What is so wrong about encouraging a child to be gay? I'm sure that you guys would encourage him to be straight...

What is so wrong about encouraging a child to be gay? I'm sure that you guys would encourage him to be straight, what's the difference?


Progressing your own bloodline. To allow your bloodline to end just because you want to take cock up the ass is selfishness of the highest magnitude, people literally died for you to say "naaah, I'll just take dicks up my ass for 50 years and die"

>what is adoption

Being gay sets you up for a lifetime of hardship and failure, with nothing but oblivion at the end of it.

>Encouraging your child to be anything but happy, successful and a critical thinker

Wew cucknada, you're doing it wrong (again).

Would you rather pass down your genes, or your way of thinking?

You can't continue your bloodline with someone else's children.


Checks out.