When is the next financial crisis going to happen? What's going to cause it:
A) Student loan bubble
B) Auto loan bubble
C) Tech bubble
D) Real estate bubble
When is the next financial crisis going to happen? What's going to cause it:
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whos fault are these and who will be affected why, average joes wont be effected right, only those who buyered not enough aware
automation-replaces-unskilled-labor, labor bubble
That's a slow process.
I think the bubble is now in bonds and sovereign debt, per what Martin Armstrong says.
The Auto sub prime not going to help either, and that seems to coming into play end of this yr and next year.
pic related, it a cycle.
Financial crises on a global scale come along every 25-30 years, so I guess in 2035 or so.
EXCEPT if we were able to go back to Bretton Woods, but I doubt this will happen.
This next crash could even be a 1929 level event.
Get out of debt, have some cash on hand, because there is going to be a fire sale.
Remember, the big money is made at the bottom.
What do you recommend to buy at the bottom? Bitcoin?
you forgot
>italian debt
over 2k billion$
no, bitcoin will skyrocket when everything else crashes, it's digital gold