My GF is Indian and I met her parents today and they said they wanted me to marry her and have children with her and that I could only stay with her if I did but I don't want to have mudbabies but I love her so much
What do I do?
My GF is Indian and I met her parents today and they said they wanted me to marry her and have children with her and that I could only stay with her if I did but I don't want to have mudbabies but I love her so much
What do I do?
> I don't want to have mudbabies but I love her so much
Something's fucky here...
Get donor eggs or a surrogate. Tell her you need 3 white children before you'll give her any half-bloods.
Fake your death
It's the only way...
yes she's brown but she's really hot and has a great personality and no white girls love me
>dont want mud babies
>dating mud
>getting cucked by her parents
sage because this is another english worm that doesnt have a back bone.
I will never understand people who are in relationships with people they dont wish to procreate with
Why waste their and your time?
Make two mudbabbys and adopt two or one white britboy in need.
It is alright, Indians are basically Aryans. Anglos and Aryans mix well!
Just dump her.
bring back the indo-european master race, lad
>I don't want to have mudbabies but I love her so much.
Kek, are you a retard m8?
>dragging your dick through the mud
>afraid it'll get dirty
shiggy diggy.
Just have her kids, m8. People are more defined by their culture than their ethnic background. Raise the kids as if they were white, and they'll act white
I am with the Parents totally. Marry her and have babies or stop seeing her. No degenerate behavior. If only whites acted this way.
Learn something Whites.
Show your power levels
Yeah, I saw a few awesome Indian mixes in my neighborhood. OP - kys
Dont let pol stand in your way. You van teach the muds right and to respect the white man.
michael caine did it
Tell her parents that you call them shitskins mudslimes and poos on an internet forum and that you're seriously having second thoughts about this girl you "love" because you can't get over your white skin color and how she's a bloody darkie.
Problem solved.
Indians revolve around finding and popping out as many kids as possible as young as possible; Fucking roaches to the core
>gf is indian
fucking poo lover
kill yourself in a tower block
If only whites also did that.
Pray to Ganesha.
shag her till you get bored of her moustache and then move on, I'm speaking from experience
If only she was a civilized white girl that wasn't done riding the cock carousel, that would be better. And OP, you should kill yourself or become gay, because whites are evil and diversity means no white people.
>I don't want mudbabies
I'm half Iranian and my mudbabies are whiter than most people. They have blonde hair and blue eyes
You are going to the oven with your blood line
Christians have a saying, to not even go out with anyone you wouldn't /consider/ marrying, to avoid this very kind of conflict. You should have been Christian and listened, brit user.
Hey Jon go make more vids faggot.
Here is a Half Indian Half polish.
Was in the same situation m8. Hot, smart, kind carribean girl who pushed me to have kids while white girls ignored me. Ended up breaking up because I want white kids (didn't tell her), and I felt too young to settle down anyway.
Sure, just without the pedophilia and not living beyond their means with 8 kids that go to the designated shitting street
>I love her so much but I don't want to have mudbabies
MAN UP!!! & Tell her parents that, Don't be a fag.