Have you done everything you can to improve your self Sup Forums?
Are you furthering your people?
Self Improvement
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The human race is a cancer upon the earth. I've done my part by not having any children. Hopefully I will die before the AI take-over and robot massacre of the human race.
Don't you mean the white race is a cancer to the world? If whites disappeared the world would be a lot more peaceful. Even whites know it.
wow great bait mate.
its soo goood i nearly bit it
[X] Stopped watching porn
[_] Stopped drinking alcohol
[X] Stopped doing drugs
[_] Join a Cucktian Church
[_] Find a wife
[_] Have at least 3 children
[X] Support your family
[_] Join/create a political party
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[X] Join a gym/maintain health
[_] Get your gun licence
[_] Own your home/land
[X] Stopped playing vidya
[X] Realize that I am on Sup Forums because even when I have a gf I am lonely in my head and don't feel part of anything and feel like everything is fucking phony (fuck you miss Stevens I can never think of this word again without thinking of catcher in the rye) and hedonistic but at the same time Sup Forums is just rage-candy and I should be out there achieving things but whats the purpose of doing so anyway since there is no objective right or wrong and my anhedonic brain can't just enjoy the ride or ride the tiger so I latch onto the ragecrastination and avoid thinking about the impending heat-death of the universe or eternal recurrence and panpsychist karma, or the fact that I'm slowly approaching my 30s already past my physical peak meaning I'll never be exceptional and the types of women I've slept with are the best I can do and its only going to get worse from here and even if I did I wouldnt be able to trust them due to paranoia and self-esteem issues so I rather isolate myself and live a false narrative than live a life of resentment
seems most of your problems come from your atheism tbqh
youre lacking spirituality.
>stopped playing vidya
Nah fuck off
Not sure if I've done any of these, but I have been increasing my motivation. That being said, I would like to know more ways to increase my energy if at all possible. I mostly use supplements for energy.
>not drinking alcohol is self.improvement
chav spotted, sort your self out faggot.
drinking alcohol does not equal getting wasted BRUV
>plays vidya in bed instead of being intimate with his wife
>hurr dur if you play vidya this is what happens
Nah fuck off
Welcome to Britain, where literally everyone is an alcoholic and alcoholism is completely socially acceptable
you might not think it happens but it does, your wife is thinking of fuicking you while you play vidya and u dont notice it because of the vidya.
And look at the state of Britain now.
Most people can't just pretend to believe in God. I would if I could. Fact is no one knows
>only one
just started sorting my life 3 months ago.
next is drugs and alchool
>stop drinking alcohol
>stop doing drugs
life is too short for that shit, man
if would die earlier if i lived like this, i.e. i would kill myself. life is too short to live "healthily". You die anyway at the end alone.
>next is drugs and alcohol
>enter: depression
your choice I suppose. i advise not to, enjoy the next
what's wrong with vidya? it's a fun activity.
"You're not wasting time if you enjoy it"
this right here, seems like we're on a reddit thread
JIDF big time
we all gonna die thats true, but i would like a family first and be healthy to play with my kids, im already on my late 20s and done enough booze and mostly weed.
nothing wrong, bit ive done enough of that too, time to move on at least for me
>because we actually enjoy our life and don't need to find reasons to "improve it" - we are jews
ok lol...
fair points man, i myself am in my early twenties so who knows how ill feel in a few years i suppose
Alcohol is a fundamental building block of western civilization. Beer was the beverage of choice in the middle ages on account of how dirty the water was. The children and adults would start the day with a beer instead of a coffee like today.
Sounds like bretty good times.
Improved and made gender neutral, now we have a truly Islamic guide! :^)
Drinking alcohol is fine, getting wasted is not.
if i ever get a family i will adapt this principle
we will be stronger and drunker!
youre too immature to appreciate the list still.
I'm an ex-Christian. The church is too corrupt and liberal these days. The last church I went to, which was very conservative, promoted multiculturalism within the church and was in favor of Christian refugees from the Middle East & Africa. In addition, they send millions of dollars in aid to these third world shitholes. Christianity is weakening the west with its passive ideology and "don't worry about anything because God is in control" inclinations. We need to take matters into our own hands rather than hoping that some divine intervention will occur and make everything right.
i don't see the point in drinking alcohol if you're not intending to get wasted imo. i live in n.ireland tho where we have a strong drinking culture, idk about other countries
Sounds like projection to me. It's easy as fuck to make the bedroom a no screen zone.
So... Mormon?
i understand the list and can probably see myself doing it in some time in the future, but its just not for me right now i suppose. yeah you're right - i am too young/(immature?)
Serious comment. i myself am an atheist (never believed in a god) , should i still join a Christian church? what are the primary benefits?
Did all but last one. What is vidya?
Its nothing bad on your end, we all go through it, we must experience the world before we decide to do the list. Its a part of growing up. Of course we pick and choose the articles we wish to achieve, but they are all recommended and good in the long run. The only way to further the agenda of nationalism is to first create a nation to be proud of.
Imagine if a 45 year old felt the same way about the list as you do.
>self improvement
>join a Christian church
hahahaha, nice bait flagfag
Why i love Sup Forums. Thousands of 20 something's getting good life advice. From nazis. Crazy, but what's right is right.
As an atheist it still gives you belonging in the community. A sense of traditionalism and support. The church was the community in the past. If one member was having issues, the other members would help/support them in anyway they could.
The church is about building your local community, which should be done before you can focus on your national community.
I have...done absolutely nothing on that list.
>join a Christian Church
you agree this is good enuf life advice tho?
why am i not being told this shit irl then? why do i have to go on /pol to see this stuff?
because (((they))) push the agenda that you see, they dont want a unified strong people, they want you to continue degeneracy and live a selfish life.
they also want me to be gay and/or a transgender weirdo
whats your view on masturbation without porn
>Implores me to join vapid kike on cross cult
>Claims one should have a complete, ideal life before dropping vidya
>Implying vidya is this N*ggers biggest focus
Answer first, stop being a faggot.
Wont stop playing vidya but i can play less of it. I'm too broken to join a church or have a family.
is the list chronological?
advocating that nazipol joins the jew christ church, are you, you filthy christkike
Nobody wants that you improve, just stay where you are not trying to think out of the box (or worse) stop being a slave consumer, we dont more wolves we need enough sheeps
good one, goyle
Lowers your testosterone, makes you less of a man, rewards without achievement. However that is choice. Porn presents an unrealistic scenario, and it is a way they control birth rates, (instead of finishing inside her, it is cool to finish on her back/face/tits) among other examples.
It is not chronological, it is just general improvements.
You should only join Christianity in its true form if you so choose, it is one of those you must find on your own.
The list is not chronological and is just general improvements to ones self.
I think we to Reform christianity. In Germany catholics become protestants as Kids so they can spend more time on their Smartphones, seriously. They don't know what orthodoxy is and never go to church. We Need to break from undefendable and irrational standpoints and make church more traditional again while actually offering help for Problems, instead of betraying alcoholics for forced Membership. We also Need to have religious education in which the Kids learn about chistianity. School goes the most awkward way around learning. No wonder muslims become salafists, they are excluded from evangelical/catholic religious education with the excuse of "having no islamic education to offer". My Country is like almost every European Country a traditionally Judeo-Christian-Atheist Country and Religious education should go beyond Holocaust (They really do that, IN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION). If you can defend your Position as Atheist or evn are anti-Theist i can respect you, as such People can live without a religious father or hierarchy and Tradition, those are great People. But the Problem is most atheists are some dumb Kids who never go to church and participate in some Christian Events because they don't care at all, they are just degenerate, if These shits have no priest,monk or any religious or philosophic authority commanding and educating them, they will be doomed bummers, I think one can agree to that.
Compare pic related to a modern day atheist cuck that protests both .
Fuck you separatist faggots, you are what is ruining Europe with your division.
If you think that's self improvement then you are very deluded
wait... whats a gun license?
t. Mainer
>Compare pic related to a modern day atheist cuck
you stupid christkike
you're so ignorant you assume that anti christkike means atheist
>Fuck you separatist faggots, you are what is ruining Europe with your division.
huh? why do you speak to me like that?
just who do you think i am?
this is why CHRISTKIKERY is not Sup Forums approved
you're just bitter because jesus is better at fucking jews than hitler.
Rest of the world.
Implies getting a gun though. Own at least one.
>you're just bitter because jesus is better at fucking jews than hitler.
why are you racist?
>hURR DuRR muh paganism
insult the church all you want, the only people surviving this modern day onslaught of refugees and degeneracy are the countries that kept close to God, the eastern Europeans.
>hURR DuRR muh paganism
is that what your little eastern european christkike brain thinks
protip: jesus isn't god
he's a dirty jew
>Jesus is a Jew
JIDF detected, unflag your self
fell for bait, 5/7
you're giving me orders, are you, christkike
>muh racism
>shitty bait
racism is a biological imperative. limbic system survival mechanism.
jews are culturally more similar to muslims than any other culture group. Ethnically similar too
You have been black pilled.
Snap out of it. Go for a walk and really try to enjoy just walking, blinking an eye to a real hottie and staring lesser men in the eye until they look away half-scared (if you can fight them of course).
Grow from that.
Have at least one friend.
Have a fucking dog to take care of. A real big dog like German/Belgian shepherds. This is really great. But only if you can handle it though.
>racism is a biological imperative. limbic system survival mechanism
amerikike education
>jews are culturally more similar to muslims than any other culture group. Ethnically similar too
is that so, deshawn
When will you ever see pic related anywhere other than in real Christian countries?
My last reply to a (((man))) pretending to be a NATSOC who cant even specify any beliefs other than anti-christianity. It is typical of your agenda.
(((You))) hate Jesus just like your ancestors who killed him.
I can tell who you are because of the way you argue. It is so typical.
My last (you) to you.
>My last (you) to you.
let's hope so because i know christians never stop telling lies
why do you think dogs hate niggers?
"Kill the goyim wherever you find them" - Torahn
Eat shit kike.
I got buff and marked the sweetest girl I ever met. Did dumb shit when I was a kid but got a shitty $25/hr factory job in bumfuck TN.
Believe you me,a sweet girl with huge titties will make your life better,especially if she's a sweetheart.
oh yeah, btw... the holocaust will be a footnote in history. don't forget to tell your kike friends.
None of the above
do you believe that i am a jew because you are a dirty, disgusting christian or because you read another disgusting christian who cannot fathom that asserting the simple fact that jesus is a kike does not imply that i am jewish
i wish you dirty christkikes will all get holocausted the jews you hate so, so much
[ ] Stopped watching porn
[X] Watch less porn
[X] Stopped drinking alcohol
[X] Stopped doing drugs
[/] Join a Christian Church (half)
[X] Find a wife
[X] Have at least 3 children
[X] Support your family
[_] Join/create a political party
[_] Volunteer in the community
[X] Join a gym/maintain health
[X] Get your gun licence
[X] Own your home/land
[X] Stopped playing vidya
Great achievement for a 21 year old!, have a (you)
Great job user, you're a shining member of the community.
Nobody cares what you think,retard. Because retards can't think.
You can derp and uhhh until your face falls off (That can really happen) but at the end of the day you are still retarded.
>[X] Stopped watching porn
>[X] Stopped drinking alcohol
>[X] Stopped doing drugs
>[X] Join a Christian Church, as far right as possible, full of whites who hate kikes
>[X] Find a wife
>[\] Have at least 3 children (have 2 now)
>[X] Support your family
>[X] Join/create a political party
>[X] Volunteer in the community
>[X] Join a gym/maintain health
>[X] Get your guns
>[X] Own your home/land
>[X] Stopped playing vidya (never started)
>> Too "broken" to join a church
How are you too broken to worship your creator, pleb?
> stop watching porn
> stop playing vidya
Seems like a list to reenact the life of someone in the 60's. Regressing against cultural progress will only make you miserable and out of touch.
Excellent job user! But have at least one more child if you can, otherwise you're just replacing yourselves.
Most complete list so far.
>watching blacked.com and playing video games is progressive to society
Holy fuck, how deep did (((they))) get to you?
>Nobody cares what you think,retard. Because retards can't think.
>You can derp and uhhh until your face falls off (That can really happen) but at the end of the day you are still retarded.
try reading the rules before you ever think of coming back Sup Forums.org/rules
>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.
i am sick and tired of christkikes ruining /pol
why do you hate videogames and post on Sup Forums?
do you think that this place is like the wild west and you can just saunder in with a jesus complex and order me about?
why do you want to use chanspeak when all you know is biblespeak?
not to mention Sup Forums rule 2 Sup Forums.org/rules#pol
>You are free to speak your mind, but do not attack other users.
OP's entire absurd list should just be replaced with
>1. read the rules
>2. read the faq