That Anglosphere Thread

Freedom of movement across the Anglosphere.

Thread rules:
1. Only Anglo may reply,
2. Only Anglo may reply,
3. Speak English or fuck off.

Other urls found in this thread:


Notice how the only people who shill the Anglosphere are Britcucks

freedom of movement with MongrelSA and post 1980s Canada? enjoy the subhuman hordes, idiot

Eagles, Lions, Kangaroos, Kiwis and maybe the Leaves if they get their shit together should form a group counter to the EU. Of course the Eagle will be in charge........

Nice pic, what does the ancient dead language text say?

Wait for the replies
>inb4 they're all anti-anglosphere cause i've jinxed myself.

Here's your reply

I don't mind who's in charge just want us back together.

With english widely spoken across much of the world, what countries would you regard as the Anglosphere, and why?

>Nz full of islanders/Maoris and Chinks
>Aussie full of chinks and wogs
>Canada full of chocolate chinks
>U.K. Full of pakis
>U.S full of niggers and spics

These are the real people you are speaking to instead of the so called "Anglo"

Even I'm not Anglo, I'm mixed race, I haven't seen a white person apart from my father in like 2 weeks in my city


Because they want to ride our coattails