Why doesn't Sup Forums celebrate pride?

Why doesn't Sup Forums celebrate pride?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.pl/?gws_rd=ssl#q=pride 2017

how exactly goes getting your dick covered in shit equal pride?

cause those pozotrons make every fucking day aids day like i swear it was a day then like a week for the cum garglers now they get a whole fucking month and they painting sidewalks n shit gay like when the fuck does the faggotry end?
before you know it they are gonna inject you with the gay gene and kill your dog

We have a containment board for faggots, be grateful.

Now go away, faggot.


pride is a sin

>this board exists
>Sup Forums hasn't raided it out of existence

lmfao fucking faggots

we do.
white pride world wide.
