Wtf I love Macron now

wtf I love Macron now


holy fuck

I unironically like him now, at least he has one redeeming quality. Better than that neocon kike puppet Trump who attacked Assad because little cunt Ivanka cried over "muh ded babies".

He's an ok guy

wtf me too

actually pics or it didn't happen
empty words at this point, but promising nonetheless

Maybe he's not as bad as I thought he was


and Merkel hates immigrants.

Takes more than words.


this dude is going to shark it out of nowhere.

yall niggers dont know shit thats about to come yet, this nigga bogdanoff approved. France is headed for some big shit.

He got new orders from his zionist masters.

Also this thread is full of Macron shills, remember that he serves his masters and will change mind in a second if he has to.

boo, kill the worker's parasite, Assad.

He plays the tough guy before the French but really he has caved in to Putin.
Russia has won the Syrian war, it was a bit too much to ask from the public in the West to accept ISIS winning.

agreeing with yourself much

>calling anyone else a parasite

cant we all just get along? ;_;


He also said he would bomb Assad if he uses chemical weapons.
And no such a promise if the FSA does the same.
Do not be fooled, he's a far cry from the gaullist stance.

Always repeat your messages

He's still terrible. I think Sup Forums sometimes forgets that not everyone is playing the the big game, at least as far as they're aware. Not everyone is going to be aware of or believe the Greater Israel plan or the basic gesalt that Assad is necessary to maintain stability in Syria and that it's all a big proxy war for Israel, fiat currency and spheres of influence over Russia.

There are actual retards out there and Macron is one of them. He'll still shovel in migrants, he'll still make the french spread their cheeks for "progress"

His wife is dog shit ugly though.

I'll take a civic nationalist over a zionist anytime

Merkel is afraid of dogs, actually.

Ye OK if true pretty based worldview there my aquatic cold blooded friend.

He's right. Trump is a kike banker puppet. Defending him at this point makes you a cheerleader

See The /sg/ fags are shitskin arabs that don't care about the white race, most of them live in Western countries anyway- why wouldn't they love someone who supports "based assad" while not threatening their shitskin asses with deportation? The day of reckoning is coming when every last semite will be hanged.

After getting tricked by a guy with a jewish step son, Sup Forums falls for a rothschild banker BS.


No surprise there, /sg/ is home to a majority of Sup Forums's radical leftists. And the majority of them are unironic believers of #NotAllMuslims

It's not Sup Forums, just Assad/Putin cucks. Occasionally they masquerade as le true Sup Forums because they've been here so long but they can never explain why they need a general thread for their cancerous shilling if they think their shitty viewpoint represents all of Sup Forums.

why the assad hate?

>he's a great goy!

tomorrow he will let in 500,000 refugee's

>T-Trump is a kike banker puppet
no one believes you

You could already tell that they accepted Assad won't go a couple weeks ago. Media started calling him the Syrian President rather than a dictator or referring to him via "the Assad regime" and they haven't tried to push any new bullshit story about gas attacks or whatever in a while.

>falling for the election psyop

I don't hate Assad, he's just a sandnigger and his worshippers are literal cucks who make shitty memes. We never should've been involved in Syria in the first place, just so I wouldn't have to see these terrible, unfunny memes

what gives him the right to decide this for the syrians? he is french and should mind his own business

Rothschild realized that Syria is going nowhere.

>wtf I love Macron now

wait for it..