How do we stop this?

How do we stop this?


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when a man and a woman loves each other very much...

Find a hot Asian single in your area

kill me now. these spics will give the country to mexico for free if they get in power

kill the traitors before you kill you enemy

>uncucking itself

They're worse than we are for fuck sake and we're basically a muslim colon-
[This post was cut short by a Van of Peace™]

No they won't, they will just demand gibs until the country inevitably collapses. As for how to stop this, conquer everything between the Rio Grande and isthmus of Panama and genocide every single Spic in the country. Much easier to defend a border that is like 30 miles wide than a border that is 3000 miles wide.

theyre already mutts the problem will fix itself

While I don't disagree that America is cucked as hell it is an unfair comparison to compare the US to Europe. The Muslim migrants have to journey across a body of water just to reach your continent, we share a 3000 miles border with an impoverished shithole.

Imagine how cucked Britain, Germany, Sweden, or France would be if they switched geographical places with Iraq.

People who want a good lifestyle don't live in the inner cities of America.

New York metropolitan area: 70% white.

Fuck off, you limey jew.


But in all seriousness, we build a wall and start mass deportations. We also need to repeal the 14th Amendment.

>Imagine how cucked Britain, Germany, Sweden, or France would be if they switched geographical places with Iraq.
Yeah at least our rapists put effort in to come do us, lol.

>limey jew
How dare you. I'm a Slimey Jew™ thank you very much.

Many Hispanics are literally white, nothing to stop there.

Not the ones heading up here, Ivan. They're dark, short, and dumb as hell. The few women they bring with them are closer to gremlins than people and the men are all short and scrawny so they get these massive Napoleon complexes and get into fights with everybody.

And no matter how many generations they're here they always have these really irritating whiny accents.

those numbers are as correct as the pre election polls.

One child policy for all non-whites in Western countries. They still get to live here, breed, and etc, so the SJWs will be happy, and they will slowly be bled out of the gene pool because of negative population growth.

There, I fixed the West.

Build the wall, deport all illegals, create a new supermax jail for illegals who commit crimes where they spend their bid in solitary every day, 5-10 years minimum sentence for using the social security # of anyone else if you're illegal, etc.

Lots of ways we can keep the illegals out and keep America from turning into a shitty cesspool, but let me also say this -

By the time the USA had, say, 100 million who identified as Latino, we'd already be a smoldering crater and not able to sustain ourselves any longer, and by that time, the illegals will keep heading north to go directly to Canada, that is, if the chinks and goat fuckers haven't obliterated it by that time.

Have to end birthright citizenship too.

You could have stopped this gringo.

Bleached cabron! Mi vieja es un guera Americana y ya tenemos 3 niños
t.un wey viviendo en la estado de Tennessee, desde Zacatecas

>How do we stop this?
We don't

I guess you havent learn your history

Haha America belongs to us now Viva Mexico!

Make a Race War between Black vs Chicano community.

Make propaganda that giving Mexicans gibsmedat is taking black gibsmedat - with US nationality. Segregate in same neighbours and give out weapons to each side. Incentivize confrontation.

It's kinda already happening. Did you miss the whole "Trump 2016" thing?
Child-immigrant bans are making it to the house floor alongside 5 year welfare bans for new immigrants. Also ICE is increasing the scope of who they are deporting to include all parents of dreamers.

That "Future" figure will be nowhere near that much in the future.

Build that wall! Mount it with auto targeting sentry guns!

Fuck a wall. Trump should make some jobs and and give enough men Rifles to become a wall.

Whatever happened with Bush Jr.s great fence anyway?

hahaha burgers love making fun of us euros but they are the ones literally begging for a raping

Sorry but you are wrong. I plan on retiring in a rural white state. That is really your only hope at this point if you still want to live in the US in 2050. I'm considering moving to one of the Baltic states also but for the most part America is over my friend. We had a good run though senpai

You have to go back

I'm white. I fucked a bunch of Mexican girls. They love sex. Puss always wet.

Repeal the 1965 immigration act, then deport every single spic in the south west

Yeah that already happened, look at the demographics of california


One can only hope. Spics will deport themselves in mass if their gibs are cut off for 5 years.

What you forget is that rule america is basically all white. Silly Ahmed.

Honestly we should come up with an agreement where you take your property back and we pay you for it. I'm willing to pay 10.000 a head that gets sent back. Don't care what you do with them.

I thought spics were supposed to have a great ass.

these stats were calculated without a wall and without deportation of illegals.

Latinos are a conservative hardworking people. Why stop it?

Bulldoze all the way down to the Canal, integrate people where possible but wipe out the drugs etc.

Mexicans are not the problem. Mexico is the problem.

As a spaniard, I apologise in name of my ancestors for the mestizos and for not doing what you did with the indians in the north.

You guys did indeed a good job.

>How do we stop this?
We dont.

Build a time machine and tell the Queen of Spain that the new world doesn't exist

Or convince anglos to have more kids...

Either way, spics are the natural predator of Muslims and Niggers so I'm not all that bothered.

By being ironic as fuck and posting dank memes.

keep hacking the DNC servers and releasing their dirt and maybe we do

Simple, convince latinos to vote republican. Democrats will run them the fuck out of town faster than you can say John Wayne.

Open borders is not about diversity, it's about votes. Change the vote, win the war.

>Implying I can afford to have kids

We need to increase wealth so white people start having kids again

This is actually a very good idea

Remove USA thus you remove the latinos

You're an degenerate animal
but not incorrect....

All they want is free shit and more mexicans, in order to get them to vote for us we need to ruin the country to the point where it didn't fucking matter anymore

In the 90's a huge percentage of Latinos were republican

A lot of hispanics were pro Trump until the media tried to spin his Mexico position into some blanket disdain for hispanics.

Generally the whiter a hispanic is the more they see themselves as white and behave accordingly.

Gotta look at the bright side friendo

>implying a nigger can afford his
>implying this isn't all about white entitlement

You keep acting like retards alienating latinos when most have Spaniard or Italian blood in them will guarantee they vote left I live in Aurora a majority hispanic/latino city and they act more white than most real whites culture is stronger than nationality, but most of you stormfaggots dont get that

they arent in power yet? i mean look at the resistance to lower immigration you got nationalists in schools teaching mexican nationalism and shit

I would trade a hard working black or hispanic man over our degenerate overweight ugly as fuck white welfare leeches anyday.

yeah you're an utter retard. every single beaner would gladly hand over the southwest over to mexico. they will be able to do it in about 30 years if nothing is done to "stop" them

Speaking of irritating whiny accents, what is it with Taco-spawn and their piercing voices? They all sound exactly the same, and it's beyond annoying to hear from across the store while I'm working.

Shut up bitch, I live in LA and they're fucking trash. They're the horde.

Find a hot latino woman and start having babies

They are way more conservative than white girls

>They are way more conservative than white girls
what the fuck are you talking about? if you're a man, your bitch while emulate what you do.

>comparing LA spics to proud latinos

Its like saying antifa represents all whites

Sure, the legal ones are.

Have fun with your degenerate feminist white girls who will never have children, while we take over with the family-oriented latinos.

have fun with your short-mutt children

fuuny cuz you guys where white for millennials and it all gets thrown away in a few decades by commies

Those numbers are hugely inflated. Net immigration to the US from Mexico flattened out in 2015. While there is still an issue of securing the border in the future, the circumstances appear to have changed. Also, the better looking and more affluent and capable Latinos and Latinas will intermarry with white Americans. Their kids will identify unironically as "Hispanic-White." This will help to sand down some cultural edges.

A demographic that almost no one talks about is an increase in the Asian population...I suppose because they're so affluent and peaceful, no one cares. Also, blacks hang tight and remain at around 12%.

build a wall
force the poor people back
wait till mexican revolution
build a tunnel after the dust settles

You have a tiny sample size, they're all here. If their best is to just barely be as good as middle class whites, you gotta realize that the top of their bell curve is in the trash tier zone.

what the fuck?

The meme side of my says gas

The realistic side of me says deport every single fucking one

Have fun with no children

they're legally in their own countries and that doesn't stop those countries from being complete shit. If we become a half mestizo brazilified nation we will completely cease technological innovation

too bad arabs will forever be the worst immigrants because all the good ones stay in their country and fight (baathists)

The coffee shop incident kind of redpilled me on Latinos in America, I always thought they were chill, seems I was wrong. Just another bio wave of angry racist gibsmedats. Fuck this earth

In that case, let latinos and blacks have a race war and afterwards whites can wipe the survivors. We eliminate two problems with ease.

fuck you. You probably don't have kids because you live with your parents, but this notion among whites that you have to making six figures to fuck your wife has got to end.

That wall won't be good for shit, you guys aren't even competent enough to have sex with white women, you lose, embrace burrito bros.

seriously you can't find a white girl? what is wrong with you? you're either an insane shill or you're just a sad sack of sht. not every white girl is a feminist whore

they are more chill than most minorites (blacks and arabs) but not anywhere near as chill as east asians
they have less gibsmedats than blacks but a good 1/2+ of the legal ones (the illegals are far worse, ask anyone who has met them including me) are pretty bad

latinos, gypsys, italians... same nigger shit.

I rather have them than apes tho.

from what I heard of gypsys they are worse than apes

why ?

latinos is russias biological weapon.

Man, no mestizo spic is better than arabs, and they are only slightly better than niggers, which is still deep into total shit tier territory

The crime is similar, the degeneracy is very much the same, it's fucked up. Even 1% of the population being mestizo is too much

The only way to stop this is to help Mexico build it's economy. They only reason they come here is to get better job opportunities. And once they realize that their country is just as fine to live in. They won time here anymore.

>our rapists put effort in to come do us, lol

You're ferrying by the boat load yourself you Fucking cuck best shut the fuck up

You're the one that can't find a girl

I said white girls are objectively inferior and it's true, you know it

They're way more liberal and degenerate than latinos

If u love Mexico so much why are you here spic?

Exactly this.

Not with that attitude.

He's doing more than past presidents, but I'm still mad about him going soft on the dreamers.

>not every white girl is a feminist whore
True, but wayyyyy too many are.

How about instead of gibs for every kid they have, they get gibs for the kids they dont have. "Well since youre black you automatically get a 4 no kid gibs card. Since youve already cooked three tar babys in your monkey oven, thats minus 3 gibs. So youll be getting 1 gibs credit monthly. Dont have anymore silverbacks blow loads in your cheesy beefsteak pig pussy and youll be good."

By race mixing

Manifest Destiny. God wants the U.S. and more specifically the White Man to control the center of this continent.

you both are acting like your daughters won't become these whores you despise. racemixing isnt the answer to these problems.
do you think 2nd or 3rd generation latino girls are not going to be degenerate whores as well?? you'd be delusional to think otherwise.

How many of you guys even have wives? I'm pretty sure none, because of the way you talk. No rual conservative would even accept your ideas or talk. Have some XXtreme hot cheetos, they're SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO spicy and DELICIOUS!!!!!!!!

OI! Bin that free speech!