>plane lands
Be as American as possible in this ITT thread
>be born
>get put on meds
>go out
>get shot
>go study
>put in debt
>eat american (((food)))
>get sick
>no insurance
>fucking die
such is life in the great lang of the free
>the door automatically opens
>tip the door
>work 358 days a year. 1 week vacation
>never leave the USA ever in my life
My life, the post
>good guy starts winning in movie
>whoop, whistle and clap
>drink beer outside
>get shot
>Eagle Cry
>Shoot a black kid in the street
>Get a medal, and key to the city
do they have contests to see who can put up the highest sign. too much going on in that image, makes my head hurt
>be European
>allahu ackbar
>get hit by box truck
that's what everything looks like in the Midwest
> my father raises his voice at me for the first time
> have to be on therapy and medication the rest of my life
>"fuck my wife based black man"
>simple traffic stop
>get shot
It doesn't mean anything to be American anymore. It's become so cheapened with the influx of third world labor and plastic fake society. It just swallows people up and destroys them.
>go to school
>get shot
god bless. im going to quznos right now
>born in shit country
>legally immigrated
>integrated and productive
>have own business
>own property and guns
>lots and lots of guns
Not bad.
as a burger, i can confirm all of these
>youtube tier post
What's weird about that picture? It looks exactly like a normal town. Do eurotowns not have stores?
>drive pick-up to sister's house
>fuck her
>take an after-sex pic and post it to facebook with the caption "THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN"
>movie ends
Have euro's seriously never applauded some kino at their local kinoplex?
>ask for a plate of "chips & 'chup" at the restaurant
>waiter brings Freedom Fries™ and a Ketchup SUPER BOWL
>grab a fistful of chips
>dip it inside the ketchup bowl
>take it out and point it toward my face
>make aeroplane noises as it goes into my mouth
>Born In The USA starts playing
What is a great lang?
reddit leave
That image makes me want to vomit hard
Same as pic related
>go to store
>able to purchase table knife without a background check or permit
>hidden flag
Someone's hiding something.
> laugh at britbongs yellow teeth
> no socialised healthcare
> no teeth left but at least they aren't yellow
>wanting to leave Murica
Your Burger privileges have been revoked
>I've never been to the Midwest
Stay on your coast you cuck
we have much more modest signs and 90% less chain stores
Why, why does god allow this to occur?
Wtf are you even clapping about? The fucking jews getting your money? Fuck normies
>shill as hard as possible in this ITT thread
>in this ITT thread
>store isn't a chain
How do you know what you're going to get? I wouldn't trust any food that didn't come from an established brand name. Say what you want about McDonalds or Taco Bell but at least you know what you're getting.
>wake up
>inhale freedom
>get on Sup Forums
>laugh at the poors
Haha fuck europe.
Between the health insurance company and you, spending tens of thousands of dollars on medical costs, but the doctors can't find anything wrong with you despite you experiencing long-term symptoms for a couple years. The doctors get paid of course.
>in this ITT thread
>ITT = "In this thread"
>go watch a movie
>something cool happens
>*crowd start clapping*
When some murricans write that they work 12 and more hours a day, 7 days a week, I wonder if they're exaggerating, "working", or really working like Chinese. How can you call yourself 1st world country when you have 4 hours left for yourself everyday?
When all this shit goes to shit, our aircraft carriers will be protecting all you faggots, so you can buy Mountain Dew, and shit post up here with no fear of a yellow dick in your ass.
>be american
>make 70k at 22 years old
>good real estate costs almost nothing compared to Europe/Canada/Australia
>in Europe I'd keep $7.37 after taxes, here I keep $50-$60k
>allowed to own guns and knives
>conservative government
>muslims less than 1% of the population
>all types of scenery on the planet: mountains, beaches, plains, rolling hills, forests, desert
Man this place sucks
>>store isn't a chain
>How do you know what you're going to get? I wouldn't trust any food that didn't come from an established brand name. Say what you want about McDonalds or Taco Bell but at least you know what you're getting.
I capped this.
It's gonna be in a American Spurdo meme
>be born
>foreskin stolen
fixed it for you m8
>plane lands
>russians throw a hissy fit
Be idiot.get job. Marry girl with huge tits. Buy 2400 sq ft house on 3 acres. Fully fund 401k and savings. Stock goes from $35 to $93 in 1 year.
Youre either on vacation in america, behind a proxy, or mentally retarded. Not because of your statement, but because you clearly dont speak american english at all.
The real over-American thing isn't the sign height at all (which is useful so you can see the sign from the interstate highway), but the face that there are TWO. FUCKING. EXXONS. within one block of each other.
He's hiding the fact that he posts the same shit verbatim in multiple threads...Hiya Share blue
Israel is attacking syria
>get shot
I had no insurance and was given a heart and double lung transplant in 9 days. Only 9 days they got me a donor.
Don't believe everything you hear.
who are you clapping for? You know that there are no actors there, right? It's just moving images.
>american english
What the fuck dialect do you think I speak? And where the fuck do you live in the US?
Protestant work ethic. You wouldn't understand.
Correction: Somalian dick
>plane lands
>leave tip
How do you know no one who worked on the film is in that theater? Do you know how many people are involved in making a modern theater? That's just fucking rude not to clap when you know it's a clapping moment. It's like having sex but not firing a gun in the air after.
That seems really doubtful.
post it pls
>Be American
>be 6' 300 lbs
I swear I'll go on a diet next week...
I'm an ex-commie. We were paid for an hour, not for the done work.
>How do you know what you're going to get?
you look at the menu??
I'm going to shock you now...
there are no chain restaurants in my city, literally 0 in a 40k inhabitants city.
I have to drive about 100km (62 miles) to get to the nearest McDonald.
This desu
That's breezewood, PA. It's just a rest stop town on the turnpike between two major cities. This isn't typical...
I'll have 7 cheeseburgers, 2 large fries and a small diet coke please.
I think you speak poorly/shitty
>1 post by this ID
Fuck you.
That's a sin, bro. You gotta fire your gun into your wife
>forget to tip the school shooter
>friends and family clap as my coffin is lowered at the funeral
You mean Jewish slave work ethic. No wonder so many Americans are on antidepressants.
You have no system of standardized food processing if it isn't a chain though. They could give you literally anything.
This proof that enough?
>That'll be $12.34, please pull forward.
I'll have two number nines, a number nine large, a number six with extra dip, a number seven, two number forty-fives, one with cheese, and a large soda.
>turn down an offer to work extra during the weekend
>get fired
Go away man, you just dont belong
>never leave the USA ever in my life
Where would you even go?
Huh. You're pretty lucky then. I know people that have spent months, and in one case years, in a hospital because they couldn't get an organ.
I am Israels dog. Pls.. my most redpilled people support a kikelover who is president, and my country is filled with jewry and degeneracy. I am 56% white.
I love burgers.
Then it's no surprise that your nation's never built something great. Compare the NYC skyline, Silicon Valley, the orchards and farms spread out across the US, our massive military-industrial complex, and our multiple innovations to your middle age castles and everything else you've got.
>i'll be waiting
That's bullshit. You're allowed to turn down weekend work, you just need to tip your boss.
>Youre either on vacation in america, behind a proxy, or mentally retarded. Not because of your statement, but because you clearly dont speak american english at all.
>No apostrophe in the you're contraction
>Proper noun America not capitalized twice
>Proper noun English not capitalized
>No apostrophe in the don't contraction
Is this a new shill tactic? Insult the writing style?
>say something that offends muslims
>don't get arrested
So how much you are in debt?
My age and lack of drugs, smoking and drinking got me on the list in no time.
Is that you? What the fuck happened?
The organ donation networks in my state don't know the insurance status of patients that are being offered organs to avoid bias. They are also nonprofits to minimize profit incentives that would undermine care.
Point out what's wrong. I think the grammar is actually correct. It seems you have poor reading comprehension.
>i'll be waiting
Better get to work, you lazy scum.
What does that even mean.
There are regular inspections for hygiene related problems
and there are pretty strict standards on the raw materials.
yeah no, most americans have white teeth
the reason why you have yellow teeth is because of the socialized health care.
I qualified for medicare, medicaid and social security. I didn't pay a dime.
>Defeating Monarchism
>Defeating Fascism
>Defeating Communism
>Promoting last best hope for Man on Earth
If the boss tips you back then you'll have to work and bone his daughter.