What does fascism mean to you?

To all the self-proclaimed fascists on Sup Forums, what does fascism mean to you?

Why do you think a fascist state would be a better one?


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fascism is alright but it can be done better

>pic related, national capitalism is the redpill

Fascism with a competent, nationalist leader is true freedom. Totalitarianism is freeing when society is infected with degeneracy.

Fascism as a term is too ambiguous.

Fascism means to submit the needs of the individual to the needs of the group: the group comes first, the individual after. However, the purpose of the group is still the benefit of all its individuals. Fascism understands that all other groups (the Outsiders) are, by definition, enemies of The Group (our group). There can never truly be cooperation with them, at best only peace (enforced with the threat of war). Consequently, anything that threatens the integrity of the group (different political ideologies, different groups/members' presence in society) is unacceptable.

Just look up the Doctrine of Fascism and the philosophy of Giovanni Gentile.
> What does Fascism mean to you
Is mostly a meaningless question, asking what Fascism actually means or is is much more important.

Its only ambiguous if you don't know shit about it and take its meaning from how its used today


>mandatory obedience to the state

Libertarians are the deal fascists

>literally means faggotry

>have to eat and sleep every day
>can't fly
>can't breathe underwater

Freedom only exists in degrees. To accept the limitations one lives under is to free oneself.

Freedom from Hedonism and the security of our culture.

>Freedom only exists in degrees. To accept the limitations one lives under is to free oneself.
No fucking shit. I wasn't denying any of that, but said that fascism with a competent, nationalist leader is true freedom.

> It's an exaltation of a country's tradition
That's wrong, there's a lot of other stuff that goes along with Fascism, and even then Fascism itself isn't really traditionalist, the Fascists of Italy saw themselves as basically a type of Progressive Conservatives, and Fascists aren't overly concerned with a country's tradition so much as certain parts of it they like or deem as useful. Fascism is entangled with a total state and lots of other stuff that's extremely authoritarian.

>To accept the limitations one lives under is to free oneself.
So to accept living under a communist dictatorship is freedom? What?

a poor attempt at emulating the Romans.


Freedom is to accept one's condition, no matter the condition itself. That's why so many degenerates are deeply unhappy: despite being 'free' they are unable to deal with it. They think freedom is when you do what you want, but Freedom is accepting that you do what you must.

it means authoritarianism, but I'm not a fascist. authoritarianism can go all ways.
People don't want fascism, neoliberalism (EU, Hillary, etc) is close to fascism.

State Controls everything,
People are forced to comply
Mostly privatized economy

The only difference is the things which are good for the people, work / employment.
Hillary and EU hasnt got those. :-p

It's better to stick to Right Wing populism or actual Nationalism to oppose that enforced SJW fascist bullshit and heavy taxation (for no reason other than to give subsidies to corporations).

>The only difference is the things which are good for the people, work / employment.

The only difference is the things which are good for the people, work / employment does not exist in New Fascism / Neoliberalism.

hmm this quite makes one think

> People don't want fascism, neoliberalism (EU, Hillary, etc) is close to fascism.
No that's completely wrong
> State Controls everything
> People are forced to comply
Yes but that's an element of the condition of civilized humanity, there will always be states which force compliance on certain issues, that isn't a unique point of Fascism.
> Mostly privatized economy
Can vary.

Fascism is just one of the many ideologies to build a nation upon. We who are born in america are citizen slaves. Thats what your birth certificate is your documentation. There are no free civilizations only different ideas classified by varying degrees of success.

Unification of everyone under most aesthetic rules.
Not tolerance for difference.


That's actually a pretty cool idea for a flag.


I don't know, I just know our countries would be better off without nonwhites for the most part.

Here you go OP

If you'd like some recommended texts let me know.

I would love that.

Fascism necessarily could not be a racist ideology, unlike National Socialism. The express purpose of fascism is to unite all the people of a nation under the supreme leader of said nation. This means that, if a true fascist were to rise to power in the US, he could not be a white nationalist. He would have to be a civil nationalist willing to abolish the rights of the citizenry for the benefit of the state, likely with the ultimate goal of achieving a truly post-racial society (everyone's brown)

Is this a good thing? Certainly not. No fascist dictator has ever truly lived up to this model, which is a good thing. Authoritarian racial supremacy in the form of something like National Socialism or racialist republics are ideal for the preservation of the white race. Fascism wouldn't be too bad for the US though.

/hijacks thread

Which is better?

a) Global Fascism
b) National Fascism

Spiritual freedom from the bondage of pointless materialism

This is not true. a fascist is defined by the people with whom he identifies his nation. If a fascist living in America were to also be a white nationalist (likely the case), and were to claim complete political power, then he would subjugate the wants and needs of all non-whites to those of whites, doing whatever he deemed necessary to make America a white country, or perhaps break off a portion of America's territory to create an ethno-state. Only in an ethno-state are nation and state synonymous.

Sure thing, my top three essentials would be:

1) The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini
2) Fascism viewed from the Right by Julius Evola
3) A Traditionalist confronts Fascism by Julius Evola

Global fascism is humanism. It's the "globalism" we see emerging today. So definitely b) National Fascism.

Thanks. I'm just beginning to transition from traditional monarchy to fascism and these should be very useful.

>Obsessively conforming to government demands.
>Uniforms all the fucking time every fucking where.
>Extremely narrow definition of belonging.

>b) National Fascism.
Is Global Socialism also 'Humanism'?

If we had Hugo boss uniforms I would wear them every day.

>If we had Hugo boss uniforms I would wear them every day.
I'm wearing mine now. LARP'ing is exactly like Cosplay; except different

Ethnonationalism is the ultimate fate of humanity, we just have to fight to make sure our nation is amongst the final ones.

Current nations with ensured futures
>Arabic Islam

No, that's communism-lite.

Not if America isn't around to protect it
>Arabic Islam
hardly a nation but sure
Do you know how many different ethnic groups live in India? It's practically the Europe of Asia. No single ethnicity to speak of.

stupid nigger
Fascism has to be by nature anti capitalist
if you're a clueless retard is ambiguous

>No, that's communism-lite.
We have one that can see.

Obs.: We live under Global Communism where Socialism is a financial tool used to accommodate the former. Many NatSoc's are called Fascists as a euphemism; likely due to the shared timelines of Hitler & Mussolini

Fascism does not equal NatSoc (not necessarily in all cases)

>likely due to the shared timelines of Hitler & Mussolini
confirmed for not grasping either ideology to it's full extent

National Socialism was Fascism
Not all Fascism is National Socialism
Both ideologies adhere to the Fascist World View, both follow the great cosmic order.

>Fascism does not equal NatSoc (not necessarily in all cases)
This is correct.

>Fascism does not equal NatSoc (not necessarily in all cases)
more precisely 'Nat'l Fascism' does not equal NatSoc

I sure as shit hope not.

facism means underseverd retribution of violence in the hands of a totalitarist state.

Mata-te colega
Não passas de um gato escaldado a viver sob um estado de merda, sem fé, sem ordem, e sem justiça, educa-te no assunto.

Pic related

>National Socialism was Fascism
>Not all Fascism is National Socialism

This is true. National Socialism is to fascism as apples are to fruit. Fascism is the genus and NatSoc is the species.



*totalitarian, and no. Only people who think entirely with their emotions would define fascism in such a way. You even misspelled "fascism", you nigger.

Define Global and National
Perhaps add International, or Pan-National Fascism, which was certainty the end goal of fascist regimes in the early 20th century. A world of Identity and Order.

Don't say modern gloabalism has anything to do with Fascist ideology and Fascist worldview. Because today it's about a machination and enslavement of Humanity, whilst fascism advocates for an organic model.

Fascism is peculiar of a nation (Italy) in a peculiar historical period (1922/1943) can't be applied to other country in modern times as it was for Italy at that time. While nationalism can of course.

Arguing anything whatsoever with people who can't define the very words they use
Most here couldn't tell you the difference between Authoritarian and Totalitarian, let along find out Fascism is more than an insult the child throws at his father when he stops him from getting burnt at the stove.

Principles and worldview are eternal, institutions aren't, you refer to the institutions of applied fascism of 20th century Italy, not Fascism in it's whole extent.

fascism in 4 words for me:
united we are strong




Fascism is the worldview of truth. National Socialism, italian fascism, Spanish Falangism, etc. are all expressions of this wordlview.

for what purpose

That's so stupid.

Fascism does not have Italian in its definition, nor does national socialism have German in its definition. Just because these are the only countries so far to be controlled by these means doesn't mean they can only apply to them. That's like saying democracy is peculiar to Athens and what we have now in America is just republicanism.

The term "fascist" is derived from the word "fasces", which is a bundle of sticks tied around an axe and represents strength of unity. Any group which emphasizes unity above all is de facto fascist.

>This is true. National Socialism is to fascism as apples are to fruit. Fascism is the genus and NatSoc is the species.
For the sake of comprehension by OP; can this be seen as a maxim/idiom? If so, and if OP is genuinely interested in the nuances; then Bravo Zulu/

Maybe because collective efforts yield the greatest achievements? Fuck outta here ol' I'M A SINGLE COG looking ass

Advancing the interests of the nation.

You mean too vague, there is a difference. Typical brit, needing to be taught English by big dicked Americans.

Principles of fascism are strong nationalism and athoritarian state, the individual live and work only for his/her nation. How can you apply this worldwide? Would be something really different. How can you apply fascism to nation with different religions?
Also autarky can be obtained by only few big and powerful nation like USA or China

Imo it needs the snakes in some sort of plate/lamellar armor to imply rigidity

The fascia is supposed to demonstrate how a single stick is easily broken but together they are formidable. This isn't the false "stronger together" shit from the dems. This is about having people who can't be racist or prejudiced to each other. Remove everything that can divide people and they will be unstoppable.

>an apple a day keeps the doctor away
>your daughter is the apple of your eye
>eat your daughter to stay healthy

Interpreting metaphors literally is a sign of autism.

Underrated system that has its place.

for a greater purpose,the good of the people and therefore the nation

>Underrated system that has its place.
...in a White society. What works well for one race, obviously won't work well for all. The larger point being that we live under Global Communism where Socialism is used by a small group to move treasure away from a nation, and into the hands of the undeserving and its enemies.

Fascism is Monarchy within government, therefore inferior to Monarchy in every way because government is cancer and one of the worst turns humanity ever made. Read Hoppe.

What a dumb fucking statement. Congrats you get the most retarded Sup Forums user of the month award.

>How can you apply fascism to nation with different religions?
Then you have yourself a question made only due to an incomplete starting point. The notion of Nation as per Fascist world view does not include "different religions" (assuming you're talking about a scenario where the religions are almost antithesis of each other). Since Fascism has it's own world view, it is also understandable that some religions aren't compatible. Imagine a religion where absolute egalitarianism in societal organization, and cannibalism and infanticide constitute core parts of it. Would the Fascist worldview not be contradicted?

And before you ask about different races in a nation (again careful with how you define and catalog the nations) just look for the definition and origin of the concept of Nation, the essence of Nation, and you will see the issue.

That's not stupid cause if you want to apply the principles of Fascism to a nation you need to modify it to that specific nation and time, you can't copy the italian system of the 20's, as Mussolini has been ispired by romans' imperial age. Good luck to impose a dictator to a nation like USA that have their fundation and costitution based on republicans values and personal freedom

And it means that to me because it objectively is.

This dudes videos are top notch

And sorry I forgot to address the main point of your question
>How can you apply this worldwide?
The principles are eternal, and an authoritarian state isn't necessarily a principle but essentially a "mandatory" form of oragnizing a Nation under the principle of hierarchy and of "collective of individuals". You said "fascism is only in italy in xx years" but what you essentially said was reduce this entire worldview to a single one of it's instances, aka an old institution- not the principles upon which the institution was based.

>you can't copy the italian system of the 20's

That's exactly the crux of my argument. Fascism can be (and must be) applied independently of the Italian model.

>Then you have yourself a question made only due to an incomplete starting point.

Well if the definition of fascim is what you say then yes can be applied to almost all ethinic groups and religions in the world (with the exclusion of tribal/primitive society that need to be civilized before they can understand the concept of nation and progress)
But you need to explain each time what fascim is for you, among the common people fascim only means an historiacal period ended with the WWII

I want a purpose in life beyond just existing.
I want the state to use its resources to promote values like pride in your own heritage
I don't want to feel alienated from my own volk.
I'm sick to death of sick Individualism and all its vanity.

people glued together and used as a bludgeon comes to mind.

Defined as a such system make sense and is something that can applied in the world as whole.
Following that principles almost all (if not all) of the greatest empires of the past have prospered under fascim.
And nowday and half of the world is living under it too:
-All Islamic/Sharia nation (Turkey still not but will be soon)
-USA is going to be through Neocons / Leo Strauss' Republicans / Ex Trotskyist and Shachtmanist

Natural order, hierarchy, healthy society instead of a degenerate one, living according to the traditions of my ancestors in its devotion to God
A culture of excellence

Actually the definitions are derived from each other.


The symbolism of the fasces suggested strength through unity (seeUnity makes strength); a single rod is easily broken, while the bundle is very difficult to break.

Faggot,faggots, orfaggotingmay refer to:

faggot or fagot,branchor twig, or bundle of these

Death by burning, metonymically referred to by the faggots which fuel the fire

Notice the general stick bundle motif going on here...

Also Russia and its allies

While Europe is fucked instead

So basically, you're sick of taking responsibility for your own life goals and identity, and you find the task of finding individual meaning in existence too difficult and daunting.

That's understandable. You're a pussy, I get it. But why do you feel the need to fuck things up for everyone else in the process? Those of us who aren't limp-dicked bootlickers who need to be told what to do - we're quite happy with taking responsibility for ourselves, thank you.

You're just as bad as commies.

Being a disconnected individual in a country of disconnected individuals is the reason why you are ok with Islamists raping your women and blowing up your concert venues. Fascism seeks to promote a higher ideal in a nation than a disconnected mass is capable of achieving. If your country was fascist you would not now have the problems you have.

All Libtertarians, conservatives, etc. need to take the fash pill to actually see fundamental change in society

Diveded, you will be conquered. Enjoy your self-centered lifestyle while it lasts.

It won't last long.

That's not fascism.

Being an individual is important, but one must recognize where you are on the cosmic spectrum

We are all living beings. Under that category, we are humans. Within humanity, we are of the Aryan race. Within that race, we are our own specific ethnic identity. Within that, we are part of our immediate family. And within that, we are an individual.

Someone who embraces the truth embraces all these facts, ignoring and disrespecting no part of that. Fascism, an ideology of truth, embraces ALL these aspects.

Fascism means having a nationalist nation that doesn't fall prey to globalist capitalism, but promotes local and national businesses.

There will be a guild system for every industry, in the US, all farmers would become part of a 'farmers corporation', GM, Ford, Chrysler an 'automotive corporation', and these "corporations" would act as unions for business owners to work with the government and ensure each others needs are met.

There would be one culture, one religion, and if possible, one race. In the USA's case, any immigrants would be thoroughly "Americanized", accepting American culture on every level, some form of Christianity (with protestantism preferred), speaking the English language with our accent, and embracing our ideals.

People will still have freedom and democracy, but not to the ridiculous extent that they have it today. Duty and service to your nation will become a mainstream concept once more, with paramilitary youth programs and conscription to instill a sense of patriotism and discipline into the population. Free speech will be allowed for the most part, but corrupting influences such as communism and pornography must be purged. Finally, we will make it clear that this is a nation under God, and although there shall be no state church, our senators and leaders shall be Christian.

I post with the NatBol flag but I'd consider myself pretty fascistic socially, with my economics being a blend of fascist corporatism and socialism.
Fascism is nationalistic, authoritarian, and supports corporatism along with autarky.
Corporatism is when the state mediates disputes between bosses and workers. Autarky is when the state has reached full resource self sufficiency. It can also be interventionist or isolationist depending on the needs of the nation as a whole. It's opposed to both communism and capitalism and socially hierarchical in nature.

A bunch of dudes blowing eachother

Closeted literal faggotry. Nothing special. It's what every man does especially the massive failures. This ideology just hides it best plus its love for feminism gun grabbing degeneracy and creating Israel