Have you guys cleaned your room today?
Have you guys cleaned your room today?
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No. My room is already clean
Did it yesterday, didn't take much.
I heard Peterson said some shit about how men's standards for women and careers are too high and that "the world needs ditch diggers and ugly women need husbands". I was taken aback to say the least, so I watched the whole video where he supposedly said it but I never caught it.
He said something about how marriage is one shitty person shackling themselves to another, which was pretty depressing, and that co-habitation is just "I'll be with you until someone better bumps into me" so you should get married to prevent that, which makes no sense in the age of no-fault divorce because women can still do that anyway.
The guy kind of creeps me out lately.
Listening to Maps of Meaning right now. I've been regularly cleaning my room and my apartment in the last few days and it's a lot more comfortable right now. It really helped me fight anxiety.
Anyone do his past self-authoring program?
I know the past course has you set your life into 6 epochs, then each epoch is dived down into 6 experiences, each with a 3000-word limit. But what's after that?
Anyone got a link to the past course 4free.jpg?
I think he's getting old and realizes that he doesn't have much time left (10, 15 years?) to help
people and leave a legacy. So he's struggling with what and how to share his wisdom. Urgency, depression, hope. So many things, so little time.
You should really only get married if you want to have kids. Bottom line. I like Peterson a lot but some of his marriage stuff really only applies to people who have their life put together well enough to support themselves and a family.
The big thing young people should take from Peterson is not to deconstruct and destroy everything that came before you, and to make your life goal-oriented. It certainly helped me.
>get married
All normal men fight the thing off; some men are successful for relatively long periods; a few extraordinarily intelligent and courageous men (or perhaps lucky ones) escape altogether. But, taking one generation with another, as every one knows, the average man is duly married and the average woman gets a husband. Thus the great majority of women, in this clear-cut and endless conflict, make manifest their substantial superiority to the great majority of men.
>The big thing young people should take from Peterson is not to deconstruct and destroy everything that came before you, and to make your life goal-oriented. It certainly helped me.
holy shit this. People, especially young ones, seem so predisposed to deconstructing everything and cucking themselves into nihilism. Honestly, I fell into this trap and it fucked me up massively, chronic depression etc.
Is it part of being young or is there something else? Probably me wanting to avoid responsibility, so I manifest this by being 2edgy4u/whatsthepoint.exe
Watch this
Am I wrong, or did he basically say he told a virgin Christian girl in her late 20's to be a whore?
I can easily imagine a scene where society collapses and Peterson is lecturing a crowd of angry young men with his sleeves rolled up, but they aren't listening! The eat him!
Might turn out the other way, Bucko.
Like someone in an earlier thread said, "He's a really bossy guy with a weird boner for authoritarianism. I like how he believes that constraints actually increase creativity. You can definitely see he's got this internal conflict going on, where one part of him hates being compelled to do something while another part fundamentally believes rules and regulations are very necessary, and it's been going on for so long he's miserable and has convinced himself that life is suffering.
He's too smart to act out his beliefs, though, but there are plenty of others who will. He'll likely be used by this rising fascist movement in a similar way Nietzsche's teachings were used as fuel for the Nazis."
boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/131158175
>People, especially young ones, seem so predisposed to deconstructing everything and cucking themselves into nihilism
Peterson talks about this pretty frequently. He references Nietzsche when doing this. Nietzsche hypothesized that the tenets of Christianity would undermine the whole religion, and when that happened, people would be moving towards nihilism, or ideological totalitarianism, which is what happened throughout the whole 20th century.
>Is it part of being young or is there something else? Probably me wanting to avoid responsibility
Peterson says yes to the latter part. Nihilism pretty much is the logical conclusion for most people. Meaning comes from the bearing of responsibility, according to Peterson, and when given the choice between responsibility and nihilism, some people choose meaninglessness.
Trick question my room is never dirty.
I washed some towels that had been on my bathroom floor for 2 months
nonsensical psychobabble. how does he have a 'boner for authoritarianism"? he's been speaking out against totalitarianism his entire career.
>I like how he believes that constraints actually increase creativity
But it does
He pretty clearly has a certain respect for it, the way Orwell did.
Constraints do increase creativity, it focuses the message and more importantly makes the work understandable by others, which is the only way art can be useful
and why is this a bad thing exactly
Where did I imply it was?
Spent over 4 hours yesterday scrubbing my entire apartment. The whole thing is squeaky clean and it feels pretty nice.
Hey fanboys, tell me about the past self-authoring program.
Any good video/audio of him? want something to listen to before I go to bed.
Why is this man always so sweaty and shaky?
>not being a ditch digger
>not marrying an ugly woman
your room must be messy as hell
Naw, I just invaded and annexed my neighbors house for enough lebensraum instead.
Did you see that faggot at the beginning?
He can't even manage to keep both collars outside his blazer. Christ, and these people are supposed to "professionals."
Certainly not professionals when it comes to fucking dressing themselves, FFS.
It's no wonder that nobody takes these faggots seriously anymore.
Lel, Das Roman Salute suits him perfectly!
He should just "come out."
I wonder how long he dawdles before a mirror trying to rearrange the sparse hair above his fivehead for maximum implied scalp coverage.
No, now stop being in my fucking youtube recommendations you toronto meme cuck.