you don't have to be black to challenge racism
you don't have to be homosexual to challenge homophobia
you don't have have to be a muslim to challenge islamophobia
you don't have to be black to challenge racism
you don't have to be homosexual to challenge homophobia
you don't have have to be a muslim to challenge islamophobia
>you are OP
>you are a faggot
>You don't have to be white to challenge white population replacement
Whoops you forgot that one. Sage in options field
what are you getting at?
Come out with it coward.
shekel for a good goy
If you think racism, homophobia, and religious intolerance are the problems plaguing our world, you're so far disconnected from the truth that it's pathetic.
You don't have to be retarded to go along with the worlds most destructive and harmful meme.
But it helps.
but what happens if other people want to kill you?
You don't have to be anywhere else in the world to be this retarded either
>kills people
>destroys the planet
you should be against black people then
how do people even fall for these?
black people are NOT the only people who can be victims of racism you grand standing piece of shit.
fuck off and go pontificate from your platform made of black folk misery somewhere else, you phony little bitch.
>page 1
>hits bump limit
>politically correct
>no one bats an eye
ya this board is fucking gone.
Your meme says you're against anything that kills innocent people whilst you kill innocent people with your crazy globalist policies.
You get an A+ for cog dis; it all helps towards your degree in idiot being
>water kills people
>people destroy the planet
kys OP, you wouldn't want to be unprincipled
Those are actually pretty noble beliefs to have, caring about peace and the protection of the Earth.
White supremacist don't understand that they shouldn't judge people based on melanin pigmentation, and should instead understand that humanity is one race, the human race. Demographics change and evolve, everything does and resisting change is no good for humanity.
In the future, all of humankind will be united under one banner, we will explore the universe in search of answers and we will come to realizations that all humans have a common destiny and fate, despite our meager difference. Long live Humanity and the homeworld Earth.
A phobia is an irrational fear. Liberals are such babies with their words
How do globalist policies kill people? If anything, globalism has saved billions of lives. It has made global trade much more profitable than war, which was never the case throughout human history.
Humanity has lived in constant nationalistic fervor for most of history and we know how that turned out, uncountable number of deaths and the slowing down of progress. Ever since globalism took over in the last ~60 humanity has grown at an unprecedented rate, economic prosperity was a record high and humanity advanced scientifically more so than the last couple thousands of years.
Globalism is the future, things like countries and nationalistic policies are relics of the past, of a time when humans killed humans to survive, that will not be our future anymore.
>anything that destroys the planet.
>anything that kills people.
Sort of ironic assuming they believe In Global warming.
>you don't have to be black to challenge racism
>you don't have to be homosexual to challenge >homophobia
>you don't have have to be a muslim to >challenge islamophobia
You do have to be OP if you want to suck dicks