Proud Black American

Pol, do you want black Americans to fail? I'm a proud black man with a beautiful black American wife. We payout taxes, take care of our children, go to work, and stay out of trouble. Why do you hate us?

I was labelled as a racist when I was 7 because I had an argument with a sheboon who thought a cheetah was faster than light.

Isn't this the guy that will put hundreds of thousands of people out of work overnight with his self drive cars?

Something that isn't needed but rich people think would be fun?

i sincerely want black america to be successful.

i want them to correct their dysfunction and anti-social behavior.


If you are good human being just do your things and fuck everybody .
I think it's very important to be proud of your race and be productive to the society

Do you know how to cure a crack addict?

Asking for a community.

I don't hate you, just the team you play for. And I don't want you recruiting any new members, because they might be the ones that murder me.

We dont hate you user.

We hate that you're not the norm. We hate that black crime stats in aggregate can be what they are and white men are still the evil ones. We hate that you can proudly proclaim your black wife status in public but we would be shamed for saying the same about our WHITE wife.

Sup Forums is a release valve for the natural masculine angst/tension all men feel that cant be expressed in todays world without serious rebarbative consequences.

Don't fall for the meme user, we will not be gassing blacks moving forward, just calling the niggers niggers.

God bless, keep your chin up.

we don't hate you

we want you to succeed in your own community

far away from the rest of us