Sup Forums is compromised

If you are new here you probably don't know this, but this board is under constant heavy attacks from paid posters propagating certain agendas, as well as a lot of people trying to destroy the board culture till anyone leaves.

Usual tactics include:
- bait threads (threads that offend you and make you reply like "how can X compete" "x btfo" etc.)
- heavy bait threads (threads that are downright so annoying you want to punch the OP like "*kills baby* my body, my choice sweetie :)")
- slide threads (threads that distract from ongoing political events with "what happens here?" "can we save women?" "is X redpilled" etc.)
- drumpf threads (threads that offend Trump voters to involve them in debates without real topics like "I regret my vote so much!!")
- Sup Forums-tier & /x/-tier threads (sometimes the other boards post here because it is the most active, "flat earth", "give advice on X" etc.)
- emigration threads / posts (threads that suggest Sup Forums is shit or dead and that people should start leaving it)
- LARP threads (threads that pretend that something is happening like "REALLY HAPPENING WW3 NOW!!" or "I am an FBI insider, AMA.")

Please know that those threads are about 75% of the board, if not more sometimes. Replying to those threads without putting "sage" (without quotation marks) in the options field bumps those threads to the top and lets good topics slide, therefore undermining the real discussion and real investigations going on. Please do not participate in helping paid shills and normies making it harder for everyone to keep track of good topics.

If you have been here longer please contribute by reminding new posters of this and posting infos on shill and slide strategies, as well as not giving in and leaving for other boards.


Funny bit, by creating so much noise the only readers that remain are laser focused on real threads.

Much like telemarketers are not looking for smart people and by hanging yup you quickly weed out their targets for exploitation.

Shill post "noise" further weaponizes the autists.

So basically this in a nutshell?

What even is that?

Some oldfags did go into advertising/marketing and are quite good at it. If you dig around a bit you'll find their websites. OP is not a fag.

Why not just change sites?

Why not just ignore obvious b8 threads?

These threads have always been here in abundance you pillock.

>If you are new here.

>What even is that?
That's Sup Forums.
You magnificent bastards.
God help me, I love this place.

just made a Nat Soc thread and it got ruthlessly slided and killed.

deleted within 15 mins.

Sup Forums is dead. and I say that coming here for the first time in 6 months.

>just made a Nat Soc thread and it got ruthlessly slided and killed.
Nazis are faggots.
You're a faggot.
Hurts, doesn't it, white boi?

Sucks to be a illiterate, bred to work, NA spawn huh?

>Nazis are the only example or possible outcome of National Socialism.
Come back after you take civics in high school.

Fuck off, JIDF

Why rely on low IQ faggots to know the difference? The constant amount of well fed shit tier threads here is staggering. There are other places.

It's like these nigger-kikes assume everyone is a phone poster and doesn't have multiple tabs running at once. Plus the influx of homo's has sharpened my eye to the legit threads browsing the catalogue.
Congrats Shills, you played yourself

>the second most popular board on Sup Forums isn't always quality
really activates those almonds

Come back once you gradute highschool t_donald faggot

You're doing God's work, OP. Everytime one of these threads exposing the shills and how to fight back pops up, they go into overdrive to slide it hard.


The problem is that whenever I want to make a point that is even slightly divergent from the Sup Forums meme I'm told to kys so I tend to lurk until I find a legit 'happening' thread.

This place is too hostile, which ironically is why the shilling doesn't really work other than to annoy us.

>Posts a nazi thread
>Someone else also posts a nazi thread
>Other thread gets popular while this guys thread dies
>wah wah pol is deceased


Probably true but still, not leaving. Not unless something more pro free speech pops up and takes the masses by storm.

You forgot pizzagate/elsagate


What are you doing here if you'r not white, really? Who do you think you "triggering" by posts like these? You can lurk and post you'r opinions but the attempts from non-whites towards whites trying to hurt them mentally is so profoundly retarded, on this board at least. Only saying this cause I've seen it on an uptick lately.

never forget that there are many very well funded anti white groups largely funded by the Jewish millionaire / Billionaire elite - they have money to burn and can afford to use multiple hybrid techniques to prevent us from organizing.

They also tag team to self bump their threads.
They strategically use proxies especially for so called 'based' countries like Australia, Poland, Russia.
They spend a lot of energy to discredit ecelebs and that is where a lot of thier energy goes. They attempt character assassination or push narrative wedges for certain people. Richard Spencer was certainly shilled the fuck out by them and they have largely succeeded to get Sup Forums against him. They photoshop images as much as possible that facilitate a narrative or a re just ridiculous.

They use stupid reverse psyop tactics like 'so and so is a Jew', try to sow discord in the community with threads like are Slavs white?, are southern Europeans white? etc etc.

I could go on. New fags make their job a lot more easier as they fall for the bait etc.