I'm a woman, a senior in college and have been with over 30 guys sexually. Tell me why you misogynistic assholes think that I'm not fit for marriage. Are your lives really that sad that you have to try to brig women like me down just because we'd never sleep with you?
I'm a woman, a senior in college and have been with over 30 guys sexually...
>we'd never sleep with you
You being such a massive whore says that's false..
you're more inclined to cheat/commit infidelity, and be miserable in your marriage.
Playing the field has given you a desire for different partners, and the fact that not all men are equal in all attributes makes you always believe and desire to find a "better man' and you will divorce. Plus if you admit to 30 chances are your real number is over 100 and likely close to 200
Because you're an emotionally broken whore with a poor relationship with your father and your HPV and HSV-2 ridden cunt isn't good enough to have my children. Now get back to making snarky comments on social media before your eventual suicide after you spiral downward in a cyclone of benzos and cats you worthless piece of shit.
This is absolute bullshit.
No that's your college education.
>I am a woman
Tits or gtfo you worthless roastie.
Also this
I've slept with over 50 women, who cares?
You gus talk all this trash, but I bet you'd roll over like a dog for me, or any woman that showed you the slightest bit of attention.
Your vagina has been used up and the fact that you're proud enough to brag about fucking 30 men is a clear sign that you have some serious daddy issues.
>with over thirty guys
>because we'd never sleep with you
Really gets the marbles rolling
Maybe you'll find someone who will take you up on your offer, but I wouldn't do it. Good luck.
you are mentally and physically broken, you will never could have an stable family, and you never could make a husband happy. You are not a wife material you are a bitch
Your wedding tackle is reamed out so big, that you'll have to ram a picnic ham up there then pull the bone out for a new bushing.
whoa! nice dude!
>over 30 guys
fucking slag
radical man
why did you post this pic, is there anything significant to it? I recently found this shit framed on my doorstep
My wife is gorgeous and more fit than you've ever been after having our children.
Your self worth is only derived from getting dicked by 20 year olds who are horny enough to fuck a warm ham sandwich but opted for you despite the extra mayonnaise.
>you' roll over like a dog for me
Tits for proof.
Old cunt enjoy your cats
The thing is, you clearly would sleep with me. I just wouldn't marry you.
Because you're std ridden you gross ass bitch
such b8
I have standards you stupid virgin
But you're not a woman. You're a man that's bored, a virgin, and desperately want to fuck sluts
Actually it's because you most likely will never commit to actually staying in one and fuck up the gene pool even more ya cunt.
Do whatever you want OP
Simply don't project your self-hatred on others
Keep doing what you love but stop thinking all men here would accept to touch your filthy cunt
I'd rather starve than feed myself on rotten food
post tits or get the fuck out
Nice projection, filthy whore
Your beat
I'm married, and without seeing your face, I would never dick you.
I can already imagine your lips and fat mouth spewing words 24/7
There seems nothing humble about you, and if you've fucked 30+ times, no one wanted to stay with you because you're fucked.
So you should die alone.
because you deserve to be stoned
And you are why we need White Sharia. You worthless fucking where. A candidate for a bloody skullfucking.
Um no, sweetie, I've had over 30 partners as well, but I would never consider a woman for serious relationship if she had more than 5 partners in her lifetime. Lock and key, bitch. Enjoy your degeneracy, the fun won't last long. Soon you'll realize you've been used by people like me to have fun in their youth and settle down later with decent girls, while you and other sluts are going to remain single and miserable.
Oh shit.
Your father had standards, but you've fallen short of them at every turn, just like that dumb cunt that brought you screaming into this world.
Fucking jew
Aydin? Stop shitposting. You have work to do.
I've had plenty of experience with women, and this experience is what has led me to realize that women are a waste of time and resources in general, regardless of how many people they've fucked. they're just literally biologically less intelligent, and will let emotions usurp reason without exception. even the smartest women I have met behave like this, and I've dated a neuroscientist.
two-dimensional women replace the urge for interaction and sexual connection entirely, without all of the garbage that comes with 3DPD. and as soon as cloning becomes an accessible technology, we won't need women at all anymore.
Who has the graph correlating # of past sexual partners and marriage divorce rates? It basically shows the more sexual partners a women has before marriage, the more likely her marriage (when it comes at the wall) will fail. Something like only 20% of women who've had 20+ partners have a lasting marriage.
>Are your lives really that sad that you have to try to brig women like me down just because we'd never sleep with you?
Is your life really so sad that you have to sleep with over 30 guys just to feel something? The fact that you did that is one thing, but I bet you would never dare tell your future husband the actual number. Am I wrong?
lol you have sex 30 times and we wonder why Russia has had a spike in HIV/AIDS.
wow what a whore
lol what a whore, show tits btw
Do you not fear catching a pox?
No hymen no diamond. The opinion of degenerate future catladies/toll payers is irrelevant as they have no redeeming value. You made your bed now you will die in it.
your post answers your question. You must be a great person to hang out with, not.
You're a roastie. Good for fucking but nothing else. Would not marry or invest considerable time into any relationship with you. It would be a dead end.
Too many dicks spoil the broth.
>over 30 guys sexually
Whore, speak no more.
Gtfo and don't look back.
>30 guys by her senior year of college
>Clearly can't keep a man judging by all those one night stands
>Doesn't realize she's been used
I wouldn't just refuse to marry you, I wouldn't fuck you either. You're too young, too dumb, and will break down like expired milk before you turn 30. You're a bad investment and have nobody to blame but yourself.
sure, i'll take the bait
the reason you're not fit for marriage is your shite sense of mate selection.
your job is to find a worthy male, somebody who is as smart and charming and attractive as your own smarts, charm and attractiveness can afford, and to reproduce with them.
that basic-level of programing is obviously broken inside you and nobody wants to be with a broken woman.
You're a slut and TITS or GTFO
hey bb what college u at?
Alpha fux beta bux roastie
Anyone have the count of partners x divorce rate correlation infographic handy?
Youre just a slut. ive fucked sluts.
you're not fit for marriage because you are retarded and selfish, so you attract selfish men.
another reason you're not fit for marriage is because you simply do not care about future generations. you treat sex as a recreational activity and nothing more, thereby becoming a recreational activity yourself.
HERESY! Each society has its own word for HERESY!
Communists called all HERESY! fascism.
Fascist Italy called all HERESY! Communism.
Today, the Politically Correct tyranny calls HERESY! "Hate!"
They call people who speak HERESY! names.
You Political Correctness fanatics are playing a very old game.
When you scream HERESY! aka Hate! at people who disagree with you, it says nothing about the point we make.
But it tells us ALL about YOU ANTI-WHITES.
Why do you care?
>loser neckbeards are just mad i wont sleep with them
>please marry me, im so lonely
What? An average Russian probably has fewer partners than an average American. Nice projection though.
The HIV epidemy that we have is caused by fucking rural heroine junkies, we have a real problem with that.
fucking 30 guys is way too much. you are used up, no one wants you filthy whore.
Nice refutation
it's spite, you dumb whore.
nobody wants to be with you, nobody wants to give you a happy ending, because you haven't been playing the game by the rules.
if you want to spend your youth fucking strangers instead of falling in love that is your choice, but don't expect anybody to rescue you from your mistakes.
[you're gonna say that you haven't made mistakes, that you're happy with your life, but you're not.
you're obviously not]
I consider myself a feminist. I dont believe in enforced gender roles; they may happen naturally, but they should never be coerced into happening unnaturally. As in, the societal pressure for gender roles should really go, even if it'll turn out that the majority of relationships continue operating the same way of their own accord. I treat women with the same outlook I treat men, and never participate in the old Reddit "women are crazy" circlejerk, because there are multiple women out there and each have different personalities just like there are multiple men out there and each with different personalities. I don't think you do much of anything except scare off the awesome women out there by going on and on about the ones who aren't awesome. That doesnt mean I look for places to victimize women, I just dont believe it's fair to make generalize like that
None of us want to have sex with a whore like you. We'd rather have a fresh new soda than one that's had 30 dicks in it.
You're a fat male neet larping. Tits or fuck off.
If you're really the sort of whore you pretend to be, you won't mind showing us your dugs.
Tits or GTFO
You know how this works, bitch.
If you'd never touch us why do you care about our opinion?
Or maybe you're worried that the college attitude you assume was universal, isn't, so much.
Because you will never be satisfied, and you will always be thinking of the insane sex you were having when you were 20. You will be unable to fully commit to an idea because your body will always twitch for Chad's cock and any loyalty and devotion to a marriage will be replaced by a carnal urge to reach the highs of your youth.
Only you won't get them, and every time you cheat you'll feel worse because you will not only understand and accept that you're an immoral asshole for cheating on your spouse, but you'll also realize that those days are literally never coming back.
In a word, you're an addict, and I don't marry addicts.
Ellie? I didn't know you got on Sup Forums. Nobody wants you you coalburning whore.
It is not an argument based on the pettiness of being rejected by you. Nobody here knows who you are or cares. Nor do men who discuss such topics do so out of spite.
It is an argument supported by facts.
The more sexual partners a female has is directly correlated to how successful her marriage will be. The number of partners being high will statistically lead to divorce or separation.
I don't think this stuff is the result of sexual frustration or envy as you allude.
Nobody thinks a childless 30 year old woman who has fucked 30 different men is of any real value.
>because we'd never sleep with you
I don't care. Your one trump card has been revoked by your age. Soon youre going to be 35 and the number will be up towards 40 men. This is standard white liberal female mediocrity.
Why don't you stop creating angry threads here and go to a place that will be receptive to hearing about what your real problem is. That you can't and most likely won't find a husband or get married. And its going to pain you so much as you get older and your life is full of emptiness and you see other women with families and children.
Enjoy that carousel though.
I wouldn't even dare to fucking say it out loud if i had over 30 partners, and i'm a man. Despite the gender, a whore is a whore.
That analogy makes no sense.
I know this is bait, but I'll provide an actual answer.
A woman being with dozens of men shows that she can't hold down a relationship, and that she shouldn't be believed that 'THIS TIME IT'S SERIOUS'. Why am I, if I were to be a potential suitor, supposed to believe that THIS TIME you'd be a faithful and loyal woman when you've run through 3 dozen men up until now? If shows you don't value long-term relationships and just want to fuck. And if someone wants to simply fuck as much as they can, they're free to do so. I wouldn't shit on you for it, but you can't expect men who want a loving loyal and faithful woman to expect that out of a woman who's run through half the village.
You have devalued yourself to the point in which you don't seem to offer anything beyond a hole to fuck.
>Tell me why you misogynistic assholes think that I'm not fit for marriage.
Well, for starters, you're posting on Sup Forums, and not showing tits.
Shaddup whore, only dicks for me.
Have sex with this hunk instead: youtube.com
I've had 30 jobs, why won't you hire me?
Haha you guys are falling for this bait.
op is just a troll btw but this thread has me in stitches
Maybe it's up to the whorish cunt that's trying to berate and shame guys into marrying her to explain what fucking value she brings to the table. Of course, therein lies the rub. You can't.
>i slept with 30 guys
haha roastie gtfo
Yes it does.
>do you want a soda with a dick in it?
>do you want a soda without a dick in it?
Without dumb ass.
first roast best roast
statistics and venereal disease.
>we'd never sleep with you?
Yes you would
>i have standards
>30 guys
Now I know for sure this is bait
Statistically you:
>have had multiple stds
>have a chronic std
>have low self worth
>have low IQ
>have no moral compass, sexual or otherwise
>are not capable of lifelong commitment
>are not capable of raising forthright children
why don't you go ahead and tell us what you bring to a long term relationship instead of simply spouting off non-arguments? we are all dying to know
>Are your lives really that sad that you have to try to brig women like me down just because we'd never sleep with you?
HAHAHA. Nobody needs to bring whores like yourself down, you do it all on your own by being a turnstile. My life is fine. You know, because I have a woman who isn't like you.
>self control
Self control is a staple of almost all cultures and religions (Muslims fasting during Ramadan, Catholics quitting meat during lent, etc.). The dichotomy between male and female relation of and with sex is why you aren't marriage material.