[spoiler]Shhhhhhh, tell a Turk he's an Arab and watch him react. [/spoiler]
cuz we need ideological soldiers who dont brain washed. if u need soldiers u dont have to teach them some logical shits. its true.
its just ur ignorance. we dont care what u thinking lol