How to get rich:

How to get rich:

>be a 4+ female
>make trumptard content

> wife is easy 7
> extreme consecutive
> loves Trump
> frequently on Sup Forums
> Not rich
Wut I do wrong boys?

>> frequently on Sup Forums

>save and invest your money
>don't spend it on useless crap

Gee it's fucking hard.

If she's not in on the JQ then she's not conservative.


Redditor detected

once prostitution was widely outlawed women went to doing things like making handmade trash on etsy and now that is flooded and everyone realized they don't want to pay out the ass for garbage women are now realizing the new trend for making shekels is to play a "redpilled/based jewtube e-celeb" for all the betas with disposable income

the gov just needs to legalize prostitution once again so women can actually have a career where they are useful

Fuck off kid.

YouTube channel with patreon. I want my blonde gf to put on a nazi hat and flash cleaverage but she won't do it cuz "muh racism". Pisses me off because I could write the script, I keep a list of happenings, and I know how to create good fap material. Think Lauren Southern and Ezra Levant, I keep telling her "that could be us".

Fucking bitch. Pic is her.