>Conservashits want to deprive the poorest and weakest members of society access to medical care
How is this not murder?
>Conservashits want to deprive the poorest and weakest members of society access to medical care
How is this not murder?
Other urls found in this thread:
The weak must fear the strong.
She's killing herself much more than the republicans ever could
No pity for the fat
she's killing herself just fine
You shitlord - she has a glandular problem with her thyroid and government handouts are keeping her alive. You are a complete piece of shit.
If she dies, she isn't passing on her shitty genetics. Survival of the fittest
last time I checked, getting healthcare paid for you with tax money is not a fucking right
That thing is a female?
Could have fooled me.
Pictured is suicide, I'm not your slave.
Hurry up and fucking die already!
>You shitlord - she has a glandular problem with her thyroid
Bullshit excuse. It's all about calories. If you take in too many calories they turn in fat. The question is how many calories you need. If your metabolism is slow and you don't move you red less than 2k.
the cure for type 2 diabetes is intensive fasting.
insulin injections only make you worse. you become more and more insulin resistant.
she's better off being cut off from benefits and starving.
Shes been trying to kill herself for a long time by the looks of it.
Raises a good point about if abortion and euthanasia are bad.
The vikings let old and sickly people die of exposure in the woods. Pretty hardcore.
Who the fuck wants to keep that thing alive?
Survival of the fittest and less Democrats
Democrats literally pander to the lowest common denominator to get votes
>the cure for type 2 diabetes is intensive fasting.
You remain forever unable to eat normally without issue, but yeah, 15 days of keto broths left me complete fine. Worse 15 days of my life, though.
i dont want to deprive them of it i just dont want to pay for it
checked and confirmed
Good god. How can you even eat enough to get in that kind of a shape? I'd wager eating is all that thing does. How does he/she have the time to protest?
>government wants to kill me
i want to kill her too
Elimination of the weak is a worthwhile goal
If she wanted to live she wouldn't put stuff in her fat mouth 24/7.
>useless people who will produce nothing of value or contribute to society whatsoever
and a get on the check.. hmmm what was meant by this?
>she has a glandular problem with her thyroid
Prove it.
Until then, she's simply a lazy glutton fat fuck.
How much is medical care going to help her? She needs to take some responsibility for her own health
Thats something some fatty would say to justify being a waste of space. I dont pay taxes to keep leeches alive
The weak must fear the strong.
and the digits.
It's amazing how Democrats do not understand policy. The GOPcare bill is basically Obamacare edited. It is no real change. Yet you cucks don't understand that because you spew the same garbage the MSM says.
>every life is precious and needs to be saved if possible
If we would take the money this fat cunt gets in monthly substitutes, we could feed, clothe and give medical care to atleast 5 people in actual need of it, therefore giving them a chance at life or saving theirs.
I'll pay for the cripples, but people that fat need to be melted down for soap.
too much fph is bad for you too
tfw I don't have a glandular disease that creates energy out of nothing. Feels bad, man. I have to settle on cold fusion or some shit like that.
In economics, we call this a 'deadweight loss' i.e. struction of salvageable units fulfills a greater good...
As someone with actual glandular issues, fuck you for allowing the hamplanets versions of Kangz to be taken serious.
>not wanting to preserve the strongest and most fit individuals
>keeping utterly useless obese, gluttonous fucks alive
The problem with abortion is that high quality people get them when they're perfectly capable of producing a healthy, intelligent child with potential. So what if you're not finished with college? Your parents live in a $400,000 house, they can easily afford to help you raise a child while you establish your career. Instead, the girl would be shamed by her parents while the guy urges her to get an abortion so he can fuck off for whatever reason. So then she'll abort it, wait until she's 33 to pop one out and just end up adding another autist to the world.
They are poor and weak for a reason, that thing in your pic wasn't born a 400 lbs sack of shit
Kill this thread. It's just libtard bait. He only has made one post.
Deprive them of what? my own hard earned cash? So I owe them a paycheck from breathing? Where's my check for feeding the plants?
If you need lifelong round the clock Healthcare to keep you breathing you're already dead.
She looks like Ricky Gervais
If you look like that, the only one trying to kill you is you.
Actually, I want to kill it too.
If I am on the jury that convicts you I will tell them you were a good boy and didn't do anything.
I pay for my healthcare, why don't you pay for yours?
what' next I pay for my food and yours?
Or I pay my mortgage and help with your rent? How about I pay for my kids education and help pay for your kids?
How about i pay for all that and all you have to do is say thanks?
Could you even manage a thanks?
>born poor
>contract cerebral palsy
>can't afford health insurance
>apparently don't deserve it
This "person" won't live very long either way.
Do you encourage disgenics, user?
rest in peace Prodigy
healthcare is goods and services. The market provides these things.
A government controlled market is less productive and efficient.
A free market is the opposite - it is very efficient and productive.
We can help those who can't afford healthcare, we can have charities and volunteer, etc. But you don't destroy the healthcare industry using the excuse that you gotta take care of poor people. It's total nonsense thinking, because by destroying the healthcare market via government planning, care will become so expensive that nothing will be affordable, all care will have a waiting list, and people will die by the millions waiting for care.
The usa is a quasi-socialist system, btw.
Giving someone with cerebral palsy medication and a pair of crutches isn't "encouraging disgenics."
Statistically the only people who get abortions are liberal sluts, niggers and beaners
Kill yourself, idiot
>any kind of regulation is socialism
Murder is has an active component in it. Letting fatsos and other human failurs die is not murder, it's nature.
As long as you castrate them too.
Will you?
you're not entitled to someone else's labor.
Don't contract the meme illness then.
we will mourn her in the press, than a few months later. file an insurance claim.
na idk, nothing we can do.
Have you noticed how slowly and haphazardly government makes decisions? Do you really want government deciding how healthcare should be run? Or would you rather have the dynamic and competitive free market run healthcare?
Where is the amazon of healthcare? Where is the Walmart of healthcare? Where is the Great Disruptor of healthcare? where? government won't let it happen.
we already elected them, it's to late.
We need the government to make sure that healthcare providers don't fuck everyone in the ass for profit though
Finlan dindu nuffin
>all women
Every single time, can't wait till all these roastie genes die out.
Sup Forums is already filled with summerfags. I can't believe how many faggots took this bait.
Fat privilege is having a Thyroid that violates thermodynamics.
Nobody has ever given me anything except a tough row to hoe.
Why should I get fucked because some freak is a stupid piece of shit? Fuck them.Its not my problem:
Socialized healthcare is a good idea to me.
Life gave you a tough break, why wouldn't you want it to be different for others in the future? Apathy?
>We need the government to make sure that healthcare providers don't fuck everyone in the ass for profit though
profit = sustainability + growth
Profit is good. Profit provides valuable market information. If something is highly profitable, competitors will move into the space and capture some of that profit for themselves. This competitive behavior increases supply and depresses prices.
Thats the trade off with a culture that emphasizes individuality and freedom, whereas asian cultures put more emphasis in family and living in a large household with parents isnt exactly as "revolting" as western perceptions have it at.
the government can't stop people from killing themselves
fat people's injuries are self-inflicted. Most people with self-inflicted injuries are denied transplants or other limited resources because they are to blame.
Humans didn't have access to socialized medical care for the majority of our existence. It wasn't murder.
what kind of eating issues are you describing? and how long did it take for you to become fully healthy?
more like michael moore
Where is my free food and water first?
This is a false statement. If you eat like a pig,guess what? You become a pig.
So let's say I'm an average healthy guy. Now I have to pay for your pigatry? Fuck no.
You reap what you sow. I have no empathy for people that did shit to theirselves..
It takes years of a shitty diet to become that size. You can't go from normal weight to that size in a year. Chances are they grew up in a household that ate shitty processed food and they continued these habits into adulthood. I used to get bullied by a 300 pound kid when I was 11; I checked his facebook a few years ago and now he looks like a male model. He moved out from his parents house and started working out/eating right. Now he's like 160-175lbs. Still hate the prick for being such a shithead to me as a kid, fuck you Tommy.
The people who eat themselves to death are a minority.
Doctor user here. 85% of what comes into my errands are related to one or more of the following:
Coronary artery disease
Type 2 diabetes
Chronic kidney disease
All lifestyle diseases.
Fuck em.
The Summerfag is a rope, tied between newfag and fashy goy--a rope over an abyss...
What is great in summerfag is that he is a bridge and not an end: what can be loved in summerfag is that he is an overture and a going under...
>Eat junk food
>Get fat
>Get multiple diseases as a result of poor diet
>Get free medical care at tax payer's expense
>Get even more fat
>Can no longer walk, use Ameri-scooter to get around and burden family members for care and transportation
>Live a miserable life leeching off every person I possibly can
>Refuse to kill self and chose to live a life of suffering
>Want to prolong suffering and make everyone fund my miserable existence
>Protest that the govt. wants to kill me in order to project my regret of eating myself to death.
>I did it for the 756 retweets, this is the greatest accomplishment of my life
Poor people have access to health care...they're just going to have to pay for it like the rest of us...
I don't see the problem here...
The best TLDR I've ever seen. 10/10
First of all one post by faggot OP
Second, OP is a fucking liar who has never had to use the medical system
>Be me
>Wake up from surgery
>Chick from Dept of Children and Family is there
>Fill out paper work in a drug induced haze
>Out of hospital for one week something went wrong and wind up back in there for 3 more days after a trip to the ER
>Turns out I apparently got signed up for Medicare
>Just shy of 200k in medical bills total
>Didn't pay one penny...not one fucking bill.
>3 months goes by, turns out I qualified for food stamps too.
>Should be back to work in another month and off the states tit. Until then I will suck up every dime as reparations for all the taxes I've paid until now
inb4 poorfag. No I made great money and saved it. I've probably blown through 20g's at this point. Even went on vacation.
You act like you aren't getting payed.