Burial is an irrational, superstitious waste of valuable land and should be banned

Burial is an irrational, superstitious waste of valuable land and should be banned.
>but cremation isn't reverent enough
A cadaver is an inanimate object, no longer a person. To show reverence to an inanimate object is the height of absurdity.

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Happy 17th birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

Not an argument.

burn your body and kill yourself then

>To show reverence

It's not reverence, you utter retard. You are showing your loved ones respect and saying farewell. It helps you move on.

Have some respect for tradition at least

Is this the greatest scene in the history of film?

When I die, you can do whatever you want with my body. What will I care?
>It's not reverence. It's respect.
Those words literally mean the same thing.

Cremation is an irrational, superstitious waste of fuel and should be banned.
>but Soylent Green isn't reverent enough
A cadaver is an inanimate object, no longer a person. To show reverence to an inanimate object is the height of absurdity.


Fuel is a renewable resource if you use wood
>soylent green
I would have no moral objections to cannibalism, but it's unsanitary. Eating human flesh is a great way to get all sorts of diseases.


Tibetan sky burial. Let the animals eat us.


this is true, what people should keep is a jar (or multiple) of multiply ways preserved dna (in a temp controled chamber in basement or attic) incase it can be used to some how revive their essence in the future uploaded and simulated in a computer, or cloned or something, yada yada stem cell

though it seems true people likely partially rightly have some strong aversion to the thought of their life long exquistely lovely and everything parents and further lineage being utterly destroyed forever from earth, is it comforting and respecting to know that they remain or very very slowly, most naturally (though volcanos and fires have been natural, but its very uncommon in nature for people to have been burned to death fully) disappear though in the end (does this mean it really is a matter of time thing, andor the acknowledgment of the act of just blatent destruction of the only thing you have known your loving parent as, as if this is hell, that children could be so easily moved to perform such an act, and maybe the decompostion of the body is partly experienced in some frame of time and maybe it is pleasent, maybe it is heaven, a slow unwinding of given all that energy back one has taken, all the hard work rewarded, but eventually have time it appears to all be broken down in one way or another and go back)

>virtue signaling this hard
If they're not to be shown reverence then I'm going to start digging up hotties and having nasty dirty sex with them. Because inanimate objects don't have any human rights so I can do what I please with them.
>the equivalent of using a pocket pussy

animals show similar tendencies you dumb shit. the corpses also break down into nutrients

I thank and give reverence at every supper.
Also: everything is animate.

No, they don't. You respect your parent, you don't revere them.

Fucking JEW


not everything is about doing the best job
sometimes you do the job you want

Free market cunt.

If you paid for a spot to get buried, it's your god damn right.
If you want to give your body to science and have 20 years old med student laughing at your small dick, you can do it too.
Why do you give a fuck?

Do you know how hard it is to burn a human body? You need lots of energy for that.

Ok. When ur mom dies give her corpse to me for sex ? kk :)

Don't liek that huh ? You little summer shit

>worrying about using up land
maybe for europoors who can't take a leak without having to share a urinal
but we americans have thousands of miles of unused land
literally no reason to not burry our dead in big expensive cemeteries

Also this. Canada is HUUUUGE and there's liek a couple leafs to populate it.

>into the furnace with you
Why? Because the alternative bothers you? Tough. Ill leave you with three things. Your heart has ITS OWN brain. And its more powerful than your brain brain. Two. The military took cheek cells out of a man. Separated them from him in a petri dish at a distance of 300 miles. Applied electric shock to the man. The cells in the dish responded, in like manner. Three. Organ transplant people say they crave french fries. Never liked them before. Received a serial killer's heart who was known to be a french fries freak. These people maybe even learn their donor's languages. Or maybe ANY other traits. Is hyponotism good? And God owns blood. If spilled incorrectly it calls out to Him. This is all super freaky shit that you just shit all over. For my "mother" earth? If we are ashes to dust. We are. Then why am i turning to ashes just for you again? Let your "mother" take her course

What, you believe it takes 5 minutes and 2 kilowatts to burn an entire human being?
Do you believe in the holocaust or something?

The ground can do it for free.

is there anything about the need for the government to allow burial land in the constitution? there should be 1 cemetery, all bodies should be shipped to deserts in the south west, but thatwould be a tremendous waste of money (and again, though the land may be useless, maybe thats only a now, maybe some day there will be 50 or more billion on earth and all that desert land will have homes, and if you let the government do that body moving operation they prob wouldnt

Christ OP, just do whatever the fuck you like, burn your dead, no one cares.

Cremation is too reverent. Bodies should be left out on recycling day

Fucking nigger doesnt understand that burying the dead is the mark of civilization

just move the headstone and it's normal land again?

Degenerate christcucks are the only ones who care about a corpse.

cremation? you burn precious organs that could save lives, then let delicious meat rot that could be eaten? Eat the dead you homo's. Get on my level.

throw your parents in the latrine pit when they die off

You commie duplex nigger, if a person pays for a space in the ground to rot that's their right, as for me I'll be paying my money to be cryo frozen as is my right so stay mad that you aren't the fucking corpse police.

I think it's really fucking stupid and a waste of land, not to mention the potential of environmental damage from retarded/lazy/corrupt cemetery owners.

Still don't like the idea of banning it through force though.

you get sick with that, better idea is feed the corpses to pigs and then eat the pigs

It's to show that other people aren't just objects to you... It's all about valuing human life, even after death.

Burial and the acts surrounding it are part of the grieving process for the family and friends of the deceased.

By going through the religious rites and ceremony of a burial, psychic and emotional wounds begin to heal. The process of preparing the body—now done by funeral homes in the West—and carrying the coffin to the grave and helping to lower it into the earth are all physical acts that give individuals a sense of participation in aiding the deceased in their journey to the next life.

This is why parents who lose children and never recover a body languish in torment for long periods if not the rest of their lives. Seeing a body and grieving over it is vital to emotional closure.

Is that a seen from a Clint Eastwood movie?

If we cremate everyone what are archaeologists in the future going to do?

I non-ironically agree, we should instead make a shrine on our own living spaces for the dead, rather than waste potential arable land to such an inefficient process. But ofc, the reason cemeterys still exist are because they are a lucrative business. Stopping people from running their business' is akin to a dictatorship, so you'd need to go be a Nazi/commie/dictator if you want to stop said market.

Burial is completely unsustainable unless you plan on digging up old skeletons, and ashing them once their family dies out.

I don't know if you've ever buried a love one, but it helps the grieving process. I do believe after the people who are responsible for burying said loved one are also dead then the land should be reclaimed and the remains disposed of.

Hope someone pisses on your corpse when your dead.