How do we fix US Healthcare?


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pokemon stop this bill

>Ideally: The free market
>In actuality: We won't

>Who cares about dead people, Drumpf is gonna get BTFO

by letting it pass

>both parties responsible for life before obamacare
>republicans replace Obamacare with a bill that provides more than we had before Obamacare
>republicans are killers
Even if Republicans simply repealed Obamacare they'd just put us back in the situation that both parties had us in before. I don't see how they're responsible for that situation

Stop letting fat pieces of shit claim healthcare if they don't want to improve their health.

mutal aid
it works for the Amish

They make it sound like the streets of america was full of dead bodies everywhere before obamacare. It hasn't even been that long that obamacare has been a thing. What a fucking joke.

Trump announces tomorrow that, with the support of the Republicans in Congress, we will have universal health care for all citizens in exchange for complete concession by democrats on illegal immigration, meaning Trump gets everything, the Wall, an end to birthright citizenship, the ability to severely punish sanctuary cities and the people who run them, all of it

what happens

democrats say no and trump gets rid of the health care and they still blame him for everything.

kill the lard asses

Doctors didn't exist before the year 2008. !!!FACT!!!

Start by making corporations that own hospitals pay taxes.

How the fuck did people survive before obamacare? They say millions will drop dead in the streets, why wasn't this happening before obamacare? It seems like we're in the stage where if you don't support socialism, you're inherently evil in the eyes of about 60m+ "americans".

Turn off the government money hose.

Open insurance companies to sell across state lines.

Stop subsidizing corn.

Can't because all the DNC will organize violent commie subversives against whoever makes healthcare free market and the rest of the RINOs in the GOP like John McShame would fight it to the bitter end too since they are controlled by lobbyist dollars.


I've been saying this for a while now. Obamacare is like fucking 3-4 years old. I hate that people blindly eat shit straight from the asshole from anyone with a D next to their name.

Obama could come out tomorrow and write "ooga booga where da wyte wymin at" on his twitter and it will get over 1.2M likes and a bunch of faggots saying "oh I wish you were still president, you're so insightful!"

How much do you think she pays the millennial shitheads that post for her on twitter?

Cut foreign aid, deport illegals, universal healthcare.

Correction on my part, it's like 7 years old.

Pay with cash or fucking die. Give it a year or two and they'll be nothing left to fix.

1. SCOTUS defines ACA as a tax.
2. Stop thinking a tax is healthcare.
3. Stop saying insurance is healthcare.
4. Realize the media and gov have us saying healthcare- it is not.
5. Know the gov is never going to get rid of a tax.
6. You are paying the ACA tax and for the insurance.

Still not very old at all.

What ((( Ben Shapiro ))) said about this was 100% correct. Dems are gonna bitch no matter what you do so might as well do the right thing and repeal the entire thing instead of passing that shitty obongo care lite bill

>republicans replace Obamacare with a bill that provides more than we had before Obamacare
No, but people were getting jewed far more before ObamaCare with getting their claims:
they died silently their foreclosed homes or alleys.

Legalize inexpensive healthcare:

this must be in the top 5 largest transfers of wealth in history.

Burn it down and start over from scratch.

The argument is that people WERE dying in large numbers before obamacare. I don't know how to argue against socialized healthcare because it appeals to emotion. If you believe in free market healthcare and competition in the market to naturally drive prices down, you are instantly written off as evil and that you want cancer patients and babies to die. There is such an emotional appeal when it comes to obamacare. They just say "ACA is progress, people were dying without healthcare before it, anything other than ACA or full single payer is nazi evil racist white supremacist hateful shit". My mind is so fucking bonked out right now. It really is "socialism or die" with these people.

FDA needs to be liberalized. Innovation is slowed by their processes and testin requirements. Should look towards the Japanese model. FDA drags their feet to keep the big pharma players dominant.

Also our food is fucking poison and is making people sick. Cancer is big biz.

just make the pricing fair.
especially in the dental industry.


Just simply remove it. We can pay for it ourselves.

By putting Hillary in prison, also extra tax on obese people and lower tax on healthy people

You'd think she'd love this. More dead people means more votes for the Democrats in future elections.

hahaha trips of truth!

Transparency in pricing
Transparency in track record / results

This makes sense, but it would be shot down as racist, sexist, and unfair to the poor. Democrats would take it straight to the Supreme Court where they would rule it violates the 14th amendment for violating Shan'iqua's rights.

>She shouldn't have to choose between Popeye's and healthcare!

>You cant discriminate against us for being fat peices of shit because its our free will and constitutional right to do so
>Now make sure I can get a double hear bypass for a reasonable amount.

We need a plague that targets overweight people.

Get big money out of politics so insurance and healthcare companies stop manipulating the law to make profit while screwing over the common people. Let the government negotiate drug prices like other civilized countries. Initiate a multi-tier healthcare system with a public and private sector.

Why won't she stay in the woods.

Bomb the US to extinction.
Start the country over.
That shit's beyond repair.

>death party
recent victim : seth rich

It's fucking 2017, the woods get wifi.

We do, it's called type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately jewish doctors gave them treatment that keeps them alive, without curing it, for their lives.