What are some unpopular political opinions you have? Mine are:
>marriage shouldn't be regulated by the state
>copyright laws should be abolished in almost all cases
>inheritance should be illegal
>eugenics is not morally wrong
Nazi stormfaggots are not welcome ITT.
Pic unrelated.
What are some unpopular political opinions you have? Mine are:
The Internet should be heavily regulated, to such an extent that people will be dissuaded from using it. The less people on the Internet, the better.
>unpopular opinions thread
>people who have unpopular opinions are not welcome in this thread
We should change the law and have the death penalty for
1. people who spit on the sidewalk
2. people who let their dog shit on the sidewalk
3. people who drive loud motorcycles
you forgot to add that you are into granny porn
nothing wrong with it if it isn't dry
you really have a pulse of what's wrong with the modern society, you should enter politics
Blacks CAN be just as if not better than whites, just less cases.
No problem with gays or abortion.
Poland is to be begrudgingly respected.
are you by any chance polish? if not explain why Poland is to be respected, wait for it, two years max, it has nothing to do with elections, goverment will not matter
Only one i disagree with is inheritance.
I do what I do for my family, not for some government employee to embezzle later.
I'm not a supremacist, but I do believe that a "white ethno-state" should be formed in the U.K. or New Zealand to preserve our people. I also believe that North America and Europe are lost. They are not winnable and forming an 'ethno-state' on apart from mainland Europe/North America are the only way our peoples will survive.
I agree with all of those except for inheritance. I think there should be a limit, but to make it illegal is absurd and damaging to middle class white families, the backbone of society.
I'll spit and shit wherever I damn well please, this is a free country you got that?
muslims are the scum of the earth and they all seriously need to fuck off and die god fucking dammit
enjoy reading this, fucking inbred :nytimes.com
>I do believe that a "white ethno-state" should be formed in the U.K. or New Zealand
have you actually seen photos of said states?
what do you suggest they do with all the kebab-blacks etc?
i suggest a weed strain resistant to solar radiation
why? because fuck logic
>Inheritance should be illegal
Why in Gods name would you think that? I work my whole life to give a future to my children and grandchildren. Inheritance is one of the only legitimate forms of wealth transfer on earth.
My unpopular opinion:
Ed Sheeran can go fuck himself. Every single radio station plays 42 of his songs every hour and I'm fucking done with him. At this point I would rather listen to Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber fingerfucking an autistic dolphin than hear Eds goddamn voice one more time.
All religion symbolism, preaching, etc. should be banned from public as people should be free to exercise whoever thoughts they want without any pressure. The U.S. is not a Christian country, it never was and it never will be, the separation of church and MD state seperates the public from religion, we have to right to not see religion in our daily lives.
>>inheritance should be illegal
So what the fuck does someone do with their hard-earned wealth that they've accrued by the end of their life?
> copyright
> inheritance
> illegal
Sounds communist to me kys
That is still better than your pathetic religious Christian excuse of a country will ever be. Fucking idiot.
I'm in love with the shape of you
We push and pull like a magnet do
Although my heart is falling too
I'm in love with your bodyyyyyy
Poland will ever be*
Because his parents are shit, their parents are shit, he's shit, and whatever scum genes he passes on in order to continue cursing the world, are probably shit inherently.
His only hope, is to leech and mooch through pooling resources, from others that are innately better.
He's jelly, because he knows deep down he's always going to be a nasty little failure. Same as anyone like him.
You'd love Singapore.
>have you actually seen photos of said states?
> what do you suggest they do with all the kebab-blacks etc?
I would suggest that if enough conservative whites were to immigrate to say, the U.K. for example, then we could offer the non-Europeans a home within North America.
The reason I say this is because, like I stated before, I believe there is no way in hell that we are going to successfully deport 200 million whites from north America. I mean, let's be fucking realistic about it for just a few seconds. It's not going to happen.
>trip on uneven pavement
>shout jeebus as automatic reaction
>be arrested for accosting snowflake athiests with verbal religion.
Nah you're retarded. Religion should not be enforced, but neither should it be prohibited.
> hiding behind the flag
I am proud of my country, unlike you - commie. We have experience dealing with filth like you. Come visit, you'll enjoy.
fuck off commie
Marriage should be regulated by the state church
>inheritance should have 0 % taxation
>we should reinstate nobility
>sex outside marriage should be a social suicide
>women should not work
>all socialist policies should be aboslished
>all foreign aid should be abolished
>dindus and sand people should be actively discrimanted against
>democratic republics should be replaced with constitutional monarchies
>littering should be severely punishable
>redditors should be shot
>islam should be criminalized
Those come to mind right now. I have a lot of very unpopular opinions.
>inheritance should be illegal
Fuck off gommie you're not getting my farm
> Voting rights only for married men with children and who done the service in military
Nat Soc was a Jewish trick to discredit western nationalism
Now you two on the other hand, these make a great deal of sense
>constitutional monarchy should be reinstated
>muslims should have to go through extreme security before entering USA
>reddit should be shut down
>anyone who supports communism or socialism should be gathered up and shot
>the truth about the Holocaust, 9/11 etc should become common knowledge
Democracy on the national level should be replaced by a Technocracy (basically an Oligarchy); Democracy on the municipal level is fine yet there should be poll tests over the issue the person is going to vote for/againsed. If they score below (for instance) 70%, the system will tell them they are not educated enough to make a vote and to fuck off. The members of the technocracy would be voted in by their the members of their field of expertise. Although there should be a system in place to swiftly replace those who abuse their power and collude with others to make a decision againsed the greater good of the people (or take bribes from corporate interests). Those who are caught should be permanently banned from ever holding office again, fined heavily, and have the media and government talk about them in a way that sets society againsed them (making them seem like the dregs of society, and not to be associated with).
If inheritance becomes illegal/stops, who gets my 4 houses and $1.4mil in savings after I die? The state? Yeah nah m8 fuck off, if I say in my will that I'm donating all of my assets to the GNAA, it's going their way. If the law allows me to gift them my assets before my death, then I should be able to do so right upon my death as executed by my last Will and Testament.
The less of and simpler rules, the better.
Mine is
>you are a giant faggot
>Sup Forums is full of worthless faggots
and that's about it.
You're here to; so what does that make you?
sieg heil
Is that Pocahontas?
>copyright laws should be abolished in almost all cases
>inheritance should be illegal
Move to China then, go find out how shitty things are when you have zero motivation to be innovative or make something of yourself.
Also, posting a unpopular political opinion, then stating how you believe in eugenics while telling nazi's they are not welcome is just faggy bait.
Go fuck yourself.
Inheritance is the right of the individual to pass onto their children. Eugenics is not morally wrong in fact it's the morally correct thing to do. Allowing for bad genes to be passed is stupid if we have the ability to stop it. Getting past the race issue... midgets, people with non curable diseases and deformities, we should be weeding that out of the gene pool.
>3. people who drive loud motorcycles
Please be FSB officer.
Better a competent dictatorship than any form of democracy.
>arranged child marriage should be the norm
>all sex outside marriage should be considered rape unless its in the family
>incest should be not only legal but encouraged
Suppression of dissenters and a well used propaganda machine are necessary for a stable state.
Dictators are only in it for the betterment of themselves not the people they govern. I agree with you that democracy, at least to the vast majority of the population, is bad; YET, at the very least mob rule combines the shared goals of large swaths of people to get what they want instead of 1 ruler getting what he wants.
Ball's in your court, pal.
Yes to 1 and 2 but you must be one namby pamby little bitch if you hate motorcycles that much.
T. Harleyfag
>Pirate flag ideology
>Is bothered by people acting like total shitter
Voters are only in it for themselves as well, at least with a competent Dictator you are being governed by an alpha male of supreme intelligence - someone who can plan ahead for the betterment of the nation without having to appease the base instincts of the electorate.
Keep in mind that in a democracy you have the lowest rungs of society voting for their own narrow interests.
Democracy is a long slow path to insolvency and social breakdown as we are seeing in real time throughout the Western world.
Ed Sheeran isn't the worst. I turn the radio off when that back seat of your Rover song plays. I got it stuck in my head once and it made me physically ill
if you're born into a poor family you're given shitloads of tax-funded help (while making sure your parents don't waste it on booze etc), if you made yourself poor you don't get jack shit
anyone with a prison sentence over 5 years gets executed
physical activity and correct eating, learning basic survival skills, learning how to shoot a gun, is mandatory
>implement a mandatory retake of the road test every 3-4 years
>lane splitting is a criminal offense entailing a heavy fine and up to 3 months in prison
>driving slow in the left lane carries a penalty of points on ones license and a fee
>families with no children can file for a tax refund due to not having children in the public school system
>higher tax on products that contain high levels of sugar and/or sodium
>erase all 24/7 news networks and bring it back to the days where the news was seen a max of 3 times a day for a max of one hour
While an extremely intelligent and, more importantly, benevolent leader (like in the days of ancient Rome) you would see those things; modern day dictators supress the will of the people as well as those who disagree with them. Look at the USSR, or North Korea.
I'll talk about NK, since i actually know a bit about it. So first off, Kim Jong-Un is a very smart man, not only studying nuclear physics at some university in Pyongyang, but also going to university in Switzerland (en.wikipedia.org
Again, I agree that democracy isn't great, but I don't think you can legitimately find a person in the world who wouldn't abuse their power. Even if you're libertarian AS A CITIZEN, once you get into even remotely a position of power; you'll look at your former peers and see behaviors that cause an annoyance to you (EX: promiscuity leading to heightened divorce rates and spreading of STDs). And so what would you do? Put restrictions in place to "save the people from themselves" while taking control of the decisions that they should make (in my opinion).
I know a guy who supposedly went to school with him
Apparently he's super autistic, he was obsessed with basketball and store-brand beer (he wouldn't even drink it, just buy a pack a day (or rather have a pack bought for him), just stash it in a room)
>all foreign aid should be cut until natives aren't living in Somalian conditions
>We should turn away all illegals, and intern them if their home governments won't take them
>including women and children
>We should take in 1 refugee for every 1 that Israel takes
Oh, and another thing
>Public hanging of all anarchists and child rapists
Yea, the wikipedia article that i read, actually said that he was shy around women and loved american basketball.
You have some retarded views, OP, I'd have kept most of those to myself aside from the eugenics part.
>we should use drug Devil's Breath in the court
>OP is a faggot and does not understand basic political AND economic factors in anything he just said
>Dearth penalty for Pedophiles, Rapists, enemies of the state, drug lords, etc.
as much as I love the internet, you're right. The internet is just a bowl of shit that feeds the younguns & corrupts their pure minds.
>but that wasn't real communism
top kek. I made that post. I wasn't expecting anyone to take it seriously
Racial things aren't politics and half of Sup Forums should be banned for off topic posting
Homosexuality is adultery and since you choose to have gay sex it literally is a choice.
Abortion is ritual child sacrifice, the "mothers" just have a slightly better understanding of cause and effect ("if I kill my baby, I'll have more money and my boyfriend won't leave me!")