Land of the free

>Land of the free

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Washington state injustice. Clearly not Texas.

That's a terrible sign, your legal system has started to be compromised by criminal spics or their allies.

What do we live in fucking Europe? This shows the incompetence of the U.S. justice system and the judges who reside over it. The judge who presided over this case was corrupt and should be trialed for it.

Trigger happy chink got what he deserved. America is full of angry tards who are just looking for someone to take their anger out on. He went too far and now he's paying the price. Let that be a lesson to all burgers. Be men.

>person you dislike comes in
>turn cameras off
>shoot person dead
>plant merchandise on them

Fuck you . That chink had every right to kill the nigger or whatever it was

>no citation

Except that it reads in the article that the offender was in fact a thief.

Why are sentences so inconsistent?

>Kill someone
>Life in prison
>Kill someone
>8 years

Maybe its time we admit that judges qbd their biases are a problem in crime and punishment.

It's all about proportionate response. Does someone who steals a Snickers bar deserve to die? No. Lots of these people who arm themselves against non-violent criminals fantasise about being a real world cowboy and will jump at the chance. This should send the message that it's nok okay.

I have limited sympathy for the soulless Koreans

the US follows common law. Previous cases are precedent that can sway how judges decide on a case but at the end of the day it is just precedent and judges can rule cases with a lot of leeway

Correct! He was black. And check it out, his wife was also a victim of a nigger months before that.

I have limited sympathy for the pieces of shit that mess with the koreans. I hope the the day of Korean massacres come back and they take out these niggers

More like
>be nigger
>in group with niggers
>try to intimidate store owner with violence
>get shot

Yeah I saw that video already of his wife getting robbed. They had every right to shoot in my opinion

Woah burger, that was a shit post. But it goes to my point of overly angry Americans. Someone disagrees and your response is fuck you. WTF do they teach you over there? You guys act without thinking it through.

Why was my flag the commie flag.

agreed we should just chop their hand off, no more theft and they get to keep their lives

The wall just got 100 feet higher. Go shove a burrito up your ass, beaner.
There was a precedent with armer robbers shotting the man's wife.

chink shoulda stayed in his rice paddy

No. You should gather what evidence you can and report it to the police. It's their job to apprehend them and then the legal system's job to judge them. Shooting people, even in the US, is a last resort in self defense.

>Does someone who steals a Snickers bar deserve to die?
But he didn't. After being asked to leave for harassing other customers, the thief went for the cash register. The store owner then pulled out his gun and instead of leaving, the thief knocked the store owner to the floor and attempted to grab the gun when he was shot.

>Min Sik Kim will be sentenced June 23 in the death of 21-year-old Jameel Rashon Mason.

Yeah Im sure he was a good boy walking to his college physics class

and if that system fails or you get killed instead of robbed while said system is in the process of working?

cause you are jdif/shareblue

Again, proportionate response. Is the content of a convenience store's register worth killing over? Of course not.

I found the suspects photo, still feel bad for poor ol Jameel? Im sure he would have made great contributions for our nation.

Fuck you

>threshold of violence has been crossed
>proportionality matters
Pick one and only one. The fact is, violent escalation BEYOND the violence of the aggressor party is the only reliable way to stop the aggressor.

The thief tried to grab the chink's gun, but got capped in the back as he tried to flee the scene. The whole case is a grey area, in my opinion. Him pleading guilty was a stupid move though.

Go to 1: 00 to see Tyrone get fucked by white boi

Gee man, the livings of a honest man trying to protect his means to make a LEGAL living are worth less than the life of a fucking nigger criminal scum who tried to kill the guy once presented with the choice of fleeing? are you insane?

> Is the content of a convenience store's register worth killing over?

How much are they allowed to steal before you're allowed to act against them? Exactly what was that black's life worth?

They probably would've given him more time had he not pleaded guilty. Honestly he will probably be out closer to 4 years for good behavior, if that applies to 2nd degree murder or whatever it is

fuck off chink

But if someone is trespassing and reaching for your gun after knocking you to the floor then it's a completely proportionate response. The thief was basically attempting murder after his robbery failed.

It was worth nothing, it is good hes dead

fuck chinks

It's not the wild west so just call the fucking police. It's their job. Everyone running around shooting each other isn't going to solve anything.

Fuck off to reddit

>police can kill criminals
>i can't

So he has the guy cornered then puts his weapon away and gets close enough to initiate a fist fight... loses and the thief runs away and he shot him in the back.

Then he tries the Zimmerman defense and realizes he got caught lying by his own camera surveillance in his store.
You can't do that.

Also the thief is a dinnadu that tried to kidnap a 6 year old girl but got caught. Got a 90 day sentence for that.

I'm ready for civil war. Police and courts are first to go and be replaced.

Law has left the land, let's make it return with a vengence.


but he literally left with the pack of cigarettes, couldnt u make the case that he was defending his property by shooting a man in the back fleeing with his property?

>Everyone running around shooting each other isn't going to solve anything.
Violence is the only thing that has solved anything in all of human history

An American civil war would be great. I'd love to see you "muh freedom" assholes get bombed by drones, AR-15 and flag in hand.


Too much defense is no longer defense.

And they'll just warp to your location?

Yeah but Washington has no Castle Doctrine so this would have been ok somewhere like Texas or Arizona but not in stupid commie Washginton

what the fuck america, i thoguht only Brazil had this kind of shit

>It's a nu-Sup Forums defends le based black man
Trump should have never happened. The election ruined this board.

wouldnt that have been kosher in Texas or similar states? Pretty sure there have been cases of people shooting criminals off their property in the back and getting off

Its Washington.

shut the fuck up you fucking child. you're ready to eat another big mac and watch anime for eight hours

US courts are almost completely Judaised now, English Common Law is nothing more than a pretense at this point. The law is whatever the judge or government wants it to be in order to get the result they want. We live under Talmudic law, at least in spirit.

Such a tragedy! Jameel Rashon Mason had so much potential! And the theft wasn't even his fault; armed robbery is just an expression of his beautiful and vibrant culture

Our legal system has actually been compromised by Jews, and it's been that way for a long time, just like every other facet of our society.

>someone breaking felonies within your midst
>tell them to stop because it is your livelihood
>someone then tries to disarm you with your weapon to possibly commit more felonies, including murder
>don't want to go to jail so don't retaliate
>call police
>get murdered

No thank you.

Its about protecting one's life from the thief that would kill to achieve his goal. Of course its worth killing over.

>Land of the free
once we start removing commie/liberal judges it will be.

> Guy attempts to rob store
> "Be a man"
> Bends over and lets thief do his thing

Is this how you guys handle burrito bandits?

fuck man i live here

Dead niggers bring glory to God.

You are free not to live in cucked states.

what happened to rooftop koreans being based?

>HURR if you think a filthy nigger criminal should be put down like the animal it is, you must be a chink!

There is a twist, the same exact nigger tried abducting a 6 year old 2 years prior. I hate everything so much, I hope that nigger suffered


Just let them have the cash register, call the cops when they leave and get paid back from insurance. There are all these great systems in place yet you neanderthals jacked up on male power fantasies just want to fire your gun.

Sorry, but your life is not a movie.

forgot link

here, have a you for this low quality bait

It was a Korean. A gook, not a chink. And the black community is ALWAYS on the Asians' asses and spewing hate speech and death threats to them for rightfully defending themselves and killing lawbreaking niggers. If you guys were smart, you would be 100% on the gook's side for them to be white allies.

Breath mints for your country.

Don't know. Every state is different. He should probably know his own states laws if he owned the store

I know I worked at gas station hell a few years here in Vegas. Technically nobody is shoplifting till they lashes the premises. Even if you see people jamming shit in their pockets its not a crime till their outside which everyone is told to not chase but you still see retards do it all the time.

Niggers aren't people.

But that's not what happened.

And yes is is faggot. You have to think of the greater good.

In a sane society that gook would have got a medal

Sorry, but try to rob me and you're getting shot. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Is this b8? I honestly can't tell if you're a cumguzzling faggot for real or just trolling for (You)s. Perhaps both?

Shooting someone in the back is a grey area even in Texas, user. It would depend on the jury. Personally, I think thieves forfeit their rights when they violate someone else's.

Well, considering the camera footage i'd say he deserves his sentence.

Washington, Oregon and California are seriously living in a Liberal bubble. I'm not even Conservative and I know this. It's not good.

Maybe, juuuust maybe, life is not the most valuable thing in existence. Maybe, just maybe, it is the content of the life which is valuable.

Not all life is sacrosanct, actions have consequences, and we as a society should lionize being virtuous over simply being alive.

T. Nigger who wanted the register.

>dumb rapist nigger gets killed
>retarded chink murderer gets put away for a small sentence
I don't anything wrong here.

You think more race tension is for the greater good? It's fucking embarrassing that people from the developed world (western Europe) praise this kind of behaviour, but I guess for you it's hard to imagine a reality where people don't go around shooting each other for no reason. Trust me though - there's a better way.

Not if the person is in a place you own.

Our justice system is corrupt. What he did was completely legal, but he has to bank on the hope that he doesn't end up with a biased jury that's pro-nigger and anti-gun. Professional juries when? "Jury of your peers" honestly isn't that attractive, there's a reason the highest court in the country is full of professional justices.

What is it about leftists that makes them defend criminals and lowlifes over decent folk defending their property and livelihood? Is it because they're to big of pussies to defend themselves that they can't stand the thought of anyone else doing so?

Racist jury

Spics stink like cumin. Prove me wrong. It's like it oozes out of their pores.

>be men
>steal instead of providing for yourself

typical liberal faggot. You care more about the criminal than the victim. i hope some armed nigger breaks into your house when you least expect it, you fuck.

>1 month earlier
>robber robs store
>shoots wife
>wife survives
>1 month later
>another robber robs store
>owner shoots robber in back
>get jailed for 8 years