Should we organize to restore monarchies?

Should we organize to restore monarchies?

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no /sage

No. Christian monarchies are the entire reason jews were allowed and protect in Europe. Fuck 'em. We need our Fuhrer back.

you don't organize shit,
monarchies will restore themselves

Yes, if you do not have Óðin's ætling as a ruler you are open for invasion

Tribes, tribe leaders, warbands

Monarchs and any other kind of autocrat eventually just devolve into degenerate inbreds that only cater to the elites (it's the same as now but just one guy instead of 100 senators). Fuck off.

Install monarchy Gastro!

It didnt happen in the middle ages when jews got regularly BTFO in all of europe

Every major European monarchy expelled the Jews at one point or another. The Jews only managed to remain in Europe because of the quasi-republican city-states of Italy and Germany that tolerated them.

No. Feudalism allowed kingdoms to expel the jews and end their usury all the time.
You can't continuously lie and deceive a group of locals when they are your neighbors and will expel /murder you if you continue doing it. It required people to have more virtue.

The only real weakness was Catholics were not allowed to practice usury which only concentrated all the wealth to the jews.

Kingdoms are built. I'll be god damned if a fucker gets the keys to the kingdom without giving the grass its required substance to grow. I expect any being who wants to claim my land as his to be willing to decimate the liniage of his foes to obtain an inch of soil for his kin. Show me a man who is willing to destroy worlds to create heaven, then you'll see my king.


I support this.

>American education

Yes, no doubt about it
Monarchs expelled Jews and society didn't fall for their lies, the end of feudal society and monarchy, as well as the decline in Christianity, correlates with the rise of (((their))) power

>No. Christian monarchies are the entire reason jews were allowed and protect in Europe. Fuck 'em. We need our Fuhrer back.

many christian monarchies expelled the juwe

Jews did not exist before Christianity. Go back to the time when there were no Jews at all and you know you're doing it right. Pic related

You're all retarded. Look up "court jew." This happened throughout Europe, but most famously in Spain and England.
>king needs an army or just quick money for something
>get loan from jews
>pass off exorbitant loan on peasants cuz LOL why not? divine right of kings
>peasants get mad
>nobles mad that they aren't financing king
>peasant pogroms launched against jews
>king forced to evict them(though sometimes he would defend them and violently put down peasant pogroms)
>jews expelled
>king dies, son takes over
>son needs quick loan, repeat cycle

That's european jewry up until their emancipation in a nutshell.

coup - you don't vote monarchy in, you take it
not the will of the people creates it, what creates it is the danger and fear of other 'tribe' - specifically the climate of the region

take it by force, prevail the turmoil, protect the people better than the previous system did - with time you gain legitymacy

That's my point, allow non-jews to practice usury + protect individual rights and feudalism would be kryptonite to jewish control over the world.

Usury should be banned.

People who don't understand economics should be banned.

Nazis got rid of it and did fine until jewry organized the world against them.

you kinda need the will and trust of the people to an extent to build an army in the first place

What if the monarchy wasn't based on bloodlines but on an election

Jews were illegal here until the late 1800ds. Masons and Jesuittes too and other fruity clubs

It's all fun and games until your king turns out to be an idiot. At least incompetent politicians can be voted out of office.

Democracy is useless, just look at my country. Foreigners control the Media and basically every big company here, pushing their hostile agenda through every outlet possible. From school books to banks.

Pic related is the front page of Sweden's biggest bank website

some people, not most of em, or even not a significant force, history is full of brave stupid and lucky motherfu

heathen == monarchist it comes with it.
We are the kikes worst nightmare, as we know what they are doing or did, bloting, we do it our self, but with animals. Blood sacrifice. And holocausting people that was in the past, I don't go around and burn people in their houses
>Or do I?

go ahead, buddy

>Veistu, hvé rísta skal?
>Veistu, hvé ráða skal?
>Veistu, hvé fáa skal?
>Veistu, hvé freista skal?
>Veistu, hvé biðja skal?
>Veistu, hvé blóta skal?
>Veistu, hvé senda skal?
>Veistu, hvé sóa skal?

>Do you know, how you shall carve?
>Do you know, how you shall rule?
>Do you know, how you shall color?
>Do you know, how you shall tempt?
>Do you know, how you shall pray?
>Do you know, how you shall blot?
>Do you know, how you shall send?
>Do you know, how you shall undo?

Very tolerant and progressive.

Because of direct government oversight into the economy and how people ran their lives. It only worked that well because Germany was very racial homogeneous at the time and there was a collective national interest.

How could you possibly recreate that today? It's an ideal society sure, but I think for as looney as ancaps may sound, it's still a much more workable idea.

That's what I'm trying to say really.
You have to fight fire with fire.

you mean the noble democracy

Frey's Yngling I swear to Óðinn, if you do not change your ways I will fucking gas you all


>How could you possibly recreate that today?
By being racially homogeneous again. We're going to have to do this regardless of anyone's preferred economic system anyways. Kind of a moot point desu.

Personally I think the best system is An elected monarchy where the only ones that can vote come from established noble families that cannot mix with foreigners.

Every time the king dies, or is dethrones by special election with enough signatures. A new king is elected from these families.

That's the thing. The Nazis were racially homogeneous from their inception.
You need an idea just to bring similar peoples together first before you could have that. There needs to be a clear economic reason to do that that benefits the individual too. You had that in 1930s Germany, they were in a depression and the Nazi party gave them prosperity.

I wish we'd give ours more power, Last couple of Kings and Queens were great people

Even a fucking monarchy would be better than a government whose long-term planning means caring about the next 2-3 years.

4 and 5 year terms with mid-term elections are absolutely fucking cancer, the terms shoulf be like 30-40 year long so leaders actually have a chance to flesh out their plans and ideas and put them in action, but there also should be plenty of options for the people to depose these leaders if they become incompetent, malevolent or suffer from extensive health issues etc.

out of my way pagan fucking shit

Kon ungr (Kon the young) is a protected title, that's why we brawled with the UK so much, they sat peasants at the throne and dared to call them Kings. It was settled by Villhjalm Ruðajarl in 1066 though, since then they have had the lineage, the blood.
A King must stem from the Gods either æsir or vanir
>There are so many Haralds/Harolds in this battle, and they are all half norse or full norse
>But the story goes, Harald comes from England to our Harald and asks for help to take over England again which was rightfully ours
>Hardråde takes his advice
>Meanwhile the other Harald (anglo-norse) was down with Villhjalm, and he was supposed to marry his daughter
>When both the Haralds fell in 1066 he got so pissed
>He got on his horse, and with the spores on his shoes he accidentally killed his wife and not noticing it while heading for England.
Then he took it, and our right to rule was gone

you dishonor your ancestors! TRAITOR

monarchies are the path to glory

Hell is for ever!


>Should we organize to restore monarchies?

What do you think the last 40 years of No Billionaire Left Behind were about? We are now living under a global aristocracy.


Helheimen? No that's just till the next ice age, 3 years in Hel wil break loose with her army on ship naglfar, made of dead mens toe nails, and Ragnarök is on!

If we did, Would America create its own Royal Family?

That's just bizarre.

The best and most natural would ofc be that you sent one of yours, as the danes did here in 1905

Yeah it is, but i mean in this fictitious scenario

gives too much power to conspirators, a standard monarchy with a constitution to keep them from fucking up too hard is best imo

Sounds about right
Queen Elizabeth II Rightful Queen of Britain, America and the Commonwealth

Yes, England not included. They should be lined up along a wall and shot.

he was christian u fucking ape

Sultan when?

yes, so we can establish jeb bush as our king so i can get a good laugh saying king bush

I don't know how you think monarchies operate but they are already making a comeback. You're a serf tilling the land already.

>quoting a jew
Ancaps, everyone.

>Should we organize to restore monarchies?
Yes just so I can praise then King then tell him that God is better than him

>outjewing the jew

Sounds good to me desu.
Today we take the loan, actually pay them back, and them give them control of all our institutions.


>muh ancestors
Funny coming from a guy with a cross in his flag.

For ever!

It's Hell. It's for ever.

Hell is for ever!

No, that's a bit absurd by traditional standards. In the past allied states would send over one of their royals to be the king, then the bloodline would start from there.

>white women are out getting BLACKED right now around the world
>white men sit on pol unironically talking about bringing back monarchy

Yeah Norway said and i realised i was being a retard

You have to fight fire with fire.

What do you think would happen is Hitler lived long enough to have kids, it'd become a democracy?

Masters in economics usury is not necessary but i guess you have meme quotes so you know best.

Monarchists have the best uniforms

Yes, monarchy is the political red pill. Monarchy is so good that it's the chosen form of government in Heaven.

The chance of an idiot king is better than a system that gives you a charming psychopath who isn't beholden to anyone 100% of the time. Also in monarchy you know who to blame, democracy pits people against each other.


We need breakdown and war. Thatll quickly group people together with their own.

When someone tries to appeal to their authority on the subject rather than state their argument in the first place, it's a pretty good sign of a pretty weak argument.

They will sort down to the groups most local to them. That may or may not be a good thing, depending on a lot of variables.

And what's your point, nigger?

One-party parliamentarism, probably.

The post I replied to didn't have an argument, just the implication that any who thinks usury is unnecessary doesn't understand economics.

In europe most people are concentrated around their ethnic groups. Only cities are more multicultural and they will be unsustainable ghostlands in the event of economic collapse.

>In europe most people are concentrated around their ethnic groups.
Yes, but only if they could reach them. If they were stranded in a foreign land with millions of strangers....

>cities are more multicultural and they will be unsustainable ghostlands in the event of economic collapse.
Agreed. Modern cities are increasingly dependent on warehouses or farms hundreds of miles away. It would be really easy to disrupt that.

eat shit

It would be lovely if when shtf the new right wing leaders would deport migrants and open up citizenship to descendants over seas.