Roasties want us

>Facebook exec Sheryl Sandberg: 'Marry the nerds'
>"You can date whoever you want, but you should marry the nerds and the good guys," Sandberg tells Kuchler. "The guys who want an equal relationship. Guys who want to support your career."

Be careful Sup Forums the wave of the wall is coming remember 2021 is when Millennials born in the 90s become 30/31.

A lot of roasties hitting the wall and crying for nice guys are coming?

Just lmao

Marry the nerds, fuck Chad on the side, nothing has changed

Roasties want money

how do we stop the eternal roastie?

Solution: Make sure to not be "guys who want an equal relationship. Guys who want to support your career"

So now they're not even hiding the fact they want to find pathetic devoted beta males after they've run out the tread on their pussies in their teens and early twenties?

No, they want rich tech guys and most of us are NEET basement dwellers.

we are not nerds dumb ass

NEET does not equal Nerds

Never. Its time to marry a 16 yo qt3.14

So done with human females, waifus are long overdue.