Cernovich offers money to Antifa on Twitter
Cernovich offers money to Antifa on Twitter
>civic nationalists
Laguna Beach Antifa is a parody account, numbnuts
It's a satire account.
him and people like oath keepers exist to subvert white nationalist.
t. proletariat scum
Cernokike owned really badly
This should be stickied.
nope, even if this were true (it's not) richard spencer is controlled opposition, rather than being a (not-so-crypto)kike like cernovich
>Cernovich's name is in a different resolution from all the other text
>he's "paying" them to do something they'd do anyway
this is real and not made up by MediaMatters. Don't question it goyim
illegal as fuck to hire a hitman
lol, guy is fucked.
Ok, back to r/the_dildo, buddy
Damn. Monkey Mentality must be selling well.
Yep, totally real. I mean, we all know you can't fake DMs.
do you honestly think he isn't? he popped up overnight, no one had ever heard of him and suddenly he's the leader of the "alt-right", a group name never used before in public forums and magically gets funded and big media exposure.
how will this kike recover ?
Kek, I was right, you are some butthurt ledditor, lmao
laguna beach antifa is parody but are the posts by cernovich real? any proof?
haha everything i say means i'm from reddit
look i'm using reddit spacing now hahahah i need to go back
faggot pole
Fake and gay. Cernovich is a trained lawyer and doesn't deal in writing out redundancies. Nor would he risk his career like this. Next.
You mean Mangabey Mindset?
If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck... :^) your emotional also doesnt help
>Trained lawyer
You mispelled
>Self help guru and snake oil salesman
there, buddy
So how high are the chances that all this is fake?
I hate Cernovich as much as anyone else but even he isn't this stupid, right?
You're a fucking idiot. I'll take his word over some toilet-scrubbing contrarian's from Sup Forums.
>paying a group of antifa members in California to not disrupt a protest in DC
>via a fake Twitter account that does nothing but post jokes
>a lawyer offering to pay someone to commit a crime in their Twitter DMs
he's a (((civic))) so a low chance this is fake desu
Yeah I totally forgot this is one of those many many incredibly un-funny fake ANTIFA accounts.
Yeah its fake.
(((alt kike))) is always trying to shut down the pro white alt right all the time, really makes you think
>connected to Epstein
>fucks trannies
Remind me how Cernovich became a thing here.