Accurate information on the US border wall

who even knows at this point

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if there is a wall it will look like this

There is no wall right now. If anything is built it will be a fence, because it has to be finished by the time his presidency is over. If it's not complete by 2020, or 2024, then the next president will cut funding for it and it'll be an embarrassing ruin.

That would be too expensive.

woah there, wheres the solar panels?

Wait and see.
I don't trust until he posted the first rock.

What do you think about Trump's wall project?

please vote here

havent border crossing decreased dramatically since trump took office? no wall needed. only fear.

There isn't going to be a wall Trumptards. Maybe a few million of your tax dollars will go to funding the maintenance of big beautiful wall in Israel though.

Okay but how does he stop them from building garbage rafts like the Cubans and doing pic related?