Daily reminder that my country sucks

Autism levels? 97,5%
Shitskin levels? 39% in certain cities 80%+
Tax levels 68%
VAT levels 25%
Happiness level 2%
weather level 12%

suicide rate: elevated
rape rate: extreme
oestrogen rate in men: world leading levels

everyone already knows that Sven.
Now go prepare the bull.

Sounds like you need to move to another country.

Sluta vara en fitta.

I am moving as soon as I have finished university

Fuck off we're full

Yes, but where is it better?
I mean we have only a handfull of no go zones, less sandniggers per capita, a healthcare system that's somewhat OK, and only 45% taxation (19% VAT, Merkel raised that from 16%).
But our government is also cucked to a high degree.

Do you seriously believe I would go to fucking Norway after graduation? Jesus christ you are delusional you fucking autist :D !

>weather level 12%
Explain this one.

Maybe bavaria would be cool. Otherwise I will go to the US and establish myself in Texas.