White culture

>white culture

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Post yfw Sup Forums was chad all along

>married a slant eye import
my sides

Dilionaire. I love it

for those wondering that just says "woman" in chinese

not sure what the limp dick and blue eye is about though

B-based racemixer! Hapa masta razu!

White pride yes!

>married a slant eye import

>Call other guys 'Boss' or 'chief'
"Boss" is literally only a nigger thing in my experience and I never really understood why, it actually makes me feel uncomfortable

>BLM mad at actual culture

>claims to be proud to be white
>marries jungle monkey
>runs porn site full of trans, incest and blacked
Trump supporters everyone.

I don't see why so many people here see Asian women as attractive. I just don't see it.

>"Boss" is literally only a nigger thing in my experience and I never really understood why, it actually makes me feel uncomfortable
I think it's mostly Latino and white (aka white and white). It's a class thing in America.

genetic memory

ok boss, here's the deal. i'm going to give you a swift kick in the rear, and you're going to give me five bucks.

i don't get the asian thing, but lord do i ever get the black or latino or meditteranean thing

>Married a slant eye import

actually i didn't really get it either. then i went to asia. instant yellow fever. it never went away, years later even

no, I've only heard blacks say it. also the same with socks and sandals. only seen black do that

the second one was way more accurate, i'll give you that

>has done literally all of the ones on the list

Why did the pigs arrest him for driving through them and not the protestors for BLOCKING THE FUCKING STREET.


>tfw no qt slant eye gf

Kek. r/hapas is gonna have a field day with this.

"Boss" or "chief" is what nigger inmates call prison guards

i'm tellin you NKorea habbenings and resultant waifus cant come soon enough

now i remember how i got it

if you dont get yellow fever after one of these pic related nights you're probably a serious faggot

operation liberate waifu when?

>acting violent
>degrading another race's women you see as a trophy
But it's wrong when white people do it?

what's with the disgusting skin tags hanging from his nipple?


I love r/hapas, they are constantly proving what a master race white men are.

So I get to stop trains and planes if I don't like the government and anyone who tries to stop me will get arrested?

Hahaha that guy is awesome

Calm down Chink. Just accept that you're impotent among white men.


I think it is more Polar Mania with Asian Women with white men, it isn't just whites going after Asian women either. The reverse is true as well.

I saw this guys picture in an article on pol yesterday where he killed himself because he was 5'7. I call bullshit on OP and any other articles with this fag in it.

hi dillon.

u mad pink boi?

>Dillon was released without being booked into jail
Reading sure is hard these days

I've seen Asians do socks and sandals. I've also known white guys who say "boss" and "chief" but they were all in construction.

In terms of racial hierarchy white men are better than every other race in every way: tall, rich, handsome, inventive, sexually the most potent, physically the most powerful... it's not even a competition.

whatever pink cuckboi

lol enjoy the aposematism and kike babies chink

she looks fucking disgusting lmao

all this you mad /pink/spic/gook boi shit needs to die off. This is literraly nigger-tier behavior

Only a massive cuck or a butthurt asian man could read "slant eye import" and not think this man is based.

personally the way they mispronounce the r in my name makes my heart melt and dick awake


Bruh tell her to learn how to fucking do her eye brows and not to over bleach her hair.

she should go to the gym too man


you're proud of this?

t. Goatfucking sandnigger in London

fuck off reddit spacing normalfag nigger lover

>angry microdicked chink males: "why do our women constantly fall for those white bois?!"
I wonder why...

seriously, I don't give a fuck about asians dating white women because the product isn't going to be a little thug nigger, same with white men and asian women, the resulting product is still a valuable human

i don't know man, it sounds like you're against anyone having fun. why do you care so much if white people are dorks? black women suck at singing on average but they sing all the time, guess how many times i've complained about it; zero, because i'm not an angsty twat.

r/hapas is going crazy over this

Hello Eurasian Tiger, I know you're here






it means Chinese women love small limp dicked white men with blue eyes

>the resulting product is still a valuable human



I'm pretty sure that's a post-op. And that massive tattoo is a deal breaker regardless.

Maybe we can work with chad for now and settle our differences later

>can't be racist because he married a slant eyed import

holy fuck I though r/hapa was fucking around when they kept saying white racists said they can't be racist because they are married to an Asian.


You're such a nigger though.

Stop it.

half jew, the evil jew gene didn't mix well with the asian genes

What do you mean? Trump's administration has lots of people who married Asian, but are still pro-white

Kellyanne Conway married a half-Asian man
Jeff Session's daughter married an Asian man

chinese spies

Wait he's a half jew?

yeah his dad was 100% jew, explains a lot right?

>believes dailymail

That actually explains it all

Literally /ourguy/

Is it bad that I'm nonwhite (pajeet to be exact) and I refer to all my friends as boss?

Idk why but boss just rolls off my tongue very easily so that's what I say.

gf qt33.14


Black black people don't even listen to black music anymore, they listen to EDM and Macklemore.

that is one nasty snatch.

gonna need a video of him running over libshits

>runs porn site full of trans, incest and blacked

So he apparently spends too much time on Sup Forums, because those are all of your faggot's fetishes

Top kek
We was emprorerors
We bild dig whalls

It's clickbait. He didn't run them over, he revved up his engine and drove slowly until they moved away and then went through.

I all everyone buddy or bud, how white am I?


>b-but porn is j-jewish guys

HAHA holy fuck Christniggers BTFO.

Porn literally confirmed to be the white mans past time. Porn is literally confirmed to be made, created, loved and supported by alpha white males who love Trump, love being white, hate lefties, hate immigrants (except yellow puss). Porn is literally confirmed red pilled and alpha as fuck that only the greatest of white men can truly appreciate.

This guy is alpha as fuck desu senpai


The perfect man doesn't exis-

>Call others "boss"
Only ever heard gypsies do that

sounds like an awesome guy desu. exactly the type of chad all those virtue signaling feminists would bow to and suck & fuck until the skin in their vaginas erode

This image is so true. thanks for the luls user



Yep, she is literally throwing Porsches and money at him.

Probably about loving white dick
roiding up didnt hide his ugliness and insecurity (see: marrying a gook) so i guess he would fit right in here at least


>why arent you in the thread about the topic I want to discuss!!

get gassed, this guy should be president


Let's get one thing straight, UN shill. White Men can have any female they want. It's mudskins that aren't allowed to have OUR women.

I'm glad Cosmo found happiness


Yes. Being a halfwit thug is a part of white culture.

Back when the west was good, you had smart gentile types, and fucking shitty meatheads, who might bash you if you were to look at them wrong, nothing is perfect even the based white culture of the past.


lol, i fucking wish i was chad