ITT We discuss about all the retards who have 0 clue about European history but still post Kek, Kekistan or whatever bullshit they can.
Even our FatFriends across the Ocean can post
>Yes this is my One night in Paris Ironman
Europe & Retards
>jean-pierre cucks his own nation in a videogame because he can't get enough of it in real life
Is this 4D cuckoldry?
Did you read the title? 0 clue about European history.
I like when an Austrian remember me how we fucked the Roman Empire; Makes me diamond.
>playing EU4
>Vanilla map
>blobbing that much
quoting myself the "Holy"; if stupid austrians want to argue
It's OK to be GAY
>le tall game maymay
neck yourself you autistic piece of shit
But i do agree that playing vanilla is a waste of time. Mods improve the game alot
I see spain formed. What happend with Portugal and Naples?
Good question; I just focused on achievement not on th rest.
FYI it's not vanilla fuckin pleb
I've been playing a litle EU4, are any of the DLC worth getting or is that just Paradox jewing everyone?