You have 10 seconds to explain why universal healthcare is bad

You have 10 seconds to explain why universal healthcare is bad.
>muh niggers benefit from it
You would rather screw yourself over just to screw some nigger over?

you have to explain first why you think handouts should become "Rights"

>mfw conservadumbs are too stupid that is actually cheaper to provide poorfags with free preventative insurance and care than to provide no care and pay for emergency stays in the hospital

Why should free speech be a right?
Why should existing be a right?
Why should having a lawyer be a right?
Why should freedom be a right?
Why should private ownership be a right?

From what I understand, healthcare costs in the US are high because part of the bill goes to paying for the ER care of the uninsured.

Why don't hospitals just turn away those uninsured people?

Rights aren't the same as free shit, or do you think food should be handed out to people for free because "existing is a right"?

We are talking about healthcare.
Your health is priceless. To your loved ones, at least.

that's not an explanation. Those questions have very a very different set of answers than mine.
And I don't believe you can provide an answer

Citation missing.

Virtue signaling