The real white genocide?

Why isn't Sup Forums talking about the real white genocide?

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the thing is, opiates can cause cardiac arrest at normal doses. They count this as an OD. My friend had foot surgery, took two oxycodone, went to sleep and had a heart attack while sleeping. Died.

A coworkers husband just died because he had surgery and took a normal dose and same thing. They ruled it an "od".

This is why opiate related deaths drop off so dramatically in states where cannabis is legalized. It aint because junkies are switching drugs; its because normal folk who take it for nornal reasons are switching to cannabis and NOT DYING.



t. Pharma kike
>Just take them bro just have a heart attack they're literally red pills

this might be true but I used to take 200mg a day before i switched to heroin. It all start with a knee injury. I am clean now but this shit is way too addictive

Whites are better off without white trash that have 0 impulse control. Junkies are the niggers of whites. The only tragedy is it doesn't kill fast enough, and states are actually paying taxpayer money to buy narcan so cops can revive these scumbags when they OD.
>muh weed
>not all opiates!
Gas yourself.

1488 420 710

>implying it's just the lower class whites dying from opiates

>It's okay if they act like niggers because they have some money!

Causes of White genocide

Race mixing
Jew wars
Drug abuse
Junk food
Non Whites outbreeding Whites
Sub replacement birth rates

It's China's revenge for the Opium days.
Now it's fentanyl

>take 60 mgs of OP
>cannot stop sucking cock

Go fuck yourself, it's the only thing that cures my RLS.


you should try iron supplements. I had RLS and turned out to be because of low iron in the blod

the opioid crisis is probably the greatest problem we face here.

it is utterly and irreversibly ruining people's lives.

How long did you use H and how many dicks did you suck?

I'm pro-white and my strategy is to basically beat my opponents down with pro-white propaganda, then when they beg for mercy, convert them to an authentic Christian religion–the religion of the earlier version of the Church of England is best for that–then have the Church warn them away from substance abuse. But my heart is very much in your effort, I simply don't think that going directly for anti-drug messaging is effective at all, O.P.

Hell is for ever!

Another friend of mine just died from heroin. That shit fucks you up man. She was a pretty talented musician sorry no archive link

Meth is the worst. Kicked smack a couple of times, felt OK in a couple of weeks. Took over a year to get right after my methadone habit

>have abscess in wisdom tooth
>so, i see a dentist
>she cannot pull the tooth, only oral surgeons can because of nerves
>she gives me meds for the infection and pain killers
>pop the pain killers and antibiotic
>i notice i am suddenly really happy and super social all of a sudden and have no idea why
>abscess pain is gone
>i suddenly start making excuses for my self to take the remaining pain killers
>run out
>get tooth pulled and get more pain killers
pain is gone after a day, but i have 15 pills left
>still making excuses to take pills
>read online about the horror stories about pain killers
>get scared and i throw the bottles in a river near by to get rid of them
>feel relieved

I still miss the happy feelings sometimes.

i recently had surgery and had a fuck load of opiates, thank fuck i ran out because for sure i would have got addicted

you could have had 15 pills and not gotten yourself addicted you fag, at least sell them to some poor cunt and make bank

it's fentanyl doing the killing. mexicans smuggle it in. it's mixed incorrectly, and the addicts take it and drop like flies.
never take an opioid. they rewire your brain and turn you into an opioid craving zombie. it is impossible to break the addiction.

I had fentanyl attached to a button i could click every 10 minutes last time i was in hospital, i legit was counting the seconds until i could click it again because i was bored shitless

My friend's mom got addicted to this shit. I knew her all my life, very sweet lady, let us play airsoft guns in my friend's backyard and smoke weed sometimes when we were in high school. Typical white suburban mom. Then she had a car accident and messed up her back and neck. She took this stuff for 6 months, maybe 7. Then she moved out. My friend never told me why. Last I heard she was in Plano and got arrested for soliciting.

>they rewire your brain

THIS. Hard drugs like heroin and cocaine hijack your brain. People become addicts because it literally changes your brains wiring.

The absolute worst thing about drug addiction is that in the long term your dopamine receptors are completely fucked. A lot of ex addicts end up in deep depression for years because of this.

I fucking love drinking on opiates and xanax

Thank God I am a social outcast and have no pill hookups or I would legit be dead

Mexico doesnt smuggle fent in. It comes in EMS boxes from china straight through customs. The people doing the mixing are Muricans.

>Mexico doesnt smuggle fent in.
oh really?

the mexis dont produce it, they buy it from china all the same, in fact these defendants may have lied about the source to avoid being additionally charged with criminal usage of a comm facility, wire fraud, etc. (with respect to their use of the postal system and computers). Fent doesnt take up much space, packages have plausable deniability, chinese chemists are the cheapest in the world and they will resend packs so theres no reason for the extra trip thru mexico, its like how the mexis smuggle weed in -- its not the primary source but as long as the cartels run mexico youll see a bit of everything (like weed) coming in, but that doesnt make mexico the major producer of US marijuana

that is a very bold statement. "Opiate OD rates drop in legal marijuana states". Do you have a source for this statistic.

I think this is a purely American phenomenon where shill lobbyists have somehow convinced legislators that small doses of opioids aren't addictive. Well, they are, so much is now clear.

Good luck getting rid of what your pharma lobby wants you to buy and buy and buy and buy.

How many should I take pol?
They're 15mg btw


I have been an opioid occassionally user for 12 years. 3 years ago I found a 100% legal way to get my high. This method has been known to cause OD too because of the difficulty in guaging dosages. I have been taking daily since 2013. I am a functioning adult with a wife 1 kid and 1 on the way, a high pressure, well-paying job and a damn good life.

The problem and responsibility lie with the user. People need to stop committing all their trust in doctors and start taking control of theit lives. If a dr gives you something that is known to cause fatalities, start with lower doses and try it out. See how YOUR body reacts to the drug before taking a ridiculous dose. That goes for 10mg oxycodone and 1/2mg xanax. Just because a dr prescribed and they are low doses doesn't mean they're perfectly safe or that you're free from responsibility. People today are too stupid and I see drug deaths as culling the herd. It's the same with recreational drugs, they see Scarface snort a pile of coca in and think they need a line the size of a caterpillar. Drugs should be sampled at low dosages to discover your bodies' reactions.

Tl;dr: drug deaths are 100% the user's fault

All stuffed in the anus, obviously

>White trash with zero impulse control
How much do you uncotrollably overeat every day? Hmmm?

Fatboy crusader having a fit?

Last time I had surgery, and that was quite painful, the hospital gave me Ibuprofen, and that worked just fine. Look it up, it's over the counter medication that you don't need a prescription for. Hospitals just have pills with a little more dosage that you can't get in pharmacies.

>took two oxycodone

Never heard of anyone being told to take two at the same time. Surely there are underlying factors.


You should know the limit and your own, it's right there in the discharge and drug info. I went through 30 pills in a little over a month, I would stop for a few days when I didn't feel the effects.

I smell a kratom cuck

>Drug overdose it the user's fault
>Kratom cuck

>Kratom being a cuck

Didn't knew THE MAN was force-feeding Oxy in Appalachia.


kratom is weak as fuck, not possible to OD

crush it up and snort it you puss puss

It has also entirely destroyed every single rural community in the US. You now have little choice but to move to a city where you can be fenced and controlled, goy.

Thanks for further polluting our water with pharmaceuticals you faggot.

Good, they cannot be fixed. A quick death is best for junkies, with H, Oxy, and meth they hung around wayyy to long and did far more damage to their communities. Is any one else happy about fentanyl?

>Let us smoke weed
No wonder why she turned into a drug addict, she was a bad person.

I've taken a good amount of hydrocodone and Tylenol with codeine. The latter will really fuck your liver up if you do it for a long time, and they high you get from it just kinda feels like you're cozy or something, hydrocodone is the same just a bit more intense. Never had any sort of heart problems but some of the stuff in the pills can make you wanna vomit if taken in excess.

Personally I much prefer a thing called gabapentin or neurotin. They're not narcotics but still a prescription drug and they do wonders for me. For me it's like a pain killer, anti depressant and anti anxiety medicine all in one, and it's way less awful for my body than codeine/opiates in general

yeah, but it's soooooooooooooo damn good
taking a few oxies before watching some vidya or chilling listening to tunes

it's just like liquor, just fucking use it responsibly you cry babies

I been taking them sweet oxies for like 15 years, I got a nice house, nice car and more than enough in the bank for early retirement

Only poor white trash idiots OD on that shit, fucking fags

this user is the only one making sense here, I'm guessing most of you are white trash or niggers

I bet you move your lips when you read........

>changes your brain's wiring

brainlets who have a half baked understanding of neuroplasticity detected

addiction can be unlearned with proper cognitive therapy.

addiction is also heavily related to social and mental health factors, mentally healthy people can take opiates and not become addicted. drug use serves as a form of self medication to deal with life issues, which ironically ends up making those problems worse, resulting in a feedback loop.

Drug addiction in white communities is a natural result of atomization and the dissolution of community bonds.

No, but I count on my fingers.

Obviously not kratom. I don't settle for fake shit. Poppy seeds are legal and can be purchased unwashed

I found a brother

>This is why opiate related deaths drop off so dramatically in states where cannabis is legalized. It aint because junkies are switching drugs; its because normal folk who take it for nornal reasons are switching to cannabis and NOT DYING.

exactly this, nothing wrong with weed, if you use it normaly and as a replacement for painkillers.

hahahahaha..... because of that

i've had my strolls on clouds too, but never addicted.
even heroin and opium, that was just too sweet and a too beautyfull expirience to do it again, so i never did it again.
and morphine... i loved it when they gave that shit to me after an opperation, if i ever want to go to sleep forever when my time comes, i want that

i think addiction comes from lack of selfknowing yourself, dicipline and will, no matter what enviroment you live in.