They are all getting as bad as cnn. Fuck msm
>following mainstream media ever
>even worse, giving a shit about mainstream media ever
Let's just go fuck up there YouTube channel. Fill up the comment section with Fake News. Use bots
You can't really fuckin avoid msm. People play it fuckin everywhere. Every restaurant,gym, store, bar, etc... I go to plays that fake news shit
I understand that, I just meant that you can observe mainstream media with a buddhist-like state of mind, like how the meditate, with the concept of "I will let the thoughts pass my mind but I choose not to react to them".
It will be difficult, since it's very natural to react, but it's helpful to remind that these people are just doing their job to report on stuff and they don't know what you know.
i understand it, but don't you feel like you should still defend the president or even just stop letting them brainwash millions?
They've been arguably worse for most of the century. Al Sharpton had his own show for the duration of the O'nigger administration...Rachael Maddow? Hello?
I think MSNBC is much worse than CNN.
They are dead serious about everything they report on.
>Mark Dice
Yea I think we need to put a stop to them... But how?
Well I'd fuck this woman.
I don't care if she cries about the patriarchy, I'd oppress her with my patriarchy all fucking day.
>Rachael Maddow
she completely delegitimize her dumbass self with that tax form... we should send MSM other shit and let them embarass their asses out on tv
I've reached the point that if they ever rounded up leftists and needed an executioner I would gleefully volunteer to do it.
Fox did the same thing to obama.
It's the deep state game, don't be so binded by partisan hacks OP
except Obama was ISIS
>"hugging a suicide bomber" and that he "will blow you up."
so europe?
is Trump like europe?
true, fox news can also be a piece of shit sometimes, i don't really watch them either except when tucker carlson is on. But then, Obama is the worst piece of shit out of all american presidents and all the other msm make him seem like the best thing since sliced bread... obama's legacy should be ruined, he was a TRAITOR
So do any anons have an idea now on how we can stop shitty msm?
Obama legit did give weapons and training to ISIS. What do you think happened to those "moderate muslims"?
>mark dice
That guy's really fuckin annoying. Can someone just post a source video?
At this point I want to dirt up their anchors.
I can't find the original source video, but you can just watch the clip from 0:20 to 0:35, Mark dice is silent during that time
Obama also probably was a sand niggers
I have an idea tho. This process will be slow, but eventually, it might work. All we have to do is fuck with them. When I see any msm on the streets, jump in front or near the camera and shout fake news. Maybe someday we could organize an event that blocks the doorways or entryway to the msm buildings. We could spam their Twitter, fb, YouTube, etc... And then mail them the most fucked up shit on Sup Forums. It may cause an effect
Anons, What do u think of this plan?
migh work
>clickbait thumbnail
>losing shit over what some bitch said
youtube personalities are such faggots
he didn't really lose his shit, he was only criticizing and exposing fake news msm
Bmp... Love the idea of this thread
if you fucking kill yourself you retarded underage cunt, the msm will stop for you, seriously consider this.
I'm not American but the end of rhat video I enjoyed the most
It's an analogy you fragile faggot.
Trump's trying to get millions more Americans to die without health care, there's really no comparison.
at least Trump is trying to prevent the murder of more americans by deporting illegals and limiting the amount of refugees entering, unlike the fuckin democrats who want to make the us into the orwelian dystopia and fuckin sweden. And no, "millions" aren't going to die from the lack of health care... it's not a fuckin right and shouldn't be the fuckin cheapest thing you find
all you guys ever complain about is being poor, why can't you younger dumbass millenials get off you ass and go work? Stop listening to the socialist bullcrap the education system feeds you
>MSNBC - "I know you are but what am I? PAY ATTENTION TO MEEE!"
Is it bad I read this in the voice of the masked guy from the "Welcome to the glory hole creep" Webm? Pic, not what user said