
>140 lbs
>chink sized dick
>not master race
>discriminated against
>not a STEM degree
>horrible chinaman accent
>eats dogs
>still manages to be known as one of the most Alpha of humans ever lived
>An Alpha of Alphas

How did he do it ???

Other urls found in this thread:


why are you concerned with other men's dick size?

5-6 inch penis is master-race. Having a 8-9 inch penis makes sex difficult and hurts the girl.

Then looks like I'm going to hurt your pussy, pussy.


maybe it had something to do with his acting career

It was his haircut

>why are you concerned with height
>why are you concerned with weight
>why are you concerned with stem degrees

You're the concerned retard for singling out that specific thing in his entire post. It was just another thing he added to make it larger.

HAHAAHAHA of course it's from a leaf

.....because he was a martial arts master?

Bruce Lee was part German.

sounds like somebody's got a small penis

You're not just gay, you're faggot

Look up a picture of Bruce Lee's dad. His dad looks like a fucking monkey. He got his looks from his mother's German genes.

>literally proves my point

He didn't let his race slow him down

Explain why people with 5-6 inch penises are breeding like rabbits while people with 8-inch penises are going extinct.

I don't think you know what "literally" means

bruce lee was a nice looking guy

he was way athletic

he trained in martial arts for real before he became an actor

he could speak decent english with an adorable accent.

the best part of his life was the episode where Batman and the Green Lantern or whatever that other show was decided to have a combined show. in that episode, the gay assed Robin supposedly defeated Bruce Lee (the Green Lantern's sidekick).

This was not cool. Robin (the actor) was pretty much gay. and the script said that he defeated Bruce Lee, who in his younger days actually won competitions.

Bruce did not like it. but he let it go. he needed the job and the money.

the 60s were a crazy time.

>never been in a real fight
>never shown a fight on camera
hype job

explain how did an ugly chink monkey like lee's dad breed with his mother's german ayran genes?

This is Bruce Lee's mom. Half-white.

Literally. Does it hurt you?

This is Bruce Lee's dad. Yellow monkey.

His dad was an actor/celebrity.

you mean your stupidity? yes, it does

So you're literally triggered by this word. Just like if someone mentions a small penis then you automatically go into defense mode. Cute.

small dick is master race :P

In 1920's china? How much money could they possibly make?

Cause german women are xenophilic whores

Oh my god you guys have to find something better to argue about.

i agree, I'm very cute

post boipucci

>stem degree

5'11, 210 lbs (bulk when incredibly well/wrong). Met a 5'8-9 qt pie, pure blood Icelandic chick (I believe) who wears little make up and is kind of nerdy... solid 8/10. Skerd to make a move cause /fit/ and Sup Forums has made me feel like pleb. Mang, guiz the memes are really hitting me.

>good arguments
>in Sup Forums
Now THIS is reddit posting.

I don't go to Reddit man.

He's quarter German.

Bruce Lee made his body a temple. Like the bible says.

1% chink = 100% chink.

I didn't think it possible for someone to miss the joke, but here we are.

>op mentions dicks
>another user asks why this is an issue
>this user is the one who is gay, not op

Bruce REE was a skinny little bitch. He was a racemixer and his son was a retarded emo who shot himself. The only person weaker than him is that faggot Chuck Norris.

They traveled the world, Bruce was born in the US

The thing is that he has had a massive positive impact on a the world as a role model and fitness goal for so many people. What about you?

They have video


Bruce lee did actually compete in martial arts competitions before acting and constantly got into fights in his youth. He also created his own style of martial arts and trained chuck norris. Even during the filming of dragon he got challenged to a fight and owned the guy. He was in better shape than you could ever dream of being in. Stay mad nigger

because caring of dicksize makes you gay, youre so gay so you didnt even notice, well done sven!

Tell me where in the post I mention being gay.

He was half white

He was shot on the set of the crow

that would make him a HAPA, and hapas are weak nu-beta males

He was 1/4th

OP racks disciprine.
Crean your room faggot.

Because edgy faggots like you need to learn that your life achievements value infinitely more than physical aspect and culture. This guy created a style of martial arts. He could snap your neck with a finger. Do you think he gave a shit about his small dick and that he ate dogs?
Kys honestly

white bois cant compete

yes a great roll model that smoked weed and hung out with niggers.

a manlet killed Goliath.

Actually he was a child actor before training kung fu

I know pure Chinese who have better "front genetics" than him, he was a pure alpha thanks to his training

Bruce lee was a faggot,
Bolo Yeung is the real alpha chink

except david had nephilim DNA and was part of an ancient bloodline while goliath was just a regular nephilim that was too smug about it and got rekt hard.


>American girls getting chinked since the 60s
you cant make this shit up hahaha

>except david had nephilim
no, abrahams line is untainted.
>was part of an ancient bloodline
yes, abrahams bloodline

i agree, bolo is my favourite actor.

next super alpha male coming through

Green Hornet.


If we applied liberal American racial statistics, he would be considered a white man in China

and you did what exactly?

point match /sparing doesn't count

his tao should be mandatory reading, especially for you low-test western faggots

Wasn't he like Kato the houseboy/chauffeur or something?

he was sexy and got shot on set by accident.

I must've used too much reality in this one , you all seem blocked and can't respond. Because I shattered your bubble of race based arguments

correct, bruce lee's son was shot on set by (((accident))) bruce lee died of a brain aneurysm. there's a rabbit hole where he was supposedly assassinated, and a martial arts master of china who was an old guy got into a brutal several hour fight with him, that struck him in such a way it created a delayed death.

Yeah. Kind of embarrassing considering Lee's abilities.

>tfw you will never be buried next to your honored father

Yeah well, a job's a job, and as someone already pointed out, the 60s was an interesting time.

why is everyone in this thread kissing up to this manlet chink.

get it through your heads there is trained and there is untrained. One is alpha one is beta guess which.

pretty sure the on on the left is Jerry Lewis playing a chinaman.

He knew how to dance and had grace

he had grace in anything he did, I don't care much for him or his movies but I have yet to see another man, yellow or white, besides Sammo Hung, who moves better than he did.

Because not everyone here is an insecure cuck that gets threatened by praising one guy that deserved it.