It seems like most of you lovingly make fun of him and know he's ridiculous, so why do you listen to him if you know he's crazy?
Alex Jones fans
He is entertaining, do you think we believe him?
yall shareblue niggas DENSE
he's crazy
crazy like a FOX
Liberals can watch him for laughs too if all he is is entertaining. There's something else going on I'm want to get to the bottom of. I'm not Megyn Kelly by the way.
I don't listen to him anymore. Between his constant Trump dick sucking, Kike Cernobitch, and jews everywhere, it's unwatchable garbage. It used to at least be entertaining and edgy
Tuck Buckford likes it!
I'm a democrat!
I'm like the guy who did it!
Entertainment value. If I'm going to listen to the lying media, might as well go somewhere fun.
Entertainment and it helps me sleep at night believe it or not, when I'm laying in bed when tucker and Hannity ends I just go on YouTube and play the show and it puts me to sleep idk why
even a crazy person can have good ideas and be right. State of mind does not determine truth, only the what they say.
Anyone who doesn't understand this should not be voting.
im waiting for his presidential run
I do the same thing.
It's simple normie friend.
The email leaks revealed that Alex Jones is infact, controlled opposition. The DNC edit his stuff and tell him want to talk about. They make him half right on purpose, then make him ridiculous and purposely state key facts wrong or take stupid positions on obviously wrong subjects like his vitamin B shit which is all stupid as hell. This way when you quote him, you are easy to disprove and it makes for easy converts and easily discredited sources.
Fox News is the same thing by the way. They are both false on purpose to provide opposition that they can plan against.
This also helps the left decide when to make left and right appear to agree, like bombing Syria. The conservatives do not want to bomb Syrian army members. This is not something that should be praised.
We lovingly make fun of it because 2 things.
1. It backfired gloriously partly, many people are so stupid that they never notice all the intentional falsehoods or contradictions with conservative populace issues.
2. He's a completely ridiculous character that's easy to make fun of.
3. It's good for us when people believe his lies. He's right for the wrong reasons. At this point I no longer care what it takes to defeat the left. I would print posters in Spanish saying that Hillary eats babies if I could get spics believing it.
This exactly
>so why do you listen to him if you know he's crazy?
Same reason I listen to Sup Forums
I just like his, Donald Trumps and Roger Stone's approach. Say something shocking and then walk it back with facts until the person can't argue back. Of course they all three fail horribly at it constantly but a true provocateur is a useful person.
Alex Jones is right 90%+ of the time.
Lets say everything he says is bullshit. Its still better than supporting a MSM that is nothing more than leftist propaganda.
>crazy = wrong
Because it's funny you dumbass.
Ever hear of being able to entertain thoughts without accepting them as true?
He is a living meme OP is a faggot. This world would be boring without Alex.
Link to the e-mail.
You know conservatives are too stupid to think. Hillary called us deplorable people. The left want words to be weapons so they can control them. Context does not matter.
He's funny and his supporters are a good target for us.
I loved him when he was bill hicks, alex jones is bill's best satire ever
He's not crazy OP, he's nuts.
If you don't know the difference I'm sorry. I don't know how to explain it to you. I think he's great, but I still take everything he says with a grain of salt. I have a feeling he does too.
e-celeb threads used to get deleted
Alex Jones is satire. Like Sup Forums is satire.
Because real life is rapidly approaching being satirical.
So the truth sounds crazy to people defending the status quo of stupidity surrounding politics and government acceptance. Like you, OP, you fag.
andy kaufman's got nothing on him
Historically, maybe, but he's sold out to Trump. There will be no more exposing our criminal government, because his job now is to defend it. Certainly one could argue that Trump requires defending, but that reasoning doesn't cover the government as a whole, nor does it justify Trump continuing the Bush/Obama foreign policy of overthrowing sovereign nations for Israel.
Which nations has Trump overthrown?
You came to wrong neighborhood
This is the best answer.
I'll wait.
Trump was given a shit fest to deal with. He is doing well fighting all the fronts that was handed down to him. He has not overthrown anyone. Drain the swamp. US MSM should all be labelled as terrorist organizations. Disbanded and rebuilt from the ground up.
This guy knows what the fuck's going on.
hes comfy
He is continuing the policy of regime change in Syria. He will probably expand that to North Korea, which I would support if we actually just laid waste there and were done with it, but that won't happen.
>the truth
Like the Clintons using baby's blood to stay alive? You can call it truth when there's evidence for it, not some wide eye'd fat fuck banging his fist on the table over elites making child sacrifices to Moloch, without a hint of irony.
He's second only to Roger Stone in entertainment value.
he's entertaining. MSM talking heads are almost all robotic mouthpieces without a hint of personality for the (((agenda)) that has to be pushed on us. i think the only one that's remotely interesting is Tucker Carlson because he actually debates guests and makes them look stupid.
Syria is destabilized no matter what we do. And what is this "probably" shit you're talking about?
He might be exaggerating but you're stupid if you think Planned Parenthood doesn't sell aborted fetuses to private companies or anti-wrinkle cream wasn't accused of having severed foreskins mixed in. What he said might not be strictly true but the government sure as fuck is involved in some very shady and unethical shit on that level.
He's mossad, so you can't trust him
some reasons i like infowars:
1. infowars live streams are riddled with sexual innuendo, and i find it really.... entertaining.
2. i genuinely believe that alex jones and donald trump are good influences on american culture, and therefor by extension global culture.
(yes alex is silly af but as a white millennial female [i'm 18 suck my ass] i can say that any media powerhouses that are more "serious" than infowars simply don't entertain me enough for me to give a shit. some normies are just too boring to redpill me, even if they're "that real sticky icky icky," as far as facts go. it's simply the mindset millennials have.)
3. infowars discusses a wide variety of topics, and has some really great guests and employees.
(roger stone is fucking rad as tits; mike cernovich is fucking rad as tits; honestly owen kinda pisses me off sometimes but he keeps shit feeling real & accessible and he is clearly improving very quickly; et cetera, playboi.)
4: alex is a fucking meme king, suck my ass.
>white millennial female
>i'm 18 suck my ass
don't make comments like these you white she devil
>white millennial female
And thread derailed.
So why not talk about the actual issue of aborted fetuses, instead of screaming incoherently about pedo-cannibalism?
Post best Alex Jones segments
It's called entertainment you autist
Better question is, why do all Democrats have zero sense of humor?
alex jones has never been wrong. name one thing he has been wrong on.
and sandy hook didn't fucking happen
>tfw you will never suckle on Millie's mammaries
cause they know deep down hes sort of right
Because most democrats are so deep in debt they have to work 60 hrs a week to pay their monthly bills. They live above their means. It pisses them off to see "poor" people that owe nothing but necessities laughing and joking about these idiots.
Holy fucking leftypol shill
Literally none of that is true
Does this look like satire you stupid fuck?
We did. People like you acted just like you're doing now.
It's NOT crazy to question EVERYTHING the government does. They SHOULD have to justify every single action. They shouldn't have the power to work outside the realm of public opinion or sway. It shouldn't be considered crazy people demand they go an extra step to proving they are innocent of crime.
That USED to be the standard. Now we have faggots like you playing, "Devil's advocate," and running off to chase political squirrels.
Also, I don't even WATCH that bullshit. But you standing here demanding some level of quality from ALEX FUCKING JONES, an e-celeb of bullshit, while ACTUAL NEWS agencies straight up lie and fuck up ACTUAL FACTS...
That's some liberal cognitive dissonance. You're nothing but a useful idiot and I hope you choke to death on cock.
Fuck off data mining faggit
Yes. And that's the joke. Because it's not.
Well, I say probably because sites like infowars have already begun to produce videos justifying bombing North Korea, again not something I disagree with in theory. The preconditioning method used to be proprietary to MSM propaganda, but Trump doesn't control that system currently, so infowars is the administration's go to.
Just listen to Jeff Rense without the crazy antics.
>white millennial female
>[i'm 18 suck my ass]
here's what ya do, op, you go ahead and take 5 assumptions you have about Alex Jones and then go find proof.
i bet you only get as far as "racist" before you realize you've fucked up good and hard letting other people shove opinions in to your empty skull. by the time you get to "right wing" you'll probably want to kill yourself for being such a fucking moron all this time.
>AJ email leaks
No such thing nigger
>AJ the DNC agent
Lmao is this the best you can try Shariablue?
alex jones is always right
He is more or less Sup Forums incarnate and he's entertaining.
I think he's hot as fuck
*mr anderson teleports behind you*
>steals haitian children
>wears luciferian garb
>pledges fealty to rothschilds
>campaign manager is podesta the molesta
>cannibal sore on tongue
It's not as crazy as you think.
meant for
He is hilarious and also some of the stuff he rants about has a grain of truth to it. Way better than watching MSM lie to me.
You can't be a genius without a stroke of insanity.
He's entertaining to watch but more importantly he's on the money 90% of the time.
>I don't even WATCH that bullshit
Your trigger happy caps lock indicates otherwise, you unhinged conspiratard.
>You pushed a button on your keyboard that means I'm RIGHT!
Now this is some actual fucking insanity.
This is how libtards argue, they don't have the facts on their side so they go with ridiculous emotional manipulation.
>no tinfoil hat = liberal
Kek. I just don't believe in the lizard people. Is this what conservatism has come to?
>a white millennial female
Hi! few things to start off with =] 1. yes I added you because you're a female Sup Forumsock, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.
>News agencies do it to Trump. A-ok.
>Some e-celeb does it to Hillary. BUT MUH JOURNALISTIC STANDARDS!
if you want an honest answer
because regressives have turned politics into nothing but entertainment for people who refuse to drink their koolade
alex jones is fully aware of this and capitalizes on it by making it even more entertaining
>That flag
>Thinking you have a say here
I support Trump, but I think the right should have higher standards of truth against the MSM than Alex Jones.
>implying Alex Jones is even their go-to
Bitch, Trump just posts on twitter directly.
I'm using this next time someone asks why thanks faggot AHHAH stole your shit
Yeah he is ridiculous sometimes and over the top. But he is a journalist at heart, and seeks for truth in a sincere way.
You should wonder why Alex Jones is over the top and go full conspiracy. I have an answer for this : mainstream journalism is morally bankrupt and it only remains people like Alex Jones, who still can be right sometimes. I mean, when you keep investigating, you always end up finding something.
Journalists have stopped looking they just repost reuter stuffs, sends a team to control public treatment when something happens, mostly repeat what they're told to repeat.
Once upon journalism was called the 4th estate and now it's barely a ministry of propaganda. Some dude in my country once said "when you're a journalist, you're either a whore or unemployed". Couldn't agree more.
I have more respect for Alex Jones than any "journalists" atCNN, washington post or whatever .
aforementioned white millennial female, here.
alex jones has good-ass genes. scale 10/10 how creepy is it if a 18 year old girl has the hots for a 15 year old boy? i'm an adult at least technically....
(if you're fucking trash and don't watch hentai it's like the classic hentai older sister thing i got goin on ya feel?)
Msm cant stand that shit, they hate not being the middleman distorting facts. Now they just resort to freaking out about his spelling errors.
fuck u brian i like men. you type like a faggottron 3000 and stereotypical guys only intimidate mediocre negroes however i am the alpha
literally fuckin g SAME but i aint no queer im female
Poster you're replying to is new, but yes y2k is one of the 3 times Alex was wrong or issued a retraction. Y2k was also the very beginning and he hasn't gotten anything that wrong since.
You're obviously a libtard, look at your ridiculous emotional arguments.
Try thinking with your head.
>alex jones is a lunatic guys
Truth, truth never changes.
good video
I thought the NWO blew it up and bin laden dindu nuffin...
Ben laden is just the patsy, a CIA operative to take the hit and become a "supervilain".
Twins ?