Across the USA, a Soro's funded group called Indivisible is holding marches across the US

I plan to counter the march in Madison, WI.

Check the link for marches in your area. Can we disrupt these globalists across America?

Anyone else wish to stop these rallies on August 26? Any Wisconsinanons wanna join me?

Other urls found in this thread:


no Im from the South I dont want to share a country with the north east and westcoast. I want to be left alone.

Daily reminder that George Soros will die on 21 August which is exactly 7 months after Trump's first full day in office and during a total solar eclipse. Praise Kek! Shadilay!

Infiltrate their ranks and gather incriminating info.

>Claim to be indivisible
>Do nothing but divide the country

reminder that the only people who give a shit about political marches are activists and Sup Forums. normal people roll their eyes at this shit.

well shit!

Bullshit, Soros already controls Trump through Kushner. There is no reason for him to obstruct Trump's administration.

>Check the link for marches in your area.
I'd love to but beyond that map, on the homepage for the group in my area all of the links are members only, which tells me all I need to know about them.

Its not a soros funded group. Its a bunch of people who are using the tactics of the tea party to further center left goals. Most of it is centered around opposition to changes in the health care laws.

Honestly the guide is a good primer on how to pressure your representative and useful for any group.

Indivisible sounds like the name of some young adult book series

Revolution is a spectator sport

Checked and entered in my calendar.

Do you have a link for the event OP?

>Its not a soros funded group.
this, there are no calls for riots or violence anywhere on the site. soros only funds groups to start chaos

>Ezra Levin, a former staffer for Rep. Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, and his wife, Leah Greenberg, are the president and vice president of the Indivisible Guide’s board, respectively.
>Levin is also associate director of the Corporation for Enterprise Development, an anti-poverty nonprofit. Melissa Bradley, who sits on that group’s board, previously worked for Green for All, a group founded by liberal commentator and former Obama administration official Van Jones. She was appointed as a Soros Justice Fellow through the Open Society Foundations, which Soros founded.
>Greenberg previously worked for Humanity United, which is funded by Soros’ Open Society Institute.
>The secretary of Indivisible Guide, Angel Padilla, works for the National Immigration Law Center, which is funded by Soros through his Open Society Foundations. And treasurer Matt Traidi is the research team director for the Service Employees International Union, a major donor to and endorser of Democrat politicians.
fuck off shills


And we all know who Service Employees International Union are.

Madtown, wew lad. That place is as crazy as Berzerkly. Those commies have been radicalized for decades. Neat city, though. Shame it's infested with leftists and their niggers.

i fucking love this lego game

If only a truck of peace could be arranged.