
Should anti-miscegnation laws be reinstated? Are there even ANY cons with them?

Are they a viable negotiating tool or temporary solution until we can start unwhite deportations?

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No. Stop trying to run people's lives

I'm a race mixer. My heart got SPICCED. I couldn't help falling in love with my wife, she's such an excellent woman. Although I'm generally against race mixing, I don't think it should be outright banned. It shouldn't be advocated for.

Just treat them like second class citizens when you can because that's what they are.

Yes, and current interracial marriages should be dissolved. Ideally the whip would be used to punish those who fraternize in the future.

Do you think there would be less hostility towards race mixing if it wasn't pushed so heavily from the top?

You mad blackboi?

A con would be a loss of freedom i suppose

It would be a violation of the NAP

Thats one factor definitely. The same media kikes who lied about hillary, sanders and trump for 2 years are the same cunts promoting this shit. There's an obvious ulterior motive to it. The growing anti-white sentiment in western media tells us exactly what that is

Yeah I'd say so. The Jews are clearly advocating white female Arab and/or black male relationships. That's bad for genetics and if it wasn't for the propaganda, white women wouldn't look at them. The few interracial relationships that would happen without Jew interference would be natural and healthier. Not based on lust or propaganda.

Fuck off, lolbertarian.


fuck off statist REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

The edge.

Fuck off, statist

A society based on free association means you don't have to associate with race mixers if you don't want to.

>be mixed person
>too white to be black
>too black to be white
>lose sense of identity amongst people because of it
Personally not mixed but you can see how race mixing is bad guys.

Nah not really

>Are there even ANY cons with them?

They're unconstitutional, at least here in burgerland. I'd consider that a con.


muh Supreme Court comprised of 50% kikes

get fuccd

Technically yes, but it's not a good issue to make such a high priority. In reality, very few whites actually racemix. Crusading against racemixing just alienates normies and sets off their "WHITE SUPREMICIST RACIST" radar. For us right now, it is much better to focus on waking whites up, spreading redpills, and rekindling our racial awareness.

In a hypothetical future where whites live in some kind of racially conscious ethnostate, yes of course it should be illegal.


>Niggers/Arabs/Wetbacks and Whites


East Asians/Jews/light-skinned non-immigrant Spics and Whites

Nah... Jews and Gooks have actual intelligence and the line is too blurred with Tejanos. It should be discouraged though.

>Liking a black woman means you like black culture
Are you literally this retarded? Black woman that are interested in white men hate black culture. There's a reason they want to get bleached. They're sick and tired of Jamal and Tyrone, and want to spend time with someone who's smart and can treat her like a proper lady.

If the race-mixing doesn't involve blacks then I could care less, but darkies are a blight upon humanity with their degeneracy and facial features.

Loving v. Virginia court was all-white.

Not all of us thing the Civil War ended, friendo.

Our lack of birthrate is a MUCH bigger problem than interracial breeding. It tends to be the garbage tier whites who miscegenate anyway.


>Black woman that are interested in white men hate black culture
This is true

says the selfish prick who ruins kids' lives by making them racemixed

Here is a list of reason and negatives of race mixing. If you think all humans are the same you are either ignorant or a liar.

Hell I know even without having to read those links, just look up the cases of bone marrow donors being minimal for mixed race kids.

White-Asian children are twice as likely as Asians to have mental illness. Source: news.ucdavis.edu/search/news_detail.lasso?id=8732

I got BLACCED by a brown Trinidadian woman.

The left has won the war on education, now we have to scramble to fix it. Also, Non-jewish whites are the LEAST represented in ALL Universities. Makes you think.

Mixed race couples are more likely to have stillborn babies than same-race couples. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15994621

Black-White children are more likely than both Black and Whites to make poor decisions. Source: nber.org/papers/w14192

This one just breaks my heart:
90% of women who have a child with a Black man never marry the father. Source: papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2625893

Race-mixers may give less parental support to their children because of greater genetic distance. Source: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1095-8312.2008.01110.x/abstract
>Roaming millennial
>It all makes sense now

Bias against miscegenation is likely biological in origin. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19422626

Mixed race kids suffer from low self-esteem, social isolation, and poor family dynamics. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448064/

Western culture cannot exist without western people. Ironically, western culture gave birth to the radical individualism you love so much. At a certain point, progressivism becomes contradictory self-destructive. Just look at the liberals who are letting millions of Muslims into Europe in the name of "tolerance".

Human rights are a social construct. We should do our best to approximate them, but we can also break them when they fail to serve their purpose.

Mixed race children are more likely to have health problems, high stress, smoke, and drink. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448064/
>keep in mind these are all credible sources and nothing with ".com" or ".net"

no, it doesn't even happen in appreciable numbers.

interracial people cannot receive organ donations. Source: content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1993074,00.html
>inb4 "one race, the human race"
>first ".com" link


Slim, slender, athletic, fit or average White women are 7x more likely than fat White women to refuse to date Blacks. Source: paa2008.princeton.edu/papers/80046#page=23
>This one gives me hope

Europeans and Asians are subject to more recent evolution than Africans. Source: nytimes.com/2010/07/20/science/20adapt.html
>2nd ".com"

Are those nigger lovers deliberately trying to make whites mad? If they've got a problem with us, why not come say it to our faces?

But mixed sexy girls :(

Blacks have lower emotional intelligence than Whites. Source: onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ijsa.12069/abstract
>3rd ".com"
>I am sure all the ".com"s site where they got the study from though

t. self hating half breed

Naw, then I couldnt have my beautiful nip girl.

>Mixed race
Wake the fuck up and bite the apple, it's better than biting the curb.

The secret is to emphasize it stopping white men from fucking yellow women so white women will support it without realizing it means they won't get to have black dick anymore.

Jews have always wanted a World Government, which they will control. By mixing up all the people via mass immigration, they can argue that as every country in the world now consists of many different races, national boundaries are obsolete and should be replaced with a single World Government.



Off topic, but:
2.3% of Jews are inbred. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14742164
>Maybe that is why some have such ugly noses and are so short

Women with more than 20 sexual partners have an 80% chance of divorce. Source: s3.amazonaws.com/thf_media/2003/pdf/Bookofcharts.pdf#page=22

>Should anti-miscegnation laws be reinstated?

Odd how progressives always want a PUREBRED dog, isn't it?

Less attractive women are more likely to want careers. Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22468947

Women with low waist-to-hip ratios produce smarter children. Source: nytimes.com/2010/04/18/magazine/18fob-Bergner-t.html
>That explains why sheeboons produce dindus

I need links to real studies on why race mixing is healthy/unhealthy

Blind men have statistically identical body standards as sighted men. Source: nytimes.com/2010/04/18/magazine/18fob-Bergner-t.html

More diverse neighborhoods have lower social cohesion. Source: citylab.com/housing/2013/11/paradox-diverse-communities/7614/

Diversity increases social adversity. Source: bjp.rcpsych.org/content/201/4/282.full

Borders, not multiculturalism, reduce intergroup violence. Source: arxiv.org/abs/1110.1409

I'm mixed and I'm doing pretty good.

Ethnocentrism is rational, biological, and genetic in origin. Source: pnas.org/content/108/4/1262.abstract

This, there's not really a problem with race mixing because when it's not pushed it doesn't tend to happen very often, white people 95% of the time will choose their own race.
Restrictions on immigration are absolutely necessary but anti miscegenation laws would be extremely difficult to enforce and would be unlikely to make much of a difference anyway.

What mixes?

>he hates the constitution

What should we do to this traitor faggot?

Humans can be genetically categorized into five racial groups, corresponding to traditional races. Source: pritchardlab.stanford.edu/publications/pdfs/RosenbergEtAl02.pdf

Genetic analysis “supports the traditional racial groups classification.” Source: psychology.uwo.ca/faculty/rushtonpdfs/PPPL1.pdf

Or info-graphs


With enough data points, an individual will never be closer related to someone of another race than someone of their own race. Source: genetics.org/content/176/1/351

No, even in Japan there is miscegenation. That is what we aim for, to be equal to the Japanese

>Human ethnocentrism—the tendency to view one's group as centrally important and superior to other groups—creates intergroup bias that fuels prejudice, xenophobia, and intergroup violence

No word in your source about it being 'rational' though. Really made me go hmmmmm.

Can't read, Abo?

“Recent research in genetics demonstrates that certain racial, and also ethnic, categories have a biological basis in statistically discernible clusters of alleles.” Source: stx.sagepub.com/content/30/2/67.abstract

So...90% of white women.

>kekistani flag

Black women, that is why there is a higher divorce rate. The all white women are sluts and coal burners is a meme.

lol sure, let me smoke my weed in peace on my property or any other consenting private property, and i won't have to kill you

A massively well-funded study of over 100,000 schoolchildren found that “Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.” Indeed, even when controlling for education, socioeconomic status, and other factors, there is an across-the board higher rate of health risks amongst mixed race adolescents than mono-racial adolescents.

One study found that White-Asian mixes had a 2x higher rate of being “diagnosed with a psychological disorder, such as anxiety, depression or substance abuse.”

My beliefs are better because I judge them on evidence. People aren't equal, stereotyping is a necessary evil, and Diversity is our Strength is a conceited notion of Divided we Stand, the point of enforced multiculturalism being because the enforcers know that the proper adage is the true one.

There is no evidence that backs up your way of thinking. You don't just have a belief system, you have an entire religion.
Your promised land is your "multicultural paradise" where everyone lives in harmony, your Second Coming is that magical day
that will never come, where everyone suddenly "learns to be tolerant", your "heathens" are "bigots", Your martyrs are
violent thugs and despicable people.

I think race mixing should be allowed but not encouraged and let nature take its path.A country should have a population homogeneous enough as to make it so mixed people bring little to no change to the gene pool always have 96% majority and minorities should never grow to be more than 4% of the population.Also kill all the fucking Jews specially the Rothschild family

Weed isn't an issue. Demographic suicide is.

I concur.

Religion is as hypocritical as the rest, focusing more on race than any other
party has ever been, being the Party of Tolerance in the same way Muslims are the Religion of Peace. Your priests are
snake oil salesmen and they preach a message of state reliance, absolving you of personal responsibility so that you don't
have to bear the blame for the horrible person that you've become.
There's no point in trying to debate you because you don't rely on objective fact but a fairy tale that has been drilled
into your head that questioning it makes you feel uneasy. You are the bible bashers, you are the close minded shitbricks
responsible for holding back human accomplishment throughout time. And I have to thank you for it. Because a legion of
dogma indoctrinated dimwits shouting "BIGOT" at every argument like it constituted a counter argument has made me a much
better man, because I've learned to back up every fucking point I make twice over. And I'm happy you find joy in your
little Cult of Multiculturalism because it will bring you everything you deserve and nothing you asked for.

And I'm working on the cure right now.

No, just stop promoting it.

I have a cure for multiculturalism comrade is called Gulag

>B-But muh white woman are good girls they dindu nuffin
All modern women are shit you fucking doofus.
Yeah sure, go and fuck only white women. Or black women. Or yellow women. Just don't be surprised when they dump your ass as soon as someone newer and sexier comes along. They don't give a fuck about degeneracy, they don't give a fuck about race, they fuck what they want to fuck, which is going to include black people.

This all started in the 60's with the indoctrinated baby boomers that opened the flood gates for the 3rd world brownies to come here to the 1st world.

Religion is a cancer in humanity at best they just have good values like Christianity but those can be turned into the values of a nation all religion does is hold us back it must be purged.

>Denounce commie
>Denounce degeneracy and multiculturalism
Ok fine you use Gulag we use Gas Chambers
Both effective at destroying the bullshit we hate

Feminism has turned most modern woman into useless sluts specially white women they will literally fuck anything and everything is truly a shame no modern woman makes for a half decent wife these days.Our laws need to change and woman should be punished socially for their slutty behavior also i think we should take away woman's rigth to vote they have proven to be merely children and make decisions that have only helped bring upon the collapse of western men.When you look a the parades welcoming refugees is all white woman , their just looking for new cocks to ride.

Racemixer here. White man (~75% British Aisle, 25% German) with American black (African/European/Native American most likely 80/15/5ish is average?). Of course this would be bad for me and mine.

As far as all the links in this thread, I guess I'll find out first hand. Gonna be painful if we experience health issues because of our ignorance.

I mostly support the white push on this board. Something is fucked up in the world. This push by the fucking (((elites))) will hurt me either way. Either they win, and what is left of freedom and civilization are destroyed, or white's continue to become more justifiably radical and we are purged. My Trump meming and support was my only option to shake things up in hope to change that future.

Sending them to public schools, since my two boys seemed to have inherited my... tendencies, will be a wild ride. I am documenting all of it.

Will make some posts once I am able to identify IQ and other differences.

Only reason communism failed was do to spineless leaders and many parts of the hole trying to change human behavior thing Lenin and Marx was thinking off Stalin had it best specially when he industrialized the motherland.You nazis sure where crazy motherfuckers your country needs you now more than ever