Reminder that Trump is going to take your healthcare away. Why do you continue to support him?
Reminder that Trump is going to take your healthcare away. Why do you continue to support him?
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it not going away the goddamn senators kwpt most of the bullshit obombo kwpt JUST REPAELA LTHE WHOELT HINFGOJTGTI IOUJHKJHNBHYJNMN BVFGTVRB]'\
Because trumpshits here are kids for whom healthcare is an abstract matter since mommy buys it
Lol got a source on that?
Good. I've paid the fine since it was implemented. Recently u was unable to walk unassisted and was given 2 misdiagnosis simply because they knew I want coming for bs followup treatments because I was self pay. Turned out I have a cyst on my spine after demanding my primary care doctor order an mri. The neurosurgeon told me he would take it out until he learned I do not have insurance, then he "realized" how risky this particular cyst is. Apparently it could take several followup surgeries, or result in either not fixing the nerve pain and or headaches for the rest of my life. Simple gabapentin makes the pain bearable.
Tldr doctors are milking insurance for all its worth, not caring it they solve anything as long as the checks cash on every additional appointment or test. My unemployed cousin with a baby, a wife he left years agao with yet another child, smokez weed and pops pills gets free Medicaid for his hardship of being too stupid to be civilised. Fuck this lawn
It's better than Obamacare. Obama is the founder of ISIS.
I pay for overpriced insurance that doesnt actually make anything else in healthcare affordable for me. Fuck those people that actually bennifit from this system. Oh you got cancer? Then die.
Good. I pay for my own fucking insurance like an adult
Becuase you lazy fucks cant find a decent job with good benifits, hope all of you fucks have health problems and are under obama care hahaha
Trump has hurt himself. The bill IS trash.
Here is the solution:
Everyone will get the preexisting stuff (the good of ACA) without individual mandate (the bad). Its good stuff.
What about the people who can't fucking afford it because they happen to not be in the top .0001%, asshole?
Let me red pill u fagz, If u eat right and exercise u don't need the doctor boom stop being fat fucks and drive defensively sayonara
Work harder. Trump turned $1 million into $8 billion+ by working hard.
Ironic that the most people who are gonna be hurt by this are Trump's own retarded baby boomer base. God I hope this passed and kills them all.
>Everyone will get the preexisting stuff
Uhhhh no it guts that.
>without individual mandate (the bad).
And pay for it using monopoly money?
I don't have healthcare to take away.
It also guts medicaid and has death panels, oh and exempts Congress from it.
I've never had nor needed shitty obamacare. Culinary Health and I don't even deal with food or customers.
It's ok just work your way into paying for your own healthcare :D
Also I paid $700 in tax for not having health insurance in 2016 and If I pay less than 700 for this year then trump is def getting shit done that's an actual way I'll be able to gauge the success of that agenda
The wall is ahead of schedule and under budget. You won't beat us, Shareblue. The Dems are finished.
I have a job so I'm not on Obamacare.
Because I think it's funny
I already didn't have healthcare under Obama.
healthcare is fucked up no matter what plan they come up with some people are going to get fucked
Why would Congress, the elected leaders of our nation, not have better healthcare than homeless people, logically speaking? You are spouting another Democratic shill talking point and it really kills your argument.
Dont talk sense to them.
Just let them die.
People like you are the reason we need a violent revolution in this country.
you write like a literal retard
Trump is right. Rich people are rich for a reason. They deserve better treatment than the lazy poorcucks.
Fuck them fuckin icesis' Terrist Mr.Trump! Fuck 'em! Do whatever it takes!! Fuck them fuckin nigger fuckin terrist sons a bitches!! Fuck! Who gives a fuck about a Healthcare when there's little Obama Mooslum insurgents running around with fuckin heebie jabs and fuckin sticks a dynamite shoved up their asses or however they blow themselves up!! Fuck those fuckin goat fuckers!! Fuck a Healthcare! Trump trump trump! EMAILLSSSSSS
>Rich people are rich for a reason.
Yeah I wish my dad was a millionaire like Trump who baby sited though all of my early deals for me.
Great we can start with whites.
Quite the opposite. It's going to allow you Democrat leeches to die. We have jobs, your kind doesn't.
Would you rather have someone who wastes their minimum wage paycheck on alcohol and lottery tickets in charge?
President Trump has worked harder than any lefty cuck. He has earned every one of his billions of dollars. He is the ultimate Alpha Male.
>Trump is going to take your healthcare away
Obama already did that.
I don't think you understand. This isn't "Who wants to be a millionaire?" This is life or death for hundreds of people. Millions will lose coverage, and by extension millions will die. I have friends that rely on this, if they lose coverage they literally have no idea what they're going to do.
>This is life or death for hundreds of people. Millions will lose coverage, and by extension millions will die
Checked and KeK'd.
These "people" need to work harder.
Fuck your worthless friends
because I'm not a burger
Actual adult here, my healthcare was better until it was ruined by socialism.
Because my current healthcare is shit and other people shouldn't have to pay for my healthcare anyway.
>You're the guy on the left
this lol eveyone who voted for trump is just some 18 year old kid who for some reason is very nationalistic and desires things like economic freedom and tax cuts
all of the REAL adults voted for more handouts from the socialist bernie sanders
>removing gibs
>somehow this is bad
commie pls go
Only poor people care about this issue, and who really cares if they die off? Our President is doing his best to keep this country going, and some sacrifices need to be made.
>Why do you continue to support him?
because i want to die for him and help save the white race. the productive rich need to stay alive to help kill off the blacks, and since i can't help i am okay with not being kept alive
what healthcare
Dang I'm going to lose my no healthcare? Fuck
Don't forget the free college. All working adult dream of one day going to college for free.
I never got healthcare from the govt in the first place so he's not taking it from me. If other fags can't pay for their own shit, why should I be forced to pay for it?
I don't have healthcare.
I could afford if before Obamacare but elected not to buy it because I was young and healthy. Then after I got a job with healthcare Obamacare was passed and my employer switched us all to contractors so no employee healthcare anymore.
I want it now but can't afford it and so I am fined for not having it.
If I stretched and bought the cheapest plan I couldn't afford to really use it because the premiums are so high in the first place I couldn't afford the deductibles on top of that so I am stuck with having nothing and paying the fine for having nothing or pay a premium that is in excess of the fine and not using it because its too expensive but technically having healthcare.
Thanks Obama!
>Millions of worthless leeches will die
Survival of the fittest, user. You can't stop nature.
>brown person dying
Sounds great!
>Because banging rocks all day and getting black lung is better than learning?
>Or should i get a job that gets me tired and "accomplished?"
i agree. in fact, i think we should be helping nature along. why not just kill the poor? seriously. if they were stronger they wouldn't be poor, so why not just kill them and save ourselves the trouble?
>Couldn't afford the ACA plans anyways.
>They all had stupidly high deductibles so they'd have been nearly worthless even if I had bought one.
>Get fined for being too poor to afford plan.
Yeah Obamacare was great wasn't it? >'We need health care to help poor people, but if they're so poor they can't afford it we're gonna fine them.
Makes total sense. Oh wait, only people who didn't have to use ACA plans liked Obamacare.
Thank you President Trump. Thanks to you I didn't have to pay a $700 fine this year for being too poor to have shitty government insurance. Fuck you OP.
You can only help them so much, but if they don't start trying to help themselves. There's really not much you can do. Welfare only reinforces them to stay dependent forever. They need to realize the consequences and act like adults. Unless you want grown babies shitting up the place.
Because I'm a working adult that actually contributes to society. I also laugh when I take people into the hospital and they realize their shitty life choices are catching up too them
This right here. Why is this so fucking hard for people to understand? Oh right, it's because all the people who are pro-Obamacare never got shafted by it, never had to go out and shop for their own insurance because they got it through an employer, or they got it by being young enough to qualify for their parents' plans.
>'Oh what's that user, you don't want roadkill for dinner, what are you anti-food or something? Why would you vote against your own interests in voting against having roadkill as a viable meal option? Why aren't you mad that Trump's saying you don't have to be fined for not wanting to eat roadkill anymore?
Agreed stupid blue collar fucks. They get what they deserved.
We really should be sending him this on twitter. This is basically the only realistic Right-wing plan I've seen.
>this right here is some nigger ass thinking.
Because I want to see you die,
Also I'm Canadian.
How exactly do you plan on surviving, you leech if you kill your food source?
Didn't the election results overwhelmingly show that older voters went with Trump and college kids went with the Hill? I'm sorry, but the argument is actually the opposite of what you phrased it as.
Yeah, like Kim Kardashian. She had to work her way to the top. She didn't get no handouts.
What did they do 8 years ago before Obamacare? They will survive. Right now, more people are loosing health care under Obamacare than you care to admit. Insurance companies are pulling out of states, leaving them with zero options.
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield will pull out of Ohio’s Health Insurance Marketplace at the end of this year:
>hard-working older voters flock to the successful, smart candidate
>retarded teens vote for Killary
Why are millennials so stupid?
>hah, if I call him names, I don't have to argue
I see why you are a natsoc.
Because it takes it away from niggers, spics, and illegal spics.
We are at the point where we are willing to burn just to have our last stand.
Hill and Berns are the college kids' heroes. It's the hippie aspect really.
Warning the white trash, niggers, mexicans and obese. You're a decent kind of thing.
>Last stand
Lel we all know how your last stand turned out, confederacy fag
Remember on election day how there was a slow turnout for Trump, but the GOP headquarters said: "no worries, once people get off work we will start winning"?
I don't need healthcare, you pussy faggot. I don't get sick. Eat my fucking ass.
Says the emo kid that got picked on all though school.
there's literally nothing wrong with ISIS.
you're just going to get less high-cost consumers enrolled (mostly young and healthy people) while having the high-cost patients stay on. Anyone with a brain knows it's going to raise premiums. Get rid of 'pre-existing stuff', and it'll drop, but conservatives are too cucked to do that lol.
alpha-males aren't lard-asses and kiss grown-men dressed up in drag.
Why is collective insurance such a hard cookie to grasp for average American?
The mentally ill don't need healthcare
I'm not worried because I have a decent job, and I damn sure don't want to pay for degenerates who don't work and or poison themselves and make shit decisions
Because like all commie things, it turns to shit while also trying to control all your life, leading to less freedom.
Why don't you just stop getting sick, you absolute fuckass? Don't like working? You need some days off or something?
90% of the ailments that would bring the average person to the doctor are completely preventable anyways.
Ouch. Seems I hit a soft spot
Get your own damn healthcare you parasite. The government should protect the country, enforce peace and order, and carry out justice.
are you a nigger?
>recently u was unable
>take your healthcare away
you can't take away what I don't have.
I don't need healthcare landie I have plenty of dubloons to cover the cost and I'm holding a surgeon in the brig.
Non-white is not alright. Out you go.
Reminder that come 2018 the swamp will drain