CNN deletes, retracts story linking Trump and Russia
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When was the last time cnn had ACTUAL news? Decades ago?
That's because the narrative has completely flipped. Turns out Obama knew about the Russians and it happened long before the election, sometime around last summer. It's fucked up too because they've known this and have been dragging everyone through this RED SCARE bullshit for 8 months, but in reality it was just the Jewish establishment being pissed off Hillary lost
>"...Merkley and other Democratic lawmakers said Russia used extensive methods in the cyber campaign, including 1,000 trolls, hacking and bots to generate fake messages on social media."
It was literally just a bunch of bots/shills discrediting Hillary, probably making threads here like Hilldawgs Country and whatnot. Not even newsworthy, Israel is just as active on the internet through paid shilling
>poison the well daily
>silently make retraction after the poison seed of doubt is in the social psyche
CNN is cancer and an enemy of the people.
So now they're claiming that somewhere in Moscow was a server dedicated to reposting awoos?
CNN LYING well… I would never have thought they would do such a horrendous thing I'm honestly surprised that such a reliable news source would lie about the president of the United States (sarcasm just in case you didnt get that)
Basically yup. We already knew there were Russian bots and shills on here, it's common knowledge. They treated it like a national security threat, hell Trump even slapped sanctions on them, and all they did was discredit Hillary.
whoever said anything about discrediting Hillary
we all assume when they say the russians interfered in the elections it was to help Trump
who said it was really?
who would be more willing to sell the soul of the US, Trump or Hillary?
It's in the article I posted
Fresh off CNN. No other Russia collusion articles on the front page, which they've done daily, creating mass Hysteria. Basically being the kikiest Jews alive, controlling the narrative with irresponsible journalism, the same disgusting feats there people have done for years. You must not have been here during the election? Because you'd know there were ALL kinds of bots and paid shill on here, there's no way the Hilldawg threads/memes were legitimate and not ironic to make her appear cringe as fuck