What does being American mean to you, Sup Forums?
What does being American mean to you, Sup Forums?
fat people
stupid people
Well, you're not wrong...
the inferiority complex euros have to the american race is astounding.
It's honestly the best part about being american.
Said the nation that will self destruct for the third time in a hundred years
kissing jewish ass and dying in foreign wars for ZOG (all while getting cucked by Tyrone)
being fat and stupid is the best?
Said the commie jew who helped destroy it twice
>american race
there is no American race only a melting pot of many races which are slowly being mixed together to create subhuman mulatos
That's a hate crime an i have reported you
I can scream niggerfaggot without being arrested. I can own and build guns I'd I'm so inclined, because fuck you.
getting shot
Not a fucking thing.
nice LARP
allowing your government to become corrupt and evil and wondering how it go to this point in the first place without demanding change
>inferiority complex
lmao delusional ameritards
I would've agreed had you never let rapefugees overtake your country and its culture. Now Germany is filled with stupid people who enjoy rape and carnage.
I hate capitalism, but I hate communism more
Tell me how much better it is in Chile than in America.
non-country, pretty much criminals from europe nobody wanted.
Hamberger was invented by German in the city of Hamberg. Hamberg + er = Hamberger
Umm, okay. You don't really have a say in this brown boy
America is the best place in the world.
God bless America, and no place else.
The only country that matters, really.
USA #1 everyone else is faggoty and backwards, burgers are great how is that even an insult
It means having our elections hacked unfortunately :^( We no longer free
Fat fucks
>family has been in america for 300 years
>im not ethnicly american
rly makes me think
[citation needed]
My last name is Smith, but I didn't invent smithing.
>elections hacked
Either way, it was rigged. American votes don't count. Only regen... err. elected officials' votes count.
It means the best god damn active radar homing beyond visual range air to air missiles on the market for the bargain basement price of $300k per unit
Also freedom
I live in a country dying a slow death from extreme leftism
eww, cornfed beef
>Ronald Reagan on what it means to be an American.
I like how only 53% of people are obese in the USA so we get bullied for it. Just europoors finding anything they can to hide their insecurities
Say what I want whenever I want shits trash here.
Palau is the most obese country on Earth with roughly 47% of the population being overweight. Whereas America is ranked 12th with only 35%.
Palau is like 17000 people dude.
Norwegian here.
To me being American means that you don't give a fuck about what people think about you. You enjoy all your freedoms, even if it's guns or getting fat and die by the age of 25.
You have the single greatest Constitution ever written, and a population of ungrateful cunts that destroy the rest of the planet (Democrats, I'm looking at you).
When a Nazi Norwegian compliments your country better than the rest of the thread, you know something is off.
The South will rise again, my dude.. But this time from the North (more precisely - Norway) :p
Christ, that sounded worse than I imagined.. You get the idea.
Ginger master race (I myself am a ginger).
Fire crotches are the unicorns of prime pussy.
Is Palau even a country
Kentukey burbon
Ford Truck
Niagra falls
Grand Canyon
Sundys are for NFL
Lite beer
Light beer
Skoal straight
Dog in front seat
Cadillac on sunday morning
Ranch dressing
taco bell is mexican dinner
is this an invention thread or an American thread?
Notice me mountain-senpai
I would probably kill myself if I was born anywhere else than America. Our country is simply so glorious and awe inspiring.
Is there anything to do in Vegas other than gamble? Not that I'm complaining about Vegas, mind you.
It's hamburg you retard
>merilard education
Sweet sweet dip
Maybe those apes and speecs should stop eating so much processed trash and try something a little more "authentic".
Holy shit Mississippi, what are you eating down there?
Respect. Norway is great as well.
Means to live better than me.
World dominance through military and economic warfare.
People not knowing most fat Americans are niggers and spics is pretty much the same as them being like "hahaha look at all these low
IQ southerners!!!"
Sure, we have some worthless obese whites, but look at obesity rates by race. Also, BMI is horrible for sampling usually, at 6 ft 198 pounds I'm rated at obese I believe or close and I'm maybe 10-11% body fat
>American race
really makes you think
So the scentists in the photo are British
British people can still be Americans if they integrate, and also, I'm surprised you know that considering it's a stock photo I found on Google.
this board should be renamed to "american politics general"
so filled with north americans, wich are the worst posters too
no normie filter because theres no language barrier
Says the tree hugger.
Making America Great Again
Nice flag hans
You don't deserve to live happily because you're an autistic hue.
>wich are the worst posters too
Gee I wonder who's behind this meme flag. Also
>Calls Americans stupid
>Can't even spell "which"
nice reddit replies, upvoted friends, see you in the boards
Your 6-year-old sex slaves are waiting for you, so stop wasting time on this thread, muzzie,
>Roman centurion helmet
>arch going vertical rather than transverse
not being canadian.
being a slave to the jews
t. my foreskin was stolen
Making Yurosmells angry for no reason.
being trumps little bitch when he ruins everything your predecesors built
excuse me, they are at least 12 you degenerate american
As an Albanian, your comments are automatically rendered null and void even before you open your mouth.
>has visited three neighboring states
>not being truly ascended and visiting 5
It means freedom. liberty, self-reliance, responsibility and strength.
>places with fat people epidemics are nigger infested
Really makes me think
It is within the eurocucks' DNA to be jealous of Americans
It really oodles the ol noodle
i think when they've done 6 they start calling themselves "citizens of the world"
actually u as a fat are starting to take my place
What did I JUST fucking say? Get the fuck out of here, you Albanian shitbag.
what i cant hear you over the laughter over your flag
>Albanian laughs at the American flag
>forgets about his own flag
no i know very well
youre just waaaaay worse at current year
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Cunts who think they're better than everyone else for randomly being born in the USA. Constantly mentioning they're "the greatest country ever", putting us down all the time, thinking they're higher beings.
You say that as all the shitty things keep happening to you, lol. Who's the REAL arrogant asshole here, bud?
You, push me down harder
It's all about choices. You can become a millionaire or a 1 legged crack whore hopping around Atlanta. It's all on you.
Isn't there a class system in place to keep people in place independent of choices they can make?
>The rich parent sends the rich kid to the posh school
>The rich kid gets his Harvard degree and starts his job as Manager of his dads company
>The poor kid drops out of school to look after sick relatives
>works in walmart forever.
The class system in place automatically pushes all colored people to the front of the line for everything. A retarded nigger can get a full free scholarship to the best school in Amerca,just for being black.
But there are really opportunities galore for anybody that wants to make something of their self.
It's a free country.You can do whatever you want to. As long as it's legal.
Whiskey, burgers, semi-auto weapons, and half dumb bimbos letting you throat fuck them while they find themselves
I don't buy it, not everyone can succeed, only a small minority can break though the class system.
And if it truly is milk and honey, thanks for having the hardest immigration system in the world.