99% white feels good man, realy. I love my country. How can nigger countries like germany or usa even compete?
99% white feels good man, realy. I love my country. How can nigger countries like germany or usa even compete?
>Calling Germany and US nigger countries
>Have a massive brain drain problem
>Be a non-country that consists of former lithuanian, german and austria-hungary lands
>Calls itself white even though Hitler wanted to erase polish people from the history
By having a military that actually works
Be honest, Poland is a a huge geographical area with a big population, but it hasn't really achieved anything
Friendly people though
their porn industries can never compete
>Even Hitler
nice one
Btw. if are you polish patriot, OP, why are you using this flag?
They can't, Polanon,
We are truly God's chosen people.
There was a bill about easier gun access, too.
Guns > chalks
Now try having the largest emigration rate in the world for a century, and start calling yourself a melting pot and see if you can maintain white majority.
Too bad hitcuck killed himself.
You are right