Now this is a Juden with a story to tell.
what does Sup Forums think he did to piss ofthe US so much?
Now this is a Juden with a story to tell.
what does Sup Forums think he did to piss ofthe US so much?
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he let his paranoia get in the way of winning. had he kept winning, everyone would have eaten the red pills en masse and george lincoln rockwell would have been president. instead, he stopped being god at chess, (((they))) were able to paint him as crazy, and here we are. the only mistake one can make in this great land we call america is to lose or stop being the best at something. aren't meritocracies beautiful?
well i think his paranoia was justified considering he was locked up in the philipines and never told the charge. When he came out he was damaged mentally for sure.
all of our paranoia is justified, the JQ is real. I'm just saying if he had kept winning at chess the country wouldn't have disowned him like it did
yeah, such a shame. I bet he would have loved lurking on Sup Forums .
Anyone scene that documentary Bobby Fischer Against the World? bretty gud.
He would have done a lot more than just lurk.
The destruction he would have wrought would have been magnificent.
yeah, it is good. I consider him a backdoor redpill.
you would probably only know of him if you play chess. I wondr how many people on here know his story...
>Well I'm hoping revolution there and the jews will you know, kicked out of power, and get wiped out. I'd like to see a lot of top jews get executed.
>i wonder why so many people here know of him
Well for one he named the living fuck out of the jew so theres that
He didn't say that tho
Was he actually a Jew or not? I'm pretty sure he was one of the based self-hating Jews.
what are you on about
Interesting how Fischer notes the thing the Jews hated most about WWII camps was they were *work* camps - and Jews hate to work, they want others to work for them.
>what does Sup Forums think he did to piss ofthe US so much?
He came out of retirement to play a rematch of the 1972 Wolrd Chess Championship, because he was paid millions of dollars to do so. However, the U.S. State Department had sent him a letter ordering him not to play the match, because they argued it amounted to trading with an enemy state. Fischer called a press conference and spit on the letter in front of the cameras. Then he played -- and won -- the match. Then the State Department seized a storage unit where Bobby kept ALL of his lifetime awards, letters, and chess memorabilia. They took it all, and then they signed a warrant for his arrest, which remained in effect until the day Bobby died in Iceland. Listen to Fischer's radio interview in South America on the morning of September 11, 2001, after the buildings had been hit, to understand the depth of his hatred for the Jews and their version of America.
He said he had tons of manuscripts about the Jews and what they were doing and that they seized those as well.
Amazing. I hadn't heard that.
I would have though thiis guy was a Sup Forums legend by now. literally his whole life is destroyed by ((((them))))) even though he was born one himself. spends the rest of his life declaring openly to the world there is a JP.
He mentions it here
kasparov is a cunt also.
thx, I'll check it out and add to my sources.
>the State Department seized a storage unit where Bobby kept ALL of his lifetime awards, letters, and chess memorabilia. They took it all
Oh my God. His life's work, gone.
in his old age he certainly has that 'off the grid' look going