>80% THC
literally crack, how is this shit even legal?
80% THC
>something is literally something else
Really faggot?
Don't associate Lain with your degeneracy.
Any CBD in it? If not then gtfo that shit away from me.
Refined drugs are not intrinsically worse than unrefined drugs provided the user lowers their dosage to compensate for the increased potency.
Good stuff.
On an unrelated note, why do you need to be able to buy everclear?
Why would I smoke something that'll make me feel like shit?
go to Sup Forums you filthy degenerate kike.
But we all love Lain.
I never get that high of of the vape cartridges. Even ones with distillets mixed with terpens. Waste of money 2bh just but some hash
The anxiety that THC induces is in my experience accompanied by enhanced compassion and emotional intelligence.
Lainchan is full of poser faggots.
I went there once spreading the gospel of futurism and the matrix-theory on vocaroo and all they could do was fart out of their mouths like the ignorant niggers they are.
Total disgrace to Lain and her legacy.
take only one or two hits and you'll be fine, pussy
Half of those vape cartridges are defective pieces of shit.
I sold my wife to a child soldier for 15 dollars to buy this gram of ghost train haze.
I pay enough fucking taxes
How'd you get a gram of oil for 15?
Looks like iso
Lainchan is lamechan.
I fill my own cartridges at home and get about 2.5mg out of 1g of wax/shatter. Get on my level.
Then drove an hour to Detroit to buy it from an area where dispensaries are a dime a dozen. More competition, Lower prices.
Packaging it came in, I think they forgot to label this one. But it was a gram if nug run
>15 a gram of oil
thats poop soup
Its not legal here in Florida yet. Cant wait til it is though so its cheaper. I qualify for medical
had some 95% concentrate about a month ago. Felt like a horse came in my brain
Also 15/g
That shit looks beautiful
Die you piece of shit
>not smoking bogdabud
whats wrong with you niggers
Your either and idiot or willfully ignorant as to the effects of drugs.
Or maybe both!
thc isn't crack, what are you on about ?
what is it anyway, tank for an e-cig ?
Well lets contine with the 15/g porn.
Dying does have it's benefits
What kind of cancer is it, my dude? How much did you pay per cart?
Me neither. I get 85% THC co2 oil and dab it on a vape coil attachment
The market in Massachusetts fucking sucks right now. There's only one dispensery worth anything. I heard the Michigan scene was one of the best in the country.
>95% alcohol
literally poison, how is this shit even legal?
Fuck wrong pic.
bostonfag here same
Truly the bud of choice amongst connoisseurs the world over.
At least you fuckers don't live somewhere like Texas where you have to pay a tax on the good shit that comes from out of state
I assume we're talking about neta, right?
>80% thc
Sounds like a bad time, why even?
You again.
Those fucking suck compared to actual bud
nah, greendream
I remember having to pay 20 a gram for ok weed. I feel you bud. Drive up to Colorado or something.
Anyone else always think this shit just looks like month old chips that you find under dirty ass couches
you clearly never smoked crack op
Where's that? If it's a delivery service I've always been disappointed.
Aggressive b cell non-hodgkin lymphoma
I've never been to any other state that has a medical marijuana program.
Most dispensaries are unlicensed because the medical law is so vague. But the police don't enforce it as long as they keep dispensaries out of the suburbs.
They are almost as common as gun stores in Detroit
>literally crack
And what, 99% pure coke is heroine or something?
Stop talking about shit you know literally nothing about.
I've had shit that was 95% THC
IMO its more fun having to blaze a bunch and just blow smoke everywhere.
What if I ate everything in there, and licked the bowl clean?
lets all love lain!
damn dude, be strong user
I think they're based out of Charlestown, and yeah they're delivery only
I went up last fall but I might go again. Didn't try to look for concentrates back then. I might just bite the bullet and get a place in NM so I can get a fucking med card
Damn. That's the serious shit. At least they let you die comfortably, I guess?
It hasn't been decarbed so idk. That's 1000mg so you may be high for several days, maybe a week.
I ate a 400mg edible and was uncomfortably high for 2-3 days.
10mg is considered a standard dose
Colorado is pretty good. We are pioneers after all.
Sorry to hear you're dying though. Were I in your position I'd try to extend my perception of time with LSD at very high doses. But I'm not in your position and you probably don't want to stretch what time you have, you want more actual time and not to be sick.
Do something cool before you die, though.
Far from comfortable. But drunk and high lol
In 2 hours it's my 28th birthday, I likely won't see 30