Redpill me on the Holocasut

Redpill me on the Holocasut.

Did it happen or nah?

Give compelling evidence to support your claim.

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Who gives a shit

I'm from the UAE, Israelis are not welcome here.

It's in our school textbooks to hate Jews.

But I wanna know if it really happened or not

I dont mind holocaust revsionists and their theory on what happened. I think events in history should always be up for investigation and interpretaion.

However, i personally believe the holocaust did happen as it was written. What i dont believe is that Hitler was directly involved or even was informed about the span of the operation. The situation in late 1941 was unique. The original policy for the handling of the jews and other undesirable elements was to seperate them from German life, contain them and eventually deport them. Before the invasion of the USSR, it was believed that once the war was over, the jews could be sent to Madagascar to govern themselves under the supervision of the Germany. Even after the invasion of the USSR it was thought they could be shipped deep into the soviet union past the urals. Unfortunately the situation turned out to be much different then they had planned. The Germans already had millions of European jews to feed and house in ghettos. To add to the matter, the army had encircled millions of soviet troops and were still in the process of rounding them up. They were living in temporary open air camps. Now the dilemma was, they have millions upon millions of indesirables to feed, clothe and house, along with managing a war on two fronts and feeding the German people. They could no longger ship them all to madagascar, it wouldve been too costly in material and war ships. The obvious choice was to kill them, or use them as slave labor. This of course fell under the supervision of the SS.

Zyklon B was sprayed on their clothes to control lice and other pests. Not enough to kill the people though.

There were some death camps that hitler's subordinates were sending undesirables to, but there were only a few of them. Hitler didn't know about that, the people who worked under him were some seriously sadistic sons of bitches.

> one of the problems with setting up a proper Facism is making sure that the leadership is clean from the start, since there's no elections that means a corrupt commander or committee could be causing all sorts of problems and never be taken to task for it.

> mussolini was also betrayed by his subordinates too, and it looked like miscommunication, so they weren't disciplined but it forced him to make some big decisions he might not have wanted to

Most of the concentration camps were just labor camps.

A bunch of people died during the war due to epidemics and accidental bombings by the allies.

So the True Story is there was a holocaust but it wasn't as bad, or attributable directly to Hitler as people think it was.

It is confirmed that at least 200,000 were killed by germany though. Anything beyond that is speculation.

The victor writes the history, also keep that in mind.

I respect your view point, ive read about it alot. I disagree however with your point about zyklon gas. Its true it was a delousing agent. But it is also cyanide gas. In mass concentration (like used in the gas chambers) it attacks the respitory system and chokes the victim to death. I could see this being the preffered method of the nazis, it would be much easier and cheaper to have killed them with gas then to house them, feed them. What slave labor they did use consisted of mostly soviet POWs.

Mostly agreed.

Most deaths in the camps were from typhus and allied bombings. When the allies bombed the supply road and train lines the workers in the camps ran out of supplies and suffered because of it.

Many ethnicities were represented in the camps. I don't like that jews get all the light but if you believe the 6 million story then yeah I guess it makes sense but I don't.

Your textbooks say holocaust didn't happen?

Oh look. A thread everyone posts a million times. It is almost like you can't google or gather facts yourself OP. Maybe if you stopped sucking cock. You would have enough time too.

Slide Thread. Fuck off. Sage.

>Most deaths in the camps were from typhus and allied bombings. When the allies bombed the supply road and train lines the workers in the camps ran out of supplies and suffered because of it.

Do you even know where the death camps were located?

Supposed death camps*

I really wish Reddit would leave.

Doesn't matter. He is not going to answer the question not only because the answer completely ruins his argument but it also exposes him as an ignorant moron.

I don't care, but we should use it to push forward something like the US 2nd amendment.

The myth of the holocaust was created to cover up the fact that a lot of the prisoners died because of allied bombing.

It took days and weeks before the camps were 'liberated'... of course they starved to death without supplies.

Anyone who believes the Holocaust happened is a child. That's okay. Children can learn.

They've lied to us for decades. The 6 million figure was thrown around before the war, and Judea declared war on Germany before WWII.

>No large supplies of Zyklon B or Coke (Coal Ash for Cremation) were delivered in the records. There are public documents and books showing all the reports of supplies and stock.

>Bodies were claimed to have been burned in 20 minutes. Not even our most comprehensive cremation ovens in 2017 can cook a body quicker than 1 hour and 30 minutes. Bones need to be crushed too. Jews claimed that the bodies were put in piles and burnt in group. There are no graveyards for these said bodies.

>Auschwitz did not use the room claimed for gassing. Zyklon B was never used in that room as the walls would be stained blue. The laundry room used the Zyklon B which is coated in blue stains.

Jews were not the only people suffering in the camps. In fact the Soviets had a large number in the camps too, and constantly fight with the Jews on who had the most there.

>The only Death Camp in relation to the Nazi's and German people was the Death Camp in Poland that executed thousands of Germans. This is why Hitler invaded Poland.

>Images were taken of Aushwitz from above during the war and no chimney existed to have Zyklon B thrown in. It was installed afterwards, despite "testimonies" of the Nazi's throwing it in from the chimney.




The Jews are robbing us. This is one of their MANY imports of money and power through deception. Open your fucking eyes.

its almost true. Not only jew was killed there, but politicial pirsoners and citizers(of occupied country) too.

>Redpill me on the Holocasut.
>Did it happen or nah?
Yes. 6 million Jews, gas chambers, crematoriums. The whole lot.
>Give compelling evidence to support your claim.
This album debunks every single autistic Stromshill meme/lie posted on Sup Forums. There's a reason there isn't one denier standing today or ever that hasn't already been debunked or exposed as completely lying. Not one. And all these denier had a fair trial, debate or chance to explain themselves. Even Irving was caught outright lying and completely misrepresenting his sources. Enjoy.

>>No large supplies of Zyklon B or Coke (Coal Ash for Cremation) were delivered in the records. There are public documents and books showing all the reports of supplies and stock.

Post them.

Here are some documentaries to watch:

David Cole: Jewish Holocaust Denier

Exposing the Holocaust Hoax: Zionist WWII Lies


But the supposed gas chambers had wooden walls.

Anyone with a basic understanding of chemistry would know that gas could permeate wood.

It happened and for good reason, but not the way we've been told, (((they))) have shaped the narrative like they do with everything to maximise profit and put themselves in a state of eternal victimhood while they rule over us and plunder us all to death. Laughing all the way. Just the fact that it's illegal to even question methods or numbers in many countries should show there is something to hide.

They believe in a free press but in reality they still have one owner just like they did back then. Through the media and then history books they mold public opinion. It is a small rootless international clique, it is the people who are at home both nowhere and everywhere.

Then why are you asking this on Sup Forums?

Almost everything that is being said here isn't credible, the opinion you'll hear will be very radical and un-rational.
What will you expect to hear about Jews when you talk to people who hate them?

So to your question, it did happen, maybe not a casualty figure of 6 million (can be 5.5 or 4.8 mill). The best option for you to know if it was real or not is by questioning the survivors, y'know, ask the source.

And as for your expirience in school in the UAE, what do you mean by teaching to hate Jews? Jews-Jews or zionists because of '48 and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict?

>can be 5.5 or 4.8 mill

Or 500,000 ?

We're taught that Jews are inherently greedy and malicious and not to be trusted.

This is in our elementary school textbooks.

Well I won't lie to you, but some people here in Israel also teach their children about bad characteristics that can be "found" in arabs, but that's a radical minority and an informal (not ordered by the state) education.

I hope you won't generalize the whole Jewish people as greedy and untrustworthy...

That's a weird assumption, any source why?

My five cents

>Did it happen?
Some happened. Mostly exaggerated.
>Vicious genocide?
Killing for the sake of genocide reasons is a lie.
>Did many innocent people not deserving to die, get killed?
Yes, and no. Most died of sickness and malnutritions because of the incarnation.
Not up to be to decide.
>6 millions?
No more like 50-100k

here's a quick rundown:

what actually happened
>jews and others were sent to camps
>there was labour for the able-bodied
>there was starvation and diseases (typhus) due to the bad conditions mostly due to the war
>many people starved or died of diseases (hence the pictures of piles of emaciated corpses)
>some got shot or hanged
>there were gas chambers with airtight metal doors for disinfecting clothes

what didn't happen
>there were no gas chambers for the purpose of killing people (why would you have airtight iron doors for clothes and crappy wooden doors for people?), they were built after the war by Polish commies
>the kitsch stuff didn't happen
>no bear and eagle tearing jews to pieces
>no giant electric chair
>no masturbation machines (oh yeah we're losing the war but let's build some masturbation machines for little boys because we want to lose with style)
>muh 6 million jews + 5 million goyim killed (numbers that Jews have admitted to making up because the ends justify the means)

what happened but people don't like to remember
>there were all kinds of normal activities and facilities, like theater plays, football games with the inmates, swimming pools
>if you were injured you'd go to the camp hospital until you recovered, as Elie Wiesel claimed happened to him

So the camps happened, people died (but I'd say probably less than a million), it wasn't the absolute horror porn that it's been made out to be starting in the 1960s, it was probably somewhere between the American internment camps and the gulags.

Hitler here, tripcode confirms.

Holocaust is fake

>I hope you won't generalize the whole Jewish people as greedy and untrustworthy
Haha that's just silly no one would do that, it's just a small minority of some 6 million that's the problem in my country.

>hitler qt 8 u
>hitler cutie hates you
kek good one

>This album debunks every single autistic Stromshill meme/lie posted on Sup Forums.

No it doesn't.

Commencing dump

>nothing personnel Shlomo




>it was all true goyim

>oy vey!

>every single holocaust syrvivor is telling the absolute truth goyim. Now pay reparations for my grandfather who got gassed at age 7 and yet survived


It evolved into decision science and Jews evolved into veterans who are a high risk group for PTSD.

Human beings, even antisemitic ones, would not willingly gas innocent people. Intern them, sure, but gas chambers? Never happened. It's just a Jewish trick designed to forever ruin nationalism

>oy vey the horrors!


>every single word is true

This pretty much. Never happened to the extent they claim it did. There are detailed medical records of experiments they did on men, women, children, and dogs, but none were as bad as what the Japanese doctors did to the Chinese pows. Look up unit 731

>oy vey is mir

anyone actually appreciate the dump?

It happened. It just wasn't nearly as big a deal as the Jews made it out to be. For instance, they throw around the figure of 6 million which is pure fiction. Real numbers didn't even come close to that.

>we are not liars goyim, how dare you question us? What are you? Nazi antisemites?

How can you deny gas chambers when survivors live to tell the tale? Bigot, no one would lie about such a thing

>the ride never ends


Also, no jewis skin lamp shades. No crazy german "medical experiments".
...and no Germans ate babies alive.

Fuck the media, and fuck sheep people.

Even the head of Vad Yashem admits that about 50% of survivor accounts are unreliable because they describe things that couldn't have happened or places that are not consistent with the actual location.

tl:dr; Jews can't help making shit up to make themselves look like heroes.

What do you mean it's not 6 gorrilion? Somebody defaced the monuments. Filthy antisemites

Kek. Some of them were uberkikes, the gas-resistant strain

It happened and all holocaust denial material is simply taking things out of context and pushing false narratives.

This link scares and confuses the NEETsock:

>mainly jews
I love how they have to insert their suffering into everything and play ubervictim

In the way it's told, that it was a deliberate effort to exterminate Jews that received support from the entirety of Germany is false. That's a lie made by Jews in FDR's cabinet like Morgenthau who wanted to reduce Germany to a 3rd world country.

I have a lot of doubts about the gas chambers, namely because all of the "death camps" were liberated by Soviets, who were notoriously unreliable about this kind of thing. We blamed Katyn on the Germans for over 40 years before the truth came out, so I get skeptical about events like Babi Yar. Not only was the Soviet Union largely a Jewish invention, but demonizing Germany provided them with a reason for conquering Eastern Europe and East Germany.

I also doubt the 6 million figure. Once again, Soviets gave unreliable figures for victims of Auschwitz, Treblinka, Sobibor, and Majdanek. Some millions may have died, but many of these dead were from starvation and typhus, which is a reality for any POWs.

This is all exacerbated by the numerous inconsistencies and lies perpetrated by survivors and (((historians))). For Example, the film Night and Fog pushed the debunked fables of turning Jews into soap and lampshades, plus stated the number of victims at 9 million. In fact, 5.5 million is now the accepted number, but what does it matter to round up by half a million, right? And many stories from survivors are absolute fantasies with no basis in reality

And why did the Nazis put Jews in camps? Jews were loyal to each other first and foremost, and 5th column communist Jews sabotaged the German war effort 20 years prior. They would certainly fight for the Soviet Union, which was founded by Jews and largely run by Jews, especially in the NKVD and among commissars. They didn't want to make the mistake of letting Jews sabotage them from the inside

Some kikes were just plain lucky tho

OY VEY!!!! You norwegian bigot need to be sent to the conce.. re-education camp ASAP

no, it was all fake

Hitler took the Jews out for ice cream and then they had a wonderful picnic

>you stupid goat fucker

this is correct, not all jews are greedy. Some Jews are REALLY greedy!

that's why they must be ridiculed to oblivion. Fucking kikes

>trust us goyim, we are always telling the truth

research the evidence for the holocaust happening instead of conspiracy against. I went to a boarding school in cairo for a year and realized that antisemtism and anti israel propaganda was a part of the curriculum. My parents are from gaza and at this point im convinced that the only civilization in the middle east that behaves in a morally manner is israel and as of recent iran. The amount of conspiracy being spewed as knowledge in arab stationary shops is ridiculous. You're better off reading the western canon of philosophy and dumping everything since Alghazali into the garbage.

I visited Auschwitz a couple years ago and there was a lot of emphasis on the Germans deliberately setting up the camps to lull people into a false sense of security. Apparently they didn't want people to think they would get killed until the Zyklon B pellets were dropped down. But having an orchestra, and a zoo, a hospital, and all other manner of things seem like a huge cost just to keep up an illusion.

Whether it happened as it's been told or not, the truth fears no investigation. And Germans shouldn't bear the guilt for the same crimes that Jews in the USSR like Lazar Kaganovich did to Ukraine. The inconsistent testimony of survivors and the Soviet culture of secrecy poke a lot of holes in the accepted dogma of the Holocaust

>remember goyim, the Germans were inhumane monsters, they wanted to gas us only if we were perfectly healthy.

>what do you mean "it doesn't make any sense you fucking liar"??

The Holocaust didn't really happen.

But it's high time we had another one.

The only ones left are the ones we haven't been allowed to investigate.

The Lie of Six Million
10 newspapers from 1915-1938 before the supposed Holocaust

“There was not one Jew killed by gas chambers. It was all lies, lies, lies."
Bishop Richard Williamson

Did the Holocaust Really Happen?
Pastor Steven Anderson

>we are truthful as usual goyim

>We're taught that Jews are inherently greedy and malicious and not to be trusted
Which is very accurate from my POV.
>I hope you won't generalize the whole Jewish people as greedy and untrustworthy...
And why shouldnt he? You own all the media and banks and use it only to promote hatred, wars, degeneracy.

#NotallJews doesnt even apply here as its the majority that views Non-Jews as subhuman slaves

Anyone saving or should i stop posting you faggots?


I'm saving those

This has been thoroughly entertaining.

Underrated post.
This time muslims go into the ovens.

>oy vey don't forget the mechanic masturbators goyim


>This video is not available in your country

>Oy vey you filthy antisemite, how dare you save this libel?

Seriously, it's annoying to solve the captcha every time. But i'll carry on

>i bet you wonder who's behind this

gotta give it to them, the kikes were true masters of photoshop before it even existed

>Remember goyim, all G-d's chosen people are always truthful

> There were some death camps that hitler's subordinates were sending undesirables to, but there were only a few of them. Hitler didn't know about that, the people who worked under him were some seriously sadistic sons of bitches.

no there were no.
"Let's set up camps with structures,gas chambers and all that just to kill people during a World War,all this while we produce 24 milions ammunitions for month ,ofc we can't spare 1 milion for those."


>remember you owe soahbux for eternity goyim

That's only 20 questions.

Yes Zyklon B could of been used as a cyanide gas, but this would have to be done in an actual gas chamber, and not an un-sealed room with a flimsy wooden door that has a handle on the inside. Is there any legit air-tight gas chambers within the Third Reichs' borders that actually existed?

>Zyklon B pellets were dropped down

Zyklon B doesn't automatically turn into cyanide gas. Hydrogen cyanide is a liquid at room temperature and has a boiling point of 26ºC. Hydrogen cyanide is also explosive.

Zyklon B was liquid hydrogen cyanide infused into an inert substance such as wood chips or diatomaceous earth. Under normal use as a commercial fumigant, it was spread around and hot air was blown in to release the gas fro the inert material. The fumigation process took about 24 hours with another 24 to air out any remaining hydrogen cyanide that may have condensed back into a liquid.

Hydrogen cyanide strongly reacts with trace iron in concrete to form ferrocyanide, also known as Prussian Blue which is highly stable. That explains the blue stains found where clothing was fumigated. No such stains are found in places claimed to be gas chambers.

The stories of people dying within minutes of exposure to Zyklon B and people going in minutes afterward to dispose of bodies while smoking cigarettes are scientifically impossible.

>welp he realized i wittheld the 13th question as collateral


Why wasn't there a 13th though?

Technically there was a 13th it would have been the 21st that was withheld.

No idea m8, i've always wondered. Possibly something went wrong on the screencap

20 Million did died, not necessarily Jews nor in gas chambers.
Those are idiotic answers that can be answered. It takes nothing but a rational mind and a limited knowledge to answer them.

Tf? That's a bunker...

See the French info box in the top-right picture ("dans son etat bunker du protection aerienne").
Again, same shit.
Source. Posting a .jpg file with no source isn't credible, your dump in general isn't credible!

Do you have literally nothing better to do than sit around posting nazi propaganda?

True but the kike is always scheming, he never acts straightforward, so he did it on the 13th

it happened.

that made me hard.

Do you have literally nothing better to do than sit around reading nazi propaganda posted on a siamese spearfishing forum?

Aren't Greeks practically niggers anyways?
Are you just mad Jews never wanted to make Jurassic Park and ET in your country?