Do americans really do this? LOL
Do americans really do this? LOL
i don't think we are allowed to do that anymore. However we are forced to observe a moment of silence while clock boy goes in the hall to pray 5 times a day.
Fortunately they stopped doing it for the most part. I think bringing God into the education system is a big mistake.
The problem with most white christians is that they keep harping on fairy tales when they should be focusing on science and technocracy.
Yes, they do
Quiet faggot
Yes we do although it's not mandatory. Only in public schools
The whole thing is bullshit, asshole. It's all meant to slavery: god, nationality, blablabla.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
>Fuck yeah we do motherfucker
We used to also sing our anthem in music class at the beginning
You country doesnt do that?
fuck off faggot go back
Yes. But it's an option.
That flag
that Fedora
that neckbeard
that virginity
LOL. Conformist nog.
Hello new friend.
>it's a European-looking Jesus episode
No wonder Sup Forumsfags are Christcucks. The amount of mental gymnastics you guys do is amazing.
I did it when I was in school.
I dont think they do it anymore though.
It probably depends on which state you live in. I highly doubt Spictown, California does it; for example.
Yeah, we used to do that. Know what else we used to do?
Go to the fucking moon.
Thanks libshits.
Americans are the most brainwashed society in the world. Prove me wrong.
Better to be a Christian than a degenerate poo eating faggot.
Hell yeah. We have sooo much freedom that as children we are brainwashed and forced to do things that we don't want to do. you know, freedom. MAGA, NRA, TRUMP, JESUS.
I hope everything you've ever loved dies redditscum
North Korea, Germany (the whole guilt thing), any Muslim country.
In truth, we're just the best at producing and spreading it. Sorry!
Shut up key queer.
In non nigger areas kids still proudly pledge allegiance to their flag
I go to church every Saturday and also don't eat poop, leaffriend :^)
what if we do want to do it you antifa faggot?
Every morning we did it after saying prayers in my school.
more like this
Once in a land far away...
We used too. I remember doing it as a kid. But I think it's stopped. Such a shame. I still do it at sporting events and it shocks me how many kids only a decade younger than me just keep blindly staring at their phones.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag, of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Instead they better do things they like; being a faggot like op for example.
This is how it is in the state where I live:
Those pupils so desiring shall recite the following salute to the flag: "[pledge of allegiance]". Students not reciting the pledge shall maintain a respectful silence.
I've never said the pledge of allegiance.
I agree. They used to make us do it back in school. Apparently they still do it at least here in the south. Certain teachers will punish you if you refuse to do it apparently.
It's not depending on where you live. Unless you want to be the THAT parent that runs up there and makes a stink. Then your kid gets put on the shit list. So no it's not actually optional.
My school used to say it, the foreign exchange students didn't have to do it because of their situation, and if you didn't want to say then you didn't have to. We never had a problem with it.
It was a libshit that put us on the moon.
I had to do it in public school but not private school. I mean I'm sure I could've refused in public school, but peer pressure.
>I think bringing God into the education system is a big mistake.
The constitution itself has god in it you fucking illiterate
i made this just now for you
Let me help you out my Croat friend. This is called a PLLEEEDGE, we do a pledge when we have something to feel patriotism about. I hope that you enjoyed this lesson. Join us next time when we talk about national achievements.
Believe it or not people used to Roman salute it during the Pledge of Allegiance.
Yes I did this my whole life and my kid, nieces and nephews still do it.
>California if you're wondering
The original pledge didn't have God in it though. It was literally brought in as a indoctrination method because Commies didn't recognize state religions.
Funny how that works. Our own Forefathers of the Constitution saw it fit to not have religion in there and then we twist ourselves around just to not be like some other power.
Yes, from preschool to 12th grade we did this every morning
After 7th grade people don't really say it, it's optional but you have to stand and put your hand over your heart
Imagine what it's like having a country you can be proud of.
newfag salute
It's the early years where they bully you on it.
I don't remember ever fucking doing it in High School.
No, students still do that.
Mandatory in most places.
Graduated HS in 2012, did it every single morning from 1st to 12th grade.
For all the non-Americans, i'll go ahead and leave the pledge here.
"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." "I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
I know I'm not crazy, i'm almost 100% sure when I was in school, during the ending it was, "One nation, UNDER GOD, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
The copy I posted above, which I pulled from a Google search doesn't have that. So, yeah.
Croatia would have to have something to be proud of in the first place in order to then celebrate it.
forgot about 'under God'
I am an argument?
at my high school, most of us didn't say the pledge. we just stood up and put ours hands on our hearts, and the small fraction of kids that did want to say it, said it.
nobody liked doing the pledge, it was fuckin gay.
They didn't want the country to be recognized as a Christian nation like the nations in Europe because they didn't want the nation to end up at war with one another over religion like it happened in Europe, but they wanted the people and the country to worship God and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ you uneducated buffoon.
In my high school, it was seen as uncool to say the pledge. I said it every morning either alone or with one or two others (usually other JROTC cadets) because I love my country. The pledge is to the flag and country, not the dipshits running the place. This coming from a Monarchist by the way, so don't give me any of that bullshit about brainwashing when I'm one of the few to break out of it.
All throughout school, *public*, going to school in Louisiana, you'd get in trouble if you didn't say the pledge.
I did when I was little, but not since then
We're probably the most spaced out and out of touch society but not brainwashed but it's not like our government doesn't try from the beginning to do so.
It's why I don't like the whole Pledge of Allegiance thing with kids. Patriotism is fine. It builds countries. Everyone should love their country. Just don't indoctrinate our children with it. Patriotism comes from working around your common people and loving where you come from. Your communities. Your friends. That's where patriotism comes from. Not being forced to say some fucking speech every morning. It's North Korea tier shit and I'm surprised it's still going.
in texas we did the texas pledge and pledge of alleigance
Yes, we must honor our country and God at the beginning of every school day. It helps fight degeneracy
Yeah I felt a littl awkward being 1 of the only 4 who did it. but after a while I just did the pledge without thinking. I liked it because it killed time rather than hearing my teachers bitch about not getting paid enough of some other bullshit.
Yeah, during the time it was gay as fuck.
It's only looking back on it that i'm like, hell yeah.
I accident used my left hand one time and I was put on blast for making that mistake.
explain then why you're completely fucking degenerate?
feminism, faggot acceptance, tranny acceptance, sjws etc all pretty much came from the states
And did they also make sure your ass was facing the flag? Lol
That was also a big deal.
I grew up in the 80's.
It was on its way out at the time.
By high school I have no recollection of saying it.
NOTE: I grew up amongst Commies in California.
lmao all the niggers look bored
They didn't want religion tied up in any aspect of the governing system. In that you can believe whatever you want but there are checks and balances to all systems. In that a crazy religious man or crazy man in general gets in power there is a system to get them out eventually.
It's not a perfect system but all legal, executive, and judicial systems should be checked at some point. They didn't want religion in any part of our government because they knew most men worship God or some god and we know how denominations go. Apparently Christians today don't. Back in the day you'd lose if you said you're Baptist because the Methodists would vote against you. Catholic? Ha!. Never happening.
Now? Just say you're "Christian." Republicans have latched onto it.
I went to school in the 90 and 2000s, it wasn't much until 9/11. After that everybody said it even the mexicans.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!
I graduated in 94 though so...
After they stopped it, America turned into a haven for shitskins, muslims, illegals, and welfare scum.
That shit didn't come from Iowa and Kansas, let's put it that way.
I'm glad that the pendulum is swinging right again. Around me at least, it seems like society is coming out of its self-loathing and becoming more acceptable to love our country, heaven forbid.
if you aren't a genuine redditor this is masterful bait
Graduated HS in 2013. If you didn't say it people thought you were an edgy cunt
I got out of school this summer, we would always say it.
Only people who didnt were the blacks or whites who acted like blacks.
Holy shit you really have to go back.
I think some Jehovah's witnesses took this to the supreme court. A public school was making their kids say the pledge of allegiance and they had a shit fit. Jehovah's witnesses don't believe in the pledge of allegiance because they view themselves as ambassadors to god and not citizens of a country, or something like that.
But you have a non american flag so you're by default not american, right? That's how this new system is working right? This is the first time I've posted on Sup Forums in a while.
I did graduate at 15 back when you could still do that. but yes I'm old. got off my ass and had a white baby too. the next 18 years will be fighting the liberal indoctrination system, with rhetoric, the Socratic method and critical thinking.
Yeah if we turned towards the window or looked at our friends we would get benched. Not a big deal now but it was when I was young.
Female identifying lesbian (non binary)
Summer has truly came.
Definitely American.
From Louisiana.
You can change you're flags now, I just chose to have a confederate flag.
Niggers HATE learning, Paco.
You're right, the preschool my kid is goes to teaches them the pledge. They want the kid to know the pledge before they go in, again this is CA and 2 and 3 year olds are already saying the pledge.
What year'd you graduate?
God. I love USA so much
I think the next decade the liberals lost.
I remember doing the Texas pledge but it was only a few times throughout elementary. Think we stopped because it was too annoying for everyone
Wow, what a stupid decision. Why not just have it where only americans get american flags? Let everyone else be randomized. The asspain could have been amazing.
I don't mean to change the subject, but a guest teacher in my class back when I was in high school admitted their whole class of black students couldn't read.
A long time ago my friend.